Gandolf – A Serious Sinus Infection Caused Bleeding

1/2/18 – gandolf 1:2:18I not only share these posts so that our supporters know where their donations go but to also educate on some of the unusual medical conditions welcome across. We are so happy for our boy, Gandolf, – diana

“Update on my big boy Gandalf the Grey! Great News!!! His teeth are all good, got a good cleaning, nails trimmed, and he was good to go! No extractions!!!! It appears his sinus infection was so bad that it disguised his teeth to look bad under all that gunk he was dealing with. Believe me that infection was horrendous. Even his ears had blood in them, however, it is all cleared up and my big boy is home and had his first meal for the day. On another note….ran into Denise Najera, Michelle and Rosie Roo! And…..many many thanks to Diana Rascano and 4Paws1Heart for all their medical backing for all of us fosters and all the animals in need of medical care. Without you, we could not save those that we do.-Patricia”

Pogo – Found Himself at the Macomb County Animal Control Shelter After Being Hit by a Car

1/2/18 – As you may know, last week I toured the Macomb County Animal Control Shelter along with Jacob, the young man who raised money and food. While at the shelter, I looked up a new employee who has worked with a rescue we’ve helped in the past. I told her if she ever needed our help, to let me know. As I’ve said many times, municipal shelters just aren’t funded to cover significant medical needs. The next day, she called me to tell me about Pogo. Pogo was brought into the shelter after having been hit by a car. X-Rays showed he had a broken leg. He was given pain medication and kept contained in hopes an owner would show up; none ever did. I was asked if we could cover his medical, which might include an amputation, if a rescue could be found. I agreed and a rescue, Make A Difference, offered to take in Pogo. Pogo was taken to the hospital. The doctor there advised that Pogo’s hip was dislocated and although the leg could be saved, he would still require surgery. Pogo is now on standby for surgery (which will include neutering), so please say a little prayer for him. I will update when I hear from the rescue. ~ dianapogo

Michel – Rescued With a Severe Upper Respiratory Infection; Totally Infested With Fleas

01/01/18 – Happy New Year! What better way to start 2018 than by reporting a happy beginning for sweet, big boy, Michael. It was late November when Michael was rescued by a 4 Paws 1 Heart supporter who usually helps with dog rescues. And although she doesn’t have a lot of cat knowledge, she couldn’t turn her back from what was certainly a very sick cat who showed up at her mother’s house. Michael’s eye was nearly closed and he was totally infested with fleas. We authorized Michael to be seen at the veterinary clinic and a huge abscess was found under his eye. He also tested positive for FIV. He was later transferred to someone who was more familiar with cats and after a few hospital visits, Michael’s health finally began to improve and all signs of infection were gone. And, GUESS WHAT? Michael was tested again and he was found to be NEGATIVE for FIV and FeLV. So a lesson learned for all of our friends, if your cat is tested while diagnosed with an infection, you may want to retest once the infection is cleared. This very sweet boy was adopted this week end to a loving home and we are confident that he will spend the rest of his life with much love. ~ dianamichael 11:23:17michael 12:9:17michael 12:31:17

Rudy – Mr. January, 2018

12/31/17 – Happy New Year’s Eve. You may remember Rudy (aka Trouble). He is Mr. January in the 2018 4 Paws 1 Heart calendar. Why January??? Because it was New Year’s day when Rudy was taken to emergency twice and had his second surgery to have several inches of his intestine removed because of a genetic disease. The doctor said that if he could survive and grow, the chances of futures surgeries would be reduced. Well, tomorrow we celebrate one year of our Rudy doing well. Here are his photos of today and one year ago when he was rescued. We love this little guy. And only because of the 4 Paws 1 Heart Community can we continue to make miracles happen~ dianaRudy 12:29:17rudy 12:2016

Blizzard and Gizmo – Update

12/30/17 – Blizzard 12:30:17gizmo and angel 12:30:17It has been just over 1 week since I took home 2 Christmas miracles, “Gizmo” the puppy and “Blizzard” the kitten. They are both getting stronger every day while getting lots of kisses, food, warmth, and attention. Thank you all for the prayers and positive thoughts. My Angel is always helpful with the foster pups that I bring home. She provides comfort and security for these little orphan babies. I have some cute pics of her with the baby. Gina

Thank YOU to our Many Supporters

Although this is a posting from 4 years ago, the message and the sentiment still applies. It is only with the support of our friends can we continue to make a difference. May God bless our friends with a 2018 filled with much love, laughter, good health, and dog/kitty kisses. Check out the stories of these animals on our website and our Facebook notes.-diana

1483350_690933834272251_1590305165_n12/30/13 Before the hubbub of New Year’s Eve, we wanted to again thank all of our supporters who have helped us make a difference in so many lives. We also want to remind everyone that 4 Paws 1 Heart is a 501c3 charitable organization and all donations are tax deductible. So, as we enter a new year of saving the abandoned and abused, we would just like to share with all of our friends a sentiment sent to us by our friend, Dinah Brinson, mom of our dearly departed, Ruby Faith. Dinah captured in words what is in our hearts. May 2014 be filled with many more lives saved because of the work we will do together! ~ diana

