Rocky – Happy Update

3/7/21 – 4 Paws 1 Heart was there when Rocky was rescued. Now a rescue has taken him under their wing and he has been fostered by our friend, Shayla. It’s amazing when a village can come together. – diana
“Guess what guys? I is wredy
for my frever home! My name is Wrocky and I is 6 months old. I will love my new hooman fowevewr and ever! I wuvs to cuddle to! Yep, naps and kibble and nummy snacks is mine favowrite fings to do! SIS has mowr to say bout me so I will yet dem say some stuff to I spose. I sure is good boy and hope to meet yew soon!
Lov, Wrocky
As he said, Rocky is now ready for his forever home! Rescued from a life of other dogs attacking him to teach them to fight, Rocky wanted nothing to do with being mean to other dogs. He is a lover and likes other dogs so much that we really want someone who has a dog to adopt him Rocky is doing well on potty training and is vaccinated and neutered. He is SUCH a sweet, gentle boy.
We received so many inquires on this guy before but he was not ready. If you are still interested in making this guy a part of your family please send us a message.
This sweet guy deserves the best!”Rocky 3:7:21 Rocky 3:7:21= rocky 3:7:21==

Apple (aka Oatie) – Found On an Overpass Near the Freeway

3/2/21 – First let me humbly thank our dear, long-time friend who celebrated her 50th Birthday by offering to match up to $1,000 in donations through the end of February. Because of her and the amazing generosity of our supporters, the challenge was met. These dollars are used to fund medical treatment for the many stray, abused, and abandoned animals found on the streets injured or sick. Apple (formerly known as Oatie) is one of those animals. Here is what was sent to me during the brutal month of December:
“I found the sweetest pit bull while out on my run on Sunday. She was on an overpass by the Lodge freeway. She came straight to me. She was hungry and cold, but very friendly. She licked my face and hopped right in my car when my husband came to get us. My friend, Ash, of My Sidekick Dog Training, is fostering her at her home and I’m helping her as much as I can, as I don’t have space and my pup doesn’t do well with other dogs in her space.
Ash and I named her Oatie. Ash noticed a cough today, so I brought her to the vet. She has heart worms and there are larvae in her blood. I’m starting her on Doxycycline and they’re doing a chest x ray and blood work. Ash suggested that I reach out to your organization to ask if you can help with the heart worm injections that will be coming. She’s such a good girl; I have to have her treated. I can’t leave her to deal with this. But today’s bill was already so expensive and it was only the first round of treatment. She’s going to make someone such a wonderful best friend. Ash and I will make sure she’s cared for and find her a good home. If there’s any way 4 Paws 1 Heart can help it would truly be a bright light in this crazy year. Thank you for your time and consideration. I truly appreciate what you and your group do. – Megan”
Fortunately, we were able to say YES and Apple started her treatment at Comfort’s Place on January 5. AND, the even better news is that she has found her forever home with a loving mom who also happens to be a nurse. Of course, we have a commitment to this very sweet girl and will complete her medical treatment until she is fully recovered and has been able to be spayed and vaccinated. – dianaApple 3:2:21 apple 3:2:21- apple 3:2:21==

Rocky – Because of the Bite Scars, It’s Suspected He Was Used as a Bait Dog

2/25/21 – This is Rocky. It is suspected he was being used as a bait dog by a dog fighting ring. Rocky is estimated to be about 5 months old. He had bite scars all over his body. A brave and caring person got him out of the situation yesterday and he was able to get into one of our vets immediately for a heart worm test, vaccines, a general check up and eventual neuter. Rocky also had a growth on his jaw which may have been caused by another earlier injury and may require an x ray. A rescue organization will be searched to take him in and ensure he is able to decompress. The rescuer advised that even with all of this abuse, Rocky is very sweet. – diana

Mason – He Was Having Grande Mal Seizures and His Owners Couldn’t Care for Him

2/16/21 – Mason was an owner surrender. The owners reached out to Streethearts when the dog started having Grand Mal seizures and he was also vomiting and having diarrhea. They had no financial means to get this dog any help and he had never been to a vet before. Streethearts immediately picked him up and got him to the vet on 2/5 where he was seen and treated by a specialist. He was discharged 4 days later and is in a temporary foster home being monitored. Streethearts reached out to us, once again, because they have had a number of serious medical cases over the past few weeks with dogs in the Flint area. Fortunately, we were also able to pay for Mason’s treatment. – diana

Shelby – Found With a “Blind Eye” and and Eye Needing Surgery

2/15/21 – 12 week old Shelby, who was surrendered to Streethearts Animal Rescue on February 3, 2021. The person stated that she was found outside and that she could not keep her. Shelby weighed only 10 pounds and should have weighed 15, plus she had a “horrible” blind eye that required enucleation and the other eye has entropion eyelashes (the lashes grow inward, touching the eye). The entropion surgery will have to wait until she recovers from the eye removal, which we covered, and has gained some weight. The doctor did not want to keep her under anesthesia too long. She had the eye removal surgery last week and was kept over night. Shelby is doing well at this time.
There are far too many animals being abandoned, surrendered, or born on the streets with no one to turn to. Thank you to our many supporters and please, don’t forget, that with the generosity of a very good friend, we do have a $1,000 VALENTINE MATCH going on right now. All donations made up to $1,000 over the next two weeks will be matched. – diana

Mindy and Penny – Found on the Streets – Heart Worm Positive

2/8/21 – Mindy and Penny were rescued from the streets of Flint, MI and found to be positive for heart worm. We were happy to sponsor their treatment but, unfortunately, upon getting tested after treatment was completed, they were both found still positive for heart worm. It has been recommended that they be tested again in two months and in the mean time they are being loved and treated with heart worm prevention. In fact, Mindy has been adopted by her foster mom. We will continue to be there for Mindy and Penny should they need additional treatment. Anyone interested in beautiful Penny should contact Streethearts Animal Rescue- diana

Katniss – She Was Left at the Curb to be Picked Up With the Garbage. Look at Her Now

2/7/21 – A great update on our Katniss. She brought tears when I first met her the day after she was rescued and had emergency surgery due to pounds of cloth-like material in her stomach. Read Katniss’ journey on our website. – diana
katniss 2:6:21 katniss w:carrie k 2:6:21 katniss collage-1

“I got to visit Katniss today and it was so nice to see how well she is doing and how much she adores her mommy. ❤

Katniss is a dog that I took into 4 paws 1 heart when I worked at emergency. She was found on the curb stuffed in a baby crate nearly starved to death.
Carrie Krausmann

fostered her for months giving her the love, structure and training she needed to heal. Eventually she was adopted into a loving forever home. 💕 If u click on the link directly below this sentence u will watch the heartwarming video that says it all. – Gina”

Samantha (after and before) – Over One Year in a Shelter After Being Rescued by Gina — Finally in Her Loving Home

1/28/21 – Some of you may remember one of my most memorable rescue situations. Samantha.. ❤ Well, I got to have a quick visit and bring some toys to this beautiful girl today. She has a long sad back story, but now she has a wonderful life and I couldn’t be happier for her. ❤ It was heartwarming to see how happy she is and how well she is thriving. ❤ I’m so glad that her previous owner surrendered her, I heart dog shelter didn’t give up on her until they found the perfect fit, and 4 paws 1heart supporters were able to help with the knee surgeries she required. ❤ This was another one of those cases that truly took a village but all soooo worth it! ❤ – Ginasamantha 1:28:21 samantha