ALERT – Cats in Danger; Being Used in Dog Fighting

2/24/21 – ALERT – This information came from a friend who cares for cat communities and rescues both dogs and cats in Detroit.
“Some dog fighting rings are now putting purple, yellow, and green bright colors on white areas of cats that they’re using as bait for fighting dogs. They now are betting on which cat will last the longest by three marked colors that are on them. So tell people to watch their cat communities. The only.reason this is out is that a lucky grey kitty escaped with purple paws and then later other cats were found dead, with color-coded parts. Plus, I had someone warn me to watch out for this.”
If anyone can add to this information it would be appreciated by all cat rescuers and caretakers. And this is one of many reasons for NEVER giving out cats for free and without appropriate vetting of the humans. – diana
3/11/21 – This

TeeTee (aka Kiki) – Update

2/24/21 – After a very sad beginning of the week, I received this very happy update. You might remember Miss TeeTee (now Miss Kiki) she’s the kitty who jumped in the rescuer’s car and refused to leave. When the rescuer gave up trying and started to drive, Kiki jumped in the rescuer’s lap and the rest is history. Here is Elisavet’s update:
“We cannot even believe how sweet, easygoing she is. I was afraid she might be a little feral after she chewed her way out of the kittypen the night before she went to get fixed but nope! She totally loves being an indoor kitty & is pretty well behaved for a hoodrat kitty lol. She does like to chew into the trashbags & if bread or bread-like products are left out unguarded, guarantee there will be parts eaten next time we see them so now the bread & bread-like products live in the oven lol.
She’s a sweet funny baby & our youngest (a boy we found outside the laundromat two yrs ago when he was just a starving wet skinny shivering kitten) has a playmate!! He had been driving our old ladies crazy wanting to play & they wanted no part of running, chasing & jumping lol. Miss Kiki LOVES to play!!
Thank u again so so much for getting her all fixed up. We adore her more than I can say.”
God’s blessings to all who rescue and may he watch over the many animals who haven’t been lucky enough to be rescued yet. – diana
kiki 1:26:21 kiki 12:30:20----

Onyx – Update

2/23/21 – Remember Onyx. We don’t know how it happened but we thought she would lose a toe and her leg. We arranged to have her seen by Dr. Zalac of Orion Animal Hospital who prescribed antibiotics and medical soaks. Yesterday, Onyx had another follow-up visit and the doctor was very pleased with the results. Onyx has gained a little weight. Her wounds are almost totally healed. No more medicines, no more soaks, and she can use regular litter. Onyx was vaccinated but she is still having bowel issues. She may have irritable bowel syndrome. She has a recheck in 3 weeks. Because of our amazing doctors, our generous supporters, and the caring rescuers/fosters, another kitty found in the brutal cold, who would have surely lost her leg, or worse, died on the streets, is saved an loved. Onyx will eventually be needing her forever home so please keep this beauty in mind. She is very loving and loves to lay on the bed purring most of the day. – diana

Jasper – Found Dragging His Back Legs

2/22/21 – Our friend Jo A. took in a rescue 12 days ago and placed him with a great foster. The cat was eating and drinking but dragging his back legs. We were able to get him into one of our favorite doctors who found he has a crushed vertebrae, his pelvis is misaligned, and he has tail damage. Of course, we don’t know how all of this happened. The doctor gave pain meds and antibiotics and ordered crate rest. Today, the foster checked in to say that Jasper is doing much better and is, surprisingly, able to stand and walk although a little ‘crookedly’. He is now off of the antibiotics and has two more days of pain meds. He will be having a follow up visit with the doctor this Friday. – diana

Chloe – RIP – Abandoned by Her Owners When They Moved

2/22/21 – RIP Chloe. This beautiful girl was abandoned by her owners when they moved. A friend of the rescuer would feed her but noticed that other strays in the neighborhood would beat up on her. The rescuer, Candice, took Chloe in and noticed that she was breathing heavily and after one night in her home, was no longer walking. We were able to get Chloe in to one of our partner vets today and the doctor discovered that Chloe had a huge tumor on her lung. Her prognosis was very dim and it was decided to humanely euthanize her. The rescuer will be with her this afternoon when she crosses the Rainbow Bridge and we will provide for a private cremation so that she can be buried with love when the ground is no longer frozen. May God bless the rescuer and our many veterinarians who generously work with us. – diana

