Moose – Rescued With a Severe Wound on his Paw

12/10/18 – This handsome guy was rescued with a severe wound on his paw. When the rescuer returned home from work, she found this big, sweet cat in the wooded area behind her house. He was very friendly but also not neutered. The rescuer was able to get help with a foundation and Moose was taken to a vet. The wound, though, was so bad that Moose had to be sedated for them to clean it out and he required an over-night stay. While sedated, Moose was also neutered. The Foundation learned they did not have enough money to pay Moose’s bill and we were asked to help — which we did., Moose was sent home with his rescuer to recover. Moose is doing well although he did test positive for FIV which should not be a death sentence. Moose has a couple of potential adopters but if anyone is interested in this very sweet, mellow boy, please contact Angela at: [email protected] ~ diana

“Update on Moose! He is doing so much better after the vet visit! He is healing and getting lots of love. He had his wounds cleaned, vaccinations and was neutered. ❤️
And the best part is his bill is now PAID !!! Thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart for picking up his balance after we paid what we raised for him( TASKK)!
What a blsessing! ❤️❤️
Thanks to all who donated! 😘- Melissa”moose 12:10:18 moose--12:10:18

Zoey and Ziggy – Zoey Had 6 Kittens But Only One Survived – Now Mom and Baby Have Been Adopted

12/9/18-Second Chances at Life because of you! ~ diana

zoey and ziggy 12:9:18 zoey & ziggy 12:9:18“This is the best feeling…when you see in your Facebook feed… the Twins being normal extremely happy kitties. They came from our work colony…at 10 months old – feral Tammy (now Zoey) had 6 kittens- one survived due to kitten super momma Denise Najera – The twins, Zoey and Ziggy (LOVE) are so happy and loved. Thank youSamantha Nicole for their perfect forever home – they have the best parents ever. Kati Gudenau job well done with co-fostering….so proud of you. Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heartfor all you do for in the feral world….sometimes happily ever afters happen. – Dee”

Toots – Has His Surgery

12/7/18 – Toots, who was found limping in the driveway of a friend of 4 paws 1 heart, had surgery yesterday. After seeing two doctors, it was determined that Toots should see a surgical specialist. After the specialist examined Toots, two options were given to us — amputate the leg or have surgery to put in a plate and screws to join the broken bones together. We chose to not amputate — as the doctor said “You are 4 Paws 1 Heart, not 3 Paws 1 heart — and to approve surgery because the doctor was very positive about the outcome. Toots is a young adult, and he has already found his way into the hearts of several people, including his rescuer. His surgery was successful and the doctor believes he will be as good as new in about 8 weeks. It is only because of our recent matching campaign that we were able to pay for this surgery in that it was much more than we could normally afford. Toots is another animal, amongst many, who will have a second chance at life because of our generous and loyal supporters. ~ diana


Herman – He Avoided Being Caught for 8 Months

12/7/18 – It took almost 8 months to get this little guy but finally it happened. As always, we are so happy to not only get another animal off of the dangerous streets but to also make sure they never procreate again. I have to share the ‘harrowing’ experience of the rescuer when he finally tried getting Herman to the vet. Herman has since also been neutered. ~ diana

“I attempted to wrangle Herman into the too-small-for-him plastic pet carrier I have but it’s difficult to do by yourself and it was easier to get him into a larger cardboard one I had instead. I get him loaded into the car and head off to the vet to get him vaccinated and a general check-up.

Not even a mile down the road, he is busting out of this thing like that little creature coming out of that dude in the movie “Alien.” He literally clawed his way out of the side of it and hops up onto the passenger seat. His mouth is half-open and he is completely wide-eyed as if to say, “WHAT IS THIS AND WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU TAKING ME?!?!”

Deep down I am freaking out but actually kind of impressed at the same time. This little guy really showed me something today and it’s probably why he survived outside during last year’s brutal winter. I continue on to to the vet because at this point what the hell else am I going to do and he retreats to hiding underneath the driver seat.

