7/22/22 – At 6 a.m. this morning I received a call-out for help from a 4p1h friend, Shawn, who we’ve assisted several times over the years. She had rescued a pregnant cat and on July 12, the cat gave birth to 6 kittens. Cookie has been a great mama for the past week and a half but she hadn’t been eating well. This morning when Shawn checked on her, Cookie was very lethargic and wasn’t with her kittens. Also, Shawn noticed that Cookie hadn’t eaten at all. Cookie was taken to our friends at Advanced Animal Emergency and the doctor called me shortly after. Cookie has a temp of 105 degrees. She is very skinny and has nasal and eye discharge and her lungs sounded a little raspy. The doctor reported that she tested negative for FIV FeLV and an ultrasound ruled pyometra. Also, the x rays showed no pneumonia and the blood work only indicated a high white cell count which is probably attributed to a severe upper respiratory infection. Cookie will be getting the medical care needed and the babies will be fed and sent home with what will be needed for bottle feeding. We have put our a request for bottle feeders and our friend, Debbie, has offered to help for 1-2 days but Shawn may need more help depending on Cookie’s recovery and whether she will be able to nurse.
The bottom line, is that she is a very sick and she’s a young mama who needs our prayers. We will not put her recovery at risk and she still has 6 babies to nurse, but we have asked the medical staff to help us save anyway possible without jeopardizing Cookie’s health. At this time, Cookie will be hospitalized for 24 to 36 hours and possibly 48 if her high temperature hasn’t broken. So again, prayers and your donations make a difference in so many lives. Thank you – diana.