Sprout Found in Detroit

If you haven’t been to a Five Below yet please visit the one in Rochester (location is on the flyer) and bring this flyer with you. For every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday during the month of May, 10% of all sales accompanied with the flyer will be donated to 4 Paws 1 Heart. In the Five Below stores everything is less than $5 and there is something for everyone. If you have school aged children, it’s even more fun. You name it, the got it — from duck tape to beach supplies. Thanks for your support!
May 7, 2013 – Yesterday a senior gentleman witnessed this dog being hit by a car in Detroit. He found the owners and they verbally said they did not want the dog, and according to the elderly man nor did they show any concern for their dog. Instead, they said to the man “you want him take him”. So he took the pup home and called for help. I offered him the option to bring the dog to me and “4 paws 1 heart” would have him examined and medically cared for. Turns out the rear Femur is badly broken. We are looking into surgery options at this time. I’ll keep you updated. We are calling him Scruffy. He smells badly and he is matted and un-neutered. Doesn’t appear that he had any veterinary care. We are going to wait until his leg is assessed before we have him groomed. But, rest assured, his life will be better from here on out. Although this kind gentleman made a generous donation to 4 Paws 1 Heart, the medical bills to get this sweetheart all fixed up will be quite significant. ~ giana
5/7/13 – A report from our good friends at NBS regarding our little Missi ~ diana
CONGRATULATIONS TO MISSY who found her fur-ever home with the fantastic Giannosa Family!!
Missy came to NBS Animal Rescue from our very good friends at 4 Paws 1 Heart. Missy was hit by a car and her owners could not afford to treat her extensive injuries so 4 Paws 1 Heart offered to treat Missy’s injuries and give her a second chance at a healthy happy life. Missy had to have her eyeball removed the day after the accident, her bottom jaw wired together, and had some trauma to her hind end as a result of the car accident. The amazingly awesome Gina took care of this sweet baby day and night as she recovered from her surgeries.
Once Missy was well enough to leave the ER vet hospital, she came into one of our experienced medical foster homes and spent several weeks recovering from her medical concerns and learning how to function with limited vision. It was while Missy was recovering from her injuries from the accident that Tina Giannosa contacted NBS Animal Rescue about making Missy a part of their family. Missy’s foster parents were so very excited to introduce her to the Giannosa family as in the weeks since her initial surgery Missy had started to blossom into a playful, happy, energetic, loving little girl.
The Giannosa Family was so incredibly welcoming to Missy and to our volunteers! Both of Missy’s human siblings took extra special care to move slowly around her at first and to avoid petting her surgical site on the right side of her face. They had toys already for her to chase, a soft bed for her to sleep on, and were smitten by the little ball of white fur who romped around their house and crawled in their laps for ear scratches and belly rubs!
Missy wasted no time making herself at home! She found the water bowl, checked out all of the rooms in the house, went on a walk in the yard behind her house, whipped around squeaky toys, chased tennis balls, and really turned on the charm for her new family. Our volunteers said it was such a heartwarming experience to see Missy so happy and comfortable with such gentle, caring, and compassionate people.
Despite the best of care, Missy required a second surgery on her eye to correct an issue with her tear duct. The Giannosa Family dilligently kept in contact with Missy’s foster mom and dad to make sure she was healing properly and doing well counting the days until she could come and live at their house. It was all smiles and tail waggs when Missy was reunited with the Giannosa Family after she had healed!!
We’re happy to share the following e-mail we recently received from Tina as Missy’s trial adoption comes to a close:
“As for having Missy in our home, she is pure joy! When I saw her story i couldn’t pass her up. She deserved a good life and I believe we where the family to give it to her. She is perfect in our eyes. She loves to cuddle on the couch and likes to sit on anyones lap. She runs laps when we get home from being out and makes us laugh when she “kills” her stuffed animal.
My son was the choosen one that she sleeps with and rightfully so as he has also overcome a rough beginning being that he was born 1lb 10oz. We didnt give up on him and wanted the same for her. Thank you so much for doing what you do, i would love to volunteer for any of your events. You are special people.
The Giannosa Family”
We can’t begin to thank our friends at 4 Paws 1 Heart for saving her life, our friends at Bingo Pet Salon for being so gentle and having so much patience with her for grooming, and especially the Giannosa Family for opening their hearts and home to Missy.
Welcome to the NBS Family Giannosa Family! Happy Tails Missy – we look forward to many happy updates, pictures, and stories! — with Diana Rascano and Gina DeLuca.”
4 Paws 1 Heart received a call for help from the Cass Corridor Cat Colony group needing emergency help for 3 kittens. Unfortunately, one kitten didn’t make it. Here’s a photo of the two surviving kittens. The kitten wearing a cone will need his eye removed. ~ gina
There are so many cats and kittens on our streets and they get such little attention from the media and others in the community. An article that I recently read quoted a feral colony volunteer as saying there are an estimated 20,000 roaming cats just in Northville alone. We must spay and neuter. ~ diana
5/2/13 A 4 Paws 1 Heart friend recently contacted us looking for help in placing two cats who had been dumped on her dad’s property. Unfortunately I had to tell her that we are not a rescue and couldn’t help with placement but would be happy to pay for neutering and spaying if she could find them a home. She did and we did. Here’s a photo of the two the day they got fixed. We thank Jessica T. for caring and taking in these sweethearts. ~ diana
5/2/13 These three kittens were found on a boat with no mommy around, a Good Samaritan brought them into 4 Paws 1 Heart and we made sure that they were all healthy and prepared to go to good homes.
May 7, 2013 – Yesterday a senior gentleman witnessed this dog being hit by a car in Detroit. He found the owners and they verbally said they did not want the dog, and according to the elderly man nor did they show any concern for their dog. Instead, they said to the man “you want him take him”. So he took the pup home and called for help. I offered him the option to bring the dog to me and “4 paws 1 heart” would have him examined and medically cared for. Turns out the rear Femur is badly broken. We are looking into surgery options at this time. I’ll keep you updated. We are calling him Scruffy. He smells badly and he is matted and un-neutered. Doesn’t appear that he had any veterinary care. We are going to wait until his leg is assessed before we have him groomed. But, rest assured, his life will be better from here on out. Although this kind gentleman made a generous donation to 4 Paws 1 Heart, the medical bills to get this sweetheart all fixed up will be quite significant. ~ giana