9/30/22 – For those of you who are new to 4 Paws 1 Heart, please check out Chance’s story on our website or search ‘Chance’ on our facebook page. In short, this handsome boy was in a Genesee County shelter and for some reason after he was neutered, his back legs became paralyzed. An amazing volunteer contacted Denise Najera who we had helped a little in the past to see if she could take in chance because he would have been euthanized. Denise contacted me and the rest is history. After a long period of therapy and visits to Dr. Kern of Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine, Chance was able to walk again. Chance did a couple of interviews with the media and he became the 4 Paws 1 Heart Feline Mascot. We committed to always be there for him and we will keep that commitment. Pray for our boy and follow him and his great team of ‘fun misfits’ on the Second Chance for Chance facebook page. Your donations make a huge difference not only in the lives of our 4-legged friends but to the many humans who fall in love with them. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
“The innocent look on their face is enough to take up most of the room in your heart” – Mark Twain

CHANCE: Goood morning Team, Happy Thursday! Can you believe moms got me helping her with the laundry??? A SuperHero wears many hats!
Sooo, mom heard from Dr. Z this morning who heard from the specialist she’s consulting with about me. She sent him my latest x-rays and he says he believes he seeing evidence of disk disease in my spine that might be impinging on my spinal cord and causing my bladder dysfunction and wonky back legs. I am still walking Team, just not as good as I was a month ago and I am using my tail a lot more to help with my balance. Dr. Z is sending the images to Dr. Kern at Pawsitive Steps for her opinion and so she has them for my appt on the 4th. Not sure what all this will mean, but one step at a time and right now mom needs me to step it up and help her with the laundry! Slave driver!!! No…really, I’m happy to be helping mom. You know she cant get through a day without my help. Have a great day Team and please donate if you are able!