9/24/22 – Please pray that Dr. Zalac can figure out what is causing Chance’s urinary issues. – diana
MOM: Good morning Team, Happy Saturday! So, I wanted to give everybody an update on our Superhero Chance.
On Sept 4th I knew something was wrong when Chance peed his pillows in my bed. Then he was straining to go in his box, but nothing was coming out. I called Dr. Zs at Orion Animal Hospital and was told to bring him right in and I was to drop him off and they would squeeze him in. When Dr. Z called she said she was able to get some urine from him so he was not blocked but his urine was full of blood. She did bloodwork and a urine culture, also an ultrasound that showed his bladder was very inflamed and thickened and it was decided that because we live quite a ways it would be best he stay the night in case he blocked. On the 5th his culture came back with no bacteria, so no uti. But…again he was not out of the woods so he stayed another night. Although he was not using his box, he was peeing. The thought was that he was suffering from a Cystitis flare up and with prednisolone & gabapentin it would clear in a few days. But there was no change and a script was called in for an antibiotic, still no change. On the 19th Chance went back to see Dr. Z and she repeated his ultrasound. His bladder looked great although he still had blood in his urine and still peeing himself in his crate. It was decided due to his mobility issues he needed to be out of his crate during the day so he wouldn’t lose use of his legs and maybe that would encourage him to go in the box. What is happening now…he goes in the box only a few dribbles but he pees when he’s walking around downstairs where he has been confined and goes in his crate at night. Just randomly pees as he’s walking like he has zero control of his bladder.
So after contacting Dr. Z and her researching and speaking with colleagues Chance will be going in Monday morning for a drop off with Dr. Z where she will do repeat xrays looking for any spine lesions that could contribute to nerve damage of his bladder and she will also anesthetize him to pass a urinary catheter to check for urethral strictures that are blocking his urine flow. Keep in mind that we dont know exactly how Chance became paralyzed in the 1st place other then it was following his neuter procedure before he came to us. We have no idea if this has anything to do with that.
Please keep Chance in your prayers that we get this figured out soon, we need to get back to our Nightynite snuggles. We are so thankful to Dr. Z, we know how hard she’s working to get Chance back on his feet and there’s no one we trust more to do that. And please keep 4Paws1Heart in your thoughts & prayers who have been by Chances side throughout his journey starting in 2015. Money is going out faster then its coming in and they are unable to take on any new serious cases or projects at this time. Your donations are needed more then ever before Team! If you would like to help please go to:
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

We will keep you posted on what happens Monday