Scout – A Bottle Baby Found in a Storm Drain

10/5/20 – Can you imagine this little baby in a storm drain on such a chilly, dewy night–all alone and hungry? Well, no more. The baby is now in the home of Chance and Foster Mama Dee. You know she will keep us informed as to the baby’s progress. – diana
“CHANCE: And just like that we have a new baby ❤ This sweet little baby was found all alone in a storm drain in Detroit! We are grateful to Auntie Dee for contacting us and Kim Harris and the Detroit Animal Control Officer who got this baby to us so we could get him warm and fed. He will be traveling back and forth to work everyday with mom since he has to be fed every couple hours. We estimate him to be a little less then two weeks old. We already love him! Welcome little angel, we’re going to take great care of you and of course vetting will be done thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart
When the time comes. Well, life is about to get even busier then usual so we better get some sleep around here 😉 Sweet Dreams Team, sweet dreams little baby “scout 10:4:20 scout=10:4:20 scout w:bridget 10:4:20 scout==10:4:20

Diva – Update

10/4/20 – Hi Facebook …Ok…Diva here….yes this is my mad look…I’m mad at foster mommy for giving me a bath yesterday…and I’m mad at Auntie Sarah for just watching and not saving me from the water and bubbles! But my clean nose does look good doesn’t it?
So a short update on my health issues…I’m still not gaining weight – hovering at 1 lb 3 oz …I’m on a second round of Clavamox and my poop….has been beautiful (mom’s words) the last couple of days and no leaky poop! So beautiful that when a poop photo went to Auntie Gina DeLuca Jenio- she sent it to her vet friend …. the vet noticed something the color and immediately made a recommendation of a new med. (Aunt Gina can give the details mom just cleans up my poop…Aunt Gina’s a medical expert) So a shout out to Chewy for doing everything possible to expedite the medicine to Foster Mommy. the customer service rep Jo- was awesome & compassionate when Foster Mommy was crying as she spoke to her. (I think Foster Mommy likes me a little). So paws crossed and some prayers Facebook…that this new med will be the answer to my not gaining weight for the last 5 weeks! purrs to all! – Divadiva 10:4:20

George – Lived as a ‘Feral’ Cat Until He Was Hit By a Car

10/2/20 – George was a friendly stray who had been trap, neutered, and returned (TNR) until he was hit by a car. Because he was limping, the finder took George to an emergency hospital where several x-rays were taken. George’s injuries were minor and the finder contacted us for help with paying for the medical treatment. Because of a special needs child, the finder is seeking for placement for George who is very sweet and gets along with dogs. He is doing well but it’s obvious that he would like his own home so he doesn’t get hurt again outside. Ferndale Cat Shelter has placed George on their petfinder site in case you are interested in adopting him.
– Diana
Update: 10/27/20 – George has found a furever home.

Diva – Update

10/2/20 – diva 10:2:20Diva Update.. 🙁
The results of the fecal pathogen profile test came back today showing that she is positive for Corona virus. Please know that this has NOTHING to do with COVID19 in humans. This is a species specific virus and not transmitted to humans.
We are looking into treatment options and Diva could use positive vibes and lots of prayers. She is a fighter like I have never seen. She is playful, a good eater, and so very lovable… We are literally trying everything that the doctors are recommending. Unfortunately, she is not responding as much as we would like.. We need a miracle!!!! She probably has more than one thing going on.. The last 5 weeks has been extremely heavy on the heart for foster mommy Dee and foster daddy Rick. Today she was 1 pound 3 oz. She is about 11 weeks old. Diva has had good days and bad days and today was a bad one. 🙁 Please send positive vibes 🙏 ♡ Gina.

Chloe, Sophie, Graham, Nash, and Miller – Found in a Mobile Home Park

9/29/20 – Meet Chloe, Sophie, Graham, Nash, and Miller. They are about 15 weeks old and all have been neutered/spayed, vaccinated, and tested complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart. Six more who will never be responsible for the birth of more kittens!!! Anyone interested in adoptions should contact  Pursuit of Happyness. – diana
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Baby D – RIP – Found in a Cat Colony With Her Umbilical Cord Still Attached

9/28/20 – RIP Baby D. Our friend, Jo A., received a ‘911’ call at 5 p.m. last Saturday about a 1-3 day old kitten found in a cat colony who still had her umbilical cord attached and who had a leg chewed off. Jo was at work so she couldn’t respond but that is when the village stepped up. First, we contacted our good friend and 30+ year expert in cat care, Debbie N. We decided that the kitten should be taken to the emergency hospital if she could get in asap. We then contacted our friend Debra B. who agreed to transport, although the baby was a considerable distance from where we are all located. I contacted the emergency hospital who advised the wait time could be several hours. We were concerned because we didn’t know if the baby could last that long.
Upon reaching Baby D, Debra found the baby very cold and lethargic and her leg was indeed chewed off. She was also very dirty. I checked again with the vet and learned they still continued to be seriously backed up. We decided to take her first to Debbie N. who was able to clean her, feed her, get her warm and give her some love. Unfortunately, when it was time for sweet Baby D’s 11:30 pm feeding, Debbie found she had passed away. Debbie and the rest of us believe that the mom may have been confused and chewed off the baby’s leg instead of the umbilical cord. The leg obviously became very infected, and she was also in this condition during a very cold and dewy night. We are thankful that she was finally warm and loved when she passed and she is no longer in pain. We are also thankful to our Village of caring individuals who will drop everything for the love of an animal. – diana

Garfield – Rescued with Severe Bites to His Legs Requiring Hospitalization

9/28/20 – The rescuer was contacted by a homeowner who had been caring for a group of cats on her property. A cat appeared to have been hit by a car and it was reported that the leg was “dangling”. Holly contacted us and she and her son picked up the cat, Garfield, and brought him to our vet. It turned out that the leg had become infected as a result of what appeared to be bites. Garfield spent a couple of days in the hospital and today he is ready for his furever home. He has been vaccinated and neutered. He also tested negative for FIV and FeLV. As you can see, he is very handsome. If you are interested in adopting Garfield, contact Holly at: [email protected] – dianagarfield 9:28:20 garfield 9:8:20

Diva – Update

9/27/20 – Update from Foster Mom, Dee:

“Now it’s a sit and wait time…or in Diva’s case…nap and wait time. Yesterday Diva spent the day with Gina DeLuca Jenio at the vet where she works. A fecal sample is being sent out to run a panel on ….or as I call it the Poop Panel. Gina also found some Little roundworm friends in her poop….so that might be a small piece of the puzzle…deworming happened last week. A new probiotic is being given…Hopefully that will kick in because overnight her poop sucked. But what doesn’t suck…is Diva…being a trooper, playful and beyond spunky. Anytime she can escape her enclosure she bolts! Love her to pieces. Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart for being there to back her medical… and Cynthia Wojtowycz diva 9:27:20for all the reiki energy you are providing. It takes a team (and a lot of laundry- lol!)

Diva – Update

9/26/20 – Continued Prayers for Diva

“We don’t know what is going on with Diva but something is….besides the most bazar poop we ever saw before …I ask please send prayers and positive energy her way, She is trooper and stronger and has more spirit than most people. Gina DeLuca Jenio is on it… and thank you to 4 Paws 1 Heart for having Diva’s back and medical. Foster Mom Dee”diva 9:25:20