Scout – Update – He Was Found Positive for FeLV BUT Found the Best Furever Home

12/3/20 – Not the news we had hoped for but thankfully, Snow will have a great mom after all. We pray that Snow will live a good long life in spite of his leukemia.
Double your donation during our Giving Tuesday $2,500 match. Your donations save lives. -diana
P.O.Box 84, St. Clair Shores, Mi 48080

“CHANCE: Well Team, we have news. Sooo we did not get the results we were hoping for on Scouts test today, he did test positive for feLV.

Dr. Z also did another test that will give a much better picture of where he is with it. We are so thankful to 4 Paws 1 Heart that we are able to get these special tests done for Scout ❤
So, now with that being said, we also have some wonderful news!
Scout has a wonderful new family that he will be joining very soon! And he will have a doggy fur brother, we all know how much Scout loves doggys…right Oliver? Annnd Scouts Mom happens to work for one of our fave vets, so he will be going just where he needs to be. To a wonderful loving home who was prepared to adopt Scout either way todays tests went. Annnd moms really happy that he will be adopted by someone we know who along with her hubby will be the perfect parents for Scout. So, that’s all the news for tonight and we’re all pretty tired so we’re going to say our nitenites now. Sweet Dreams Team Chance “❤scout 12:1:20--- scout 12:1:20-- scout 12:1:20

Mileena – Abused by a Backyard Breeder

12/2/20 – Meet Mileena. A rescuer whom we have helped in the past was asked to take in a neglected Bengal queen. She was kept in a cage by a backyard breeder who didn’t believe in antibiotics or vaccines and was not treating her for intestinal parasites. She is very tiny and malnourished; the size of a 7 month old despite being 2 years old. Jem, the rescuer, took her to the vet immediately and the doctor discovered that she has a heart murmur and possibly something wrong with her kidneys. Jem contacted us for help.
We do know that many kittens and cats have heart murmurs but we are unsure of the severity based on what the doctor communicated to Jem but he did say he was more concerned with the kidney issue and recommended that Jem take her to a specialist. Before going to a specialist, I advised Jem that I would feel more comfortable having Dr. Zalac examine Mileena and analyzing the results of the prior tests. 4 Paws 1 Heart has paid for the first visit and initial testing and will follow through with Dr. Zalac’s visit and, hopefully, we will be able to follow through with Dr. Zalac’s recommendations. Any time an animal has to see a specialist, the cost is considerable. The other day, Scarlett’s exam by the cardiologist cost a little over $400 and nothing more was required after that visit.
So, as usual, say a little prayer and send some virtual love to this very neglected girl. Without you, these lives would be lost!  – mileena--12:2:20 mileena 12:2:20diana

Dash – Has His Prosthetic and Will Now Be Able to Walk on Hard Surfaces

Dash update! ♡ He was the puppy that was brought into Moore Veterinary Hospital last December with a terrible injury. The owner surrendered him so that he could get the proper care he needed. The doctors and staff at Moore saw to it that Dash received wonderful care. 4 paws 1 heart paid for his initial medical.
We thought he might need amputation or reconstructive surgery, but Dash was a true fighter and continued to thrive.. His rear paw required tons of bandage changes, rest, physical therapy, and a special designed prosthetic created by our good friends at, Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation Center. Dash was neutered recently and he is doing great! He is in a loving forever home with his foster failure Carrie and he has made tons of new friends!!!
Gina ♡

s/dash 12:21:19 dash--12:1:19-- dash 12:1:20 dash 12:19:20

Little Dude – Rescued with a Severe Upper Respiratory Infection; Now is Safe and Loved

12/1/20 – As a follow up to the previous posting — during the same period we were woking on trapping the 10 cats called into us by Kelsey, another woman who works in the area contacted Kelsey to say she had rescued another kitten in the area. The kitten was very sick with what appeared to by an upper respiratory infection (URI). It was unknown if he could even see. Again, Ferndale Cat Shelter stepped up and made arrangements with a vet they work with to see the kitten, Little Dude, asap. We agreed to cover the costs. So, Little Dude, was seen and treated for a very serious URI and Kelsey took him home. He gradually improved and a co-worker of Kelsey became very interested in adopting him. She was willing to take on whatever he needed. Gradually, Little Dude started improving and it became obvious that he could see because he followed Kelsey everywhere she went.
Today – I got word from Kelsey that Little Dude – now Bandit – is in his new home and is doing great. His new mom is in absolute LOVE. His URI is clearing and the mom’s new vet will be handling everything from here on out.
Another life saved because of people with a common goal coming together!! – diana

Dennis, Figuero, Tinsel, Lila, Constatine, Eudora, Bonita, Napoleon, Frieda, and Ferdinand – Trapped and Vetted in an Industrial Area

dennis 12:1:20 figuero12:1:20tinsel 12:1:20 lila 12:1:20 constatine 12:1:2012/1/20 – On our first day of measurable snow, it is fitting to give you a good example of what your dollars continue to do for the abandoned and abused. Our good friends of Ferndale Cat Shelter (check out their Catfe in Ferndale) have worked with us often. A few weeks ago I was contacted about a cat situation in a commercial area in a nearby City. A homeowner was allowing the cats to roam in and out of their garage but, not surprisingly, the number of cats kept increasing. A person who worked at one of the nearby shops contacted me with concern and requested help for trapping. I contacted our friends at Ferndale and since then, both Deanne and the person who contacted me, Kelsey, have been putting together their plan. The plan finally came to fruition this weekend.