I get to the vet and explain the situation to the receptionist. They hand me a cardboard shipping box and shrug their shoulders. I go back out to the car and climb into the back seat. I had planned ahead just in case something like this happened and brought a small bag of treats with me. Eventually I’m able to coax him out, wrestle him into this box that was not made to carry a live animal and into the veterinarian office. The whole thing was a blur and now I am covered in cat hair.

Once inside, Herman started to calm down quite a bit while hiding under a chair in one of the exam rooms. According to the doctor, he was very well behaved when she took him back to get his shots and get his blood drawn. All his tests came back negative, which is great news.

He’s back home now and safely resting upstairs in the guest room. I’m just glad he’s healthy, will soon get fixed and he’ll live out the rest of his life in the comforts of a forever home (after today, I don’t think I can adopt him out-LOL).

This is fittingly how I spent National Cat Day. – Jeffrey”😹herman w:jeffrey moore 10:16:18-- herman w:jeffrey moore 10:15:18 herman w:jeffrey moore 10.29:18 herman w:j moore 10:29:18

Stony and Tiger – Stricken with Panleukopenia – Fought for Their Lives

Please share and let’s get these sweeties into a foster/forever home. They have had a tough time and deserve all the live they can get. If you can help, contact: [email protected]

A ReJoyceful Animal Rescustony 12:5:18tiger 12:5:18e


We currently have two kittens approx 6-9 months old in urgent need of a foster home. They have spent the week in emergency with panleukopenia fighting for their lives, and now they need a place to crash until they’re ready for adoption.

These little guys are fighters and they certainly don’t deserve to spend time in boarding after recovering from this awful illness. Please let us know if you’re interested in fostering and we will get you set up with supplies and food! The rescue will cover all expenses for these kittens until adoption.”

Watson – Rescued From a Barn With Several Medical Issues

12/4/18 – Watson was rescued from a barn at 4 weeks old. The poor little guy had several issues that the rescuer took care of until the family was just tapped out. Watson started having issues with his urinary tract and they contacted us. We were happy to help Watson and will be there if he needs us in the future. Thank you for your donations during this $2,000 Matching Campaign which ends tonight at midnight. ~ diana 12:4:18

Smokey – Was Looking For His Forever Home But Now Has Been Adopted

Little Smokey is looking for his forever home. Please share and let’s make it happen. Contact: [email protected]
We know he will miss his brother and sister when they leave. -diana

smokey w:rosie roo 12:3:18A Second Chance For Chance

SMOKEY: Roo, can I tell you a secret? Ashley told me her & Dusty have a wonderful Together Forever home waiting for them. I dont have a Forever Home waiting for me…do you think someone will want to dopt me???
ROO: Are you kidding me kid??? Have you seen you??? Why you’re absolutely purrrrfect!!! Dont you worry for one little minute about such things, mom will make sure your purrrfect family finds you. Until then we love you to the moon and back, you come ere and snuggle with ole Roo kid. I’m gonna tell you a story, and then I’m gonna tuck you in with your brother & sister and you’re gonna close those lil peepers and not worry anymore.
Silly kid, can you imagine Team??? We know his purrrfect family will see him any day now! I didnt want to stress the kid out reminding him he needs his shots and neuter first anyway and that’s all happening this Friday thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart. That boy is purrfect I tell you, a little shy, but purrrfect! Sweet dreams Team, see you all tomorrow. Love Roo, Smokey, Chance & the Gang

The Wedding Shoppe, Berkley, MI – Thank YOU

12/2/18 – Over the years we have assisted a very kind person in her efforts to spay/neuter (and sometimes find homes) and care for a cat community. And now, she and her employer, The Wedding Shoppe, in Berkley, MI want to give back. 4 Paws 1 Heart has been selected as the Wedding Shoppe’s “charity to bless” by donating a portion of the December gown sales to 4 Paws 1 Heart. If you or a friend are planning a wedding, please check them out and tell them 4 Paws 1 Heart said “thanks”. ~ diana