Si – RIP – He Was Too Sick to Save

2/22/21 – RIP Si. This beautiful innocent was recently trapped. She had severe diarrhea and a ‘hole/wound’ on her head. We authorized her visit to a vet and, unfortunately, she passed away during surgery. Unfortunately, there continues to be an overwhelming number of cats on the streets getting sick and injured. Thank you to Shares and Prayers Animal Rescue for trying to save this beautiful creature. – diana
Note: I originally thought Si passed away during surgery but she actually died before. The owner of the vet reported the following (and Si was a he”:
“this kitty was so sick he passed away under pre-anesthesia. It’s devastated the entire clinic. He was so sick, when they shaved his side, he had sores on top of soars and his mouth was filled with ulcers.”
This has been an absolutely horrendous year for cats abandoned or born on the streets. Please remember all animals in your w:carmenkline si 2:22:21 si w:carmine

Batman and Winter – One Rescued in a Mobile Home Park and One From the Streets

2/20/21 – Batman and Winter were both rescued during this brutal month. Batman was rescued in a trailer park and Winter was rescued from the streets in Mt. Clemens, MI. Both of them are neutered, vaccinated, tested, and treated for fleas/parasites. Anyone interested in these beauties should contact Danica at: [email protected] – diana

Pecan – Has a Rough Day

2/20/21 – Our sweet Pecan. Your $ save lives! – diana

“Hi all…Pecan here….I had a bit of a rough day yesterday (I snuggled with my Reiki blankie that Aunt Cynthia made) I know foster mommy was disappointed since I didn’t help her work from home like I usually do. It was foster Daddy’s fault since he took me in the get a couple of shots…Auntie Gina was in on it too..and also 4 Paws 1 Heart since the are backing my medical. But don’t worry folks I’m back in action bright and early today! Gotta go…. I have lots of playing to catch up on! – Pecan”


Violetta, Sabrina, Marmalade, Tangerine – Violetta Passed Away After Surgery All Others Were Successfully Spayed/Neutered

2/19/21 – RIP Violetta. She was rescued with 3 other kittens and 1 adult cat (Micky). All 4, Sabrina, Marmalade, Tangerine, and Violetta were taken in today to be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, tested, etc. Unfortunately, Violetta died in recovery and was brought back to life but she started having seizures — while attempts were made to get her to an emergency for 24 hour observation, her seizures became worse and the vet and the rescuer decided to humanely euthanize her. I wish we could save them all but we often don’t know how many times a female has had litters which affects the lives of the babies or what other genetic issues they may have. We are sad for the loss of beautiful Violetta but grateful that Micky is doing good and the other 3 siblings are doing well. This has been a very brutal period for animals on the streets. Please pray for them and thank you so very much for your continued support. – diana

Buddy – Lived the Life of a ‘Feral’ Until He Showed Up with a Prolapsed Rectum

2/18/21 – Buddy lived his life as a community cat. He was born early last year to a stray female who had what appeared to be many litters. The family caring for the community ‘inherited’ them about three years ago when the moved into their home. Over the past 3 years they took in two of the cats and found homes for some others and those left outside were provided shelter and food. In October, 2020 they noticed that Buddy’s rectum was “coming out– and not just a little but at least 3 inches” . Unfortunately, because of all of the animals they have helped, they couldn’t afford to help Buddy and contacted us last week. Buddy was able to get in to our vet at Five Mile Animal Hospital and he had surgery on Friday, February 15. His caretaker, Deanna, sent me an update the other day and said that Buddy is doing great and he is very lovable. Because they already have 4 cats and two dogs, they will be trying to find a furever home for Buddy and anyone interested can contact me and I will give Deanna your information. I’m praying that Buddy finds that loving family and I’m forever grateful to our many supporters who make miracles happen. – dianabuddy w:deanna fischer 2:11:21 buddy 2:11:21