Charlie – Update

2/13/21 – Update on Charlie. Probably caught in an engine fan. Please make noise before you start your car. We went through a horrendous 2020 and it continues. God bless our donors who make our help possible. – diana
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Jo Sweeney Addington

He is back home with me after spending the day and night at the vet. He is such a sweet boy and such a trouper. I will take good care of my new buddy and give updates on his progress. Thanks to

Gina DeLuca Jenio and Moore veterinary hospital taking him in so quickly and giving him the best care ❤. Thank you 4paws1heart for the vet backing. Please donate to help all these critical animals in need.

Jax – Found With Icicles Hanging From Him

2/12:21 – This has truly been an overwhelming week with hoarding situations, eye and leg surgeries, heart worm, frozen cats, and just the ‘normal’ cases. Thank you to our very amazing friends who continue to support us in some very difficult times. Now is the time to double your donation!- diana

“Won’t you just look at this handsome boy Jax! He was on his own and fending for himself for quite awhile. We were told he may belong to someone in the area but when mom saw him with icicles hanging from him we knew nobody cared about Jax. So mom set up the trap on our front porch and within 5 minutes she had him! Now he’s safe, warm and Monday he will recieve his vetting and will be ready for a real family of his own. But that couldnt happen without donations. – Chance”

Charlie – Caught in a Car Engine

2/12/21 – There has been an overwhelming number of serious cases this past week. Charlie is the latest!! Please remember to bang on your hood before starting your engine. I know it’s easy to forget especially with the remote starters. – diana
Your donations save lives.
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Jo Sweeney Addington

Just got this poor kitty in he was caught in a fan blade of a car trying to stay warm. He’s cut up pretty bad. 4 paws1 heart is taking care of his vetting. Please consider donating. I have a fundraiser going on now. There has been so many critical animals coming in and 4 paws 1heart has been covering them. His name is Charlie.

Onyx – Update

2/11/21 – Updates:
ONYX – We’ll never know how it happened but the rescuer and foster believe that she was probably trying to keep warm in a car engine and was injured and then got frostbite on the injuries. She was seen by one of the best, Dr. Zalac, at Orion Animal Hospital, where Dr. Z was committed to trying to save Onyx’s toe and let — both severely damaged. Onyx is with her foster, Carol, who has been following doctor’s orders by soaking her paws and legs in a medical bath as well as giving her a number of meds. The goal is to save her toe and leg from amputation.
SATIN – A beautiful girl who found her rescuer in a corner store. She had been obviously overbred and then thrown out, as so many female dogs once they are no longer of use. When rescued, Satin had two large lumps in two of her nipples. She saw a vet yesterday and it was determined that Satin has mammary cancer and the level is 5 out of 6. She was also found to have a severe ear infection. The doctor gave medication for her infection and the rescuer will be giving her much love and care until she crosses over the rainbow bridge. As many rescuers have said to me, “Sometimes it is difficult to like humans”. Requesting prayers for both of these sweet animals. – diana
People Reached
Boost Post
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Micky – Found During Frigid Temperatures; One Infected Eye; Severe Bite Wound and a Urinary Tract Infection

2/10/21 – This is Micky (aka Fernando), rescued with four 6-month old kittens. All of them have been fed by a kind woman who works where they have gathered. The other night all were finally trapped in the bitter cold temperatures. Micky, who is a senior guy is in very bad condition. He has one eye that appears to be missing and draining, he has an upper respiratory infection, his front leg has a severe bite wound, and he may have a thyroid issue, and an urinary tract infection. Micky will also need to be neutered, vaccinated, tested, and treated for fleas/parasites. Micky will be seeing one of our favorite doctors at Orion Animal Hospital. The rescuers believe that all cats are adoptable and will work to make sure that they are. More to follow. – diana
Donations Save Lives!

Onyx – Praying Her Paw and Leg Does Not Have to be Amputated

2/9/21 – Our friend, Jo A., contacted us the other night about a 4-5 month old kitten found freezing outside, paws bleeding, very thin, breathing heavy, and with severe diarrhea. The rescuer suspected frost bite or being caught in a car engine.
She was able to be seen by one of our favorite doctors yesterday. Dr. Zalac reported that Onyx was in very bad shape. She thought she might have to have a paw and leg amputated and definitely needed treatment for an upper respiratory infection. She stayed overnight at the animal hospital and she is receiving special treatment that might negate the need for the leg to be amputated. I will know more later today and will update our friends. Onyx’s treatment may be costly so anything you can do to help with her recovery is very much appreciated. She is a very sweet cat and, like so many, is either an escapee or was abandoned by owners. We absolutely want to give Onyx a second chance at life. A small prayer always helps. – diana

Onyx – Severe Diarrhea, Emaciated, Upper Respiratory Infection, and Burned Paws – Either Frostbite or Stuck in an Engine Fan

2/8/21 – Please say a prayer for Onyx. She is in very bad shape. May need at least one amputation and has a very serious infection. I will update. – diana

“Thank you for your generosity to help all the poor animals in need with supporting 4 paws 1 heart with the football squares. This is a new soulonyx 2:8:21 w:jo add onyx w:jo add in need. She was rescued last night. Her paws are bleeding Either frost bite or burnt from trying to stay warm in the engine of a car ,severe diarrhea, skin and bones and a uri. She wouldn’t have made it another night in this cold. 4 paws 1 heart is covering her medical, the football squares goes toward her care and many more. There are many more out there that need our help. Hope you all have a great superbowl sunday. Her name is onyx. Ill be updating her journey. – Jo”

Mindy and Penny – Found on the Streets – Heart Worm Positive

2/8/21 – Mindy and Penny were rescued from the streets of Flint, MI and found to be positive for heart worm. We were happy to sponsor their treatment but, unfortunately, upon getting tested after treatment was completed, they were both found still positive for heart worm. It has been recommended that they be tested again in two months and in the mean time they are being loved and treated with heart worm prevention. In fact, Mindy has been adopted by her foster mom. We will continue to be there for Mindy and Penny should they need additional treatment. Anyone interested in beautiful Penny should contact Streethearts Animal Rescue- diana

Katniss – She Was Left at the Curb to be Picked Up With the Garbage. Look at Her Now

2/7/21 – A great update on our Katniss. She brought tears when I first met her the day after she was rescued and had emergency surgery due to pounds of cloth-like material in her stomach. Read Katniss’ journey on our website. – diana
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“I got to visit Katniss today and it was so nice to see how well she is doing and how much she adores her mommy. ❤

Katniss is a dog that I took into 4 paws 1 heart when I worked at emergency. She was found on the curb stuffed in a baby crate nearly starved to death.
Carrie Krausmann

fostered her for months giving her the love, structure and training she needed to heal. Eventually she was adopted into a loving forever home. 💕 If u click on the link directly below this sentence u will watch the heartwarming video that says it all. – Gina”