“May we realize that all we need we already have. May we cherish the friends and loved ones placed so reverently within our paths to love, appreciate, respect, and find humor and good grace with. May we stand up when there is a call to courage and be the voices for those who cannot save themselves. May we give thanks for our kind hearts, our good health, our sense of humor, our many gifts and the love we share. It is this blessing that I send you as we wrap up another year and begin anew. They sure seem to go faster and faster. Good tidings, our sweet friend, Diana. We are rich in many things. Of course, that’s what Mom used to tell us when what she really meant was, “You aren’t getting that new bike you wanted!” So we redefine what rich means, knowing that the true and lasting riches are those of the heart. God bless you and your family. Spend some well-deserved time refueling your generous spirit.” ~ Dinah Brandon”

Jolly – From “Alley Dog” to Loved Pet

12/30/17 – As we get close to the end of 2017, I want to remind everyone who wants to make a year-end donation to a worthy charitable organization, please consider 4 Paw 1 Heart. 99% of the dollars donated go directly to veterinarians for medical care of abandoned, stray, and abused animals. Jolly was a recent case. This was our first contact regarding Jolly: ~ dianaJolly 12:28:17jolly 9:29:17

“Good morning Diana:
Thank you so much for talking to me just now. I’ve attached some photos of Jolly and my daughter, Samantha.
Jolly, second name is the Alley dog because the neighbors here in Southwest Detroit found Jolly in the alley since it was her territory. Another neighbor, owned Jolly but never really took care of her. She would roam the alley so she was such a fantastic jumper of fences. The neighbor never gave her any vaccinations. Three of the neighbors on my block volunteered to pay for her spay and finally after convincing Jolly’s owner she agreed. We tried to have her spayed in June but she was already pregnant. In July she had nine puppies from a male pitbull who also was in the backyard.
The neighbor finally agreed and on Monday she was spayed at All About Animals. All About Animals said that she had heart worm and a skin infection. I’m giving Jolly medicine for the skin infection. I want to know if I should also put on the flea medicine or maybe that’s too much for her during this time of recovery and even having heart worm.
Jolly is recovering well and is a happy dog. I currently have her at my house and have put in on her on a regular diet. It’s been a big change for her since she’s been used to being outside all the time and used to eating scraps that other neighbors fit her along the alley.
I very much appreciate any help you can give us and look forward to supporting you in your efforts to have healthy happy dogs. – Janet”

UPDATE: A surrender form was signed by the owner, Jolly will start heart worm treatment this week because heart worm medication has been back ordered for months. Janet went on to find a loving family for Jolly. She has also helped to find homes for Jolly’s puppies. This is Jolly’s first Christmas photo and the other photo is from when Jolly was first surrendered and rescued. Prayers that Jolly will soon be heart worm free. – diana

Norbie and Nolan and Others – Neutered, Returned and Others (Nolan and Norbie)Who Will Find a Forever Home

12/29/17 – More beautiful cats who will not be searching for food and shelter because of caring rescuers, fosters, and 4 Paws 1 Heart. Anyone interested in these beauties should contact Cristen at: [email protected] ~ diana

“The 3 on top were TNRd . The 2 kittens on bottom are available for adoption through Tigerlily Cat Rescue 😻😻 Nolan and Norbie are both males, along with their sister Nova (not pictured). Thank you for helping us 4 Paws 1 Heart ❤ – Cristen”cats w:cristen jean 12:29:17

Cookie – Christmas Story

12/28/17 – Although this was 5 years ago, I thought the story was again worthy of sharing during this Christmas season. ~ diana

“12/25/16 Christmas Story #2 – It was December 3, 2012 when we received a call about a dog standing on a rock in Lake St. Clair, the cold waves lapping over her.Because no authority could help, Tony climbed down the sea wall and rescued this wet and frozen little girl. My neighbor and I immediately took her to a nearby veterinary where 4 Paws 1 Heart covered her medical. Her body temperature was very low but fortunately, she had a microchip, and no other injuries. The owner was eventually contacted and we learned that Cookie had been missing for 5 days. We have no idea how this little dog got into the water in that the sea walls are quite high where she was found. Cookie was back with her mom by late that night.
Now — There was a Christmas twist to this tale. It turned out that Cookie’s owner actually lives next door to the house my grandparents lived before they died and she had been a tremendous help to my family in offering rides to the doctor and the grocery store. She always kept an eye on them. When I found out who Cookie’s owner was, I was convinced that my grandfather played a role in Cookie’s rescue. The next day we were having lunch at the Butter Run, St. Clair Shores. When my drink was brought to the table, it was in a vintage glass just like the ones my grandfather had given to me before he died. I think Grandpa was saying “Thank You” for saving Cookie for her mom, Alberta. Merry Christmas. ~ diana”15697279_1354318131267148_1768716208505150587_n15698280_1354318047933823_355135484423688299_n15621765_1354318504600444_3052779062206844091_n