These are the 10 cats/kittens trapped and spayed/neutered, vaccinated, tested, and treated for fleas/worms–five males and five females. If nothing was done, those ten cats would have turned into 35 cats within just a couple of months and within another couple months, turned into 70 cats, and so on. And, in a highly trafficked area with winter just starting, many of those cats would be injured or contract serious illnesses. So here is the lucky brood:
Dennis, Figuero, Tinsel, Lileudora 12:1:20 bonita 12:1:20 napoleon 12:1:20 frieda 12:1:20 ferdinand 12:2:20a, and Constatine (all between 4-6 months old who will be adopted out) and Eudora, Bonita, Napoleon, Frieda, and Ferdinand (all adults who will more likely be returned to their outdoor space and continue to be cared for by homeowners).
Your donations have saved thousands of animals just like these little ones and you should take pride in making such a huge difference. – diana

Scarlett – Believed to be the Runt of the Litter, Found with a Heart Murmur

11/30/20 – Fortunately, for every sad ending we have many more happy beginnings or updates — Scarlett is one of those. Scarlett was rescued with 2 other siblings. She weighed only 2 lbs 3 oz. when found but between then (September) and October, she started losing weight and was listless. The rescuer believes she was the runt of the litter. Over the past couple months she has been to our partner vets and she improved but then it was found that she had a heart murmur. The first recommendation was to see a specialist but we decided it would be smart to get a second opinion. That was done and both doctors were in agreement. Today Scarlett saw a specialist who did a thorough exam as well as conducted tests and determined that Scarlett does have a hole in her heart but it is very small. The cardiologist’s prognosis was that the hole was so small it would not hamper Scarlett’s quality of life and that nothing needed to be done. The only recommendation was that she be seen again in about 6 months. Scarlett has thankfully gained weight (3.8 lbs now) but at 5 1/2 months is still small. The rescuer is checking as to whether she is able to be spayed at this time and if so, we will follow up with that. She is a beauty and if anyone is interested, please contact Patricia at: [email protected] – diana

Alley Cat – RIP – She Had No Use of Her Legs and Passed Away Before She Could be Seen by a Vet

11/30/20 – RIP Alley Cat. It was two weeks ago when we posted Alley Cat’s story. She was found on the streets but couldn’t use any of her legs. With the help of her rescuers, she was able to eat and drink but because the rescuers have been out of work they could not pay for a medical exam. We made arrangements for Alley Cat to be seen by one of our vets but before she could be seen, the doctor became ill and the appointment was rescheduled for today at 9:00. With a very sad heart, her rescuer told me that Alley Cat died last night before she could make her appointment. My heart breaks every time we haven’t been able to act fast enough to save an abandoned and abused animal and I can just imagine what the rescuers, fosters, and veterinary staffs go through every time this happens to them. Alley Cat is no longer in pain and, thankfully, she was loved in her last moments. – diana

Frau, Wendt, Etta, and Lydia – Found on the Streets

11/30/20 – frau 11:23:20 wendt. 11:23:20png etta 11:16:20 lydia 11:23:20A generous, long-time friend of 4p1h is again matching all donations up to $2,500 in honor of all of the animals we have been able to give a second chance to this year — and there have been many. Beginning Tuesday, December 1 all donations received from December 1 through December 8 will be matched to a maximum of $2,500.
We owe so very much to our loyal and generous supporters. Without you so many would never have had a chance. And, again, thank you to our rescuers. Here is Frau, Wendt, Etta, and Lydia who all will be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, tested, and treated for worms/fleas on December 1 — Giving Tuesday. How appropriate! – diana
P.S. Thank YOU in advance

Pepper – Found With Mammary Tumors

pepper w:bonnie cushing pepper w:mammary tumors 11:27:2011/27/20 – I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you were able to enjoy the day with those you love. We continue to be so thankful for our many supporters, our partner veterinary hospitals, and the caring people who never turn their back on an animal in need. Bonnie Cushing is one of those people.
Bonnie contacted us when she learned that a cat she had picked up to be TNR’d had masses along her mammary chain. This poor 7-8 year old, very friendly female, Pepper, was left behind when the owners moved. Pepper was seen today by Dr. Zalac and she advised that although the mass wasn’t as bad as some she has seen, it still needed to be removed. Dr. Z didn’t think a radical mastectomy was needed but more of a lumpectomy. She did warn, though, that 75-80% of breast tumors in cats are malignant which means that even if the mass was removed, more might grow or the one she has might spread internally. Unfortunately, the only way to find out was to remove the mass and have it biopsied.
With so many animals needing help, what is the right thing to do. Do you go ahead with the surgery knowing there is a strong chance it could all be for nothing OR do you just let nature take its course and do nothing, knowing she will surely die. At least when an animal has to have surgery for a broken leg or has to have an eye removed, you know there is a strong chance the animal will survive and have a good quality of life. In this case there was no such assurances but after all this little one has gone through, I felt we had to give her a second chance. So, the surgery and biopsy was approved with Dr. Z and we will find out the results later.
Again I ask for your prayers for this abandoned girl. – diana