Oreo – Update From His New Family

8/21/20 – For every disheartening story, there are many more happy beginnings. Here is one of them as told by Oreo’s family:

Hi 4Paws This is Oreo, adopted in 2013. Reported to me that he was run over by a car in Detroit, rescued, rehabbed and we adopted him. After adoption, he broke his leg jumping off furniture in our home and after a visit to the vet and a bone scan (and a cast) we were told that he suffered from many years of malnutrition causing brittle bones and the broken leg. Poor guy. He is all fixed up, eats like a champ, and has two cats and a dog (as well as humans) who love him. He’s the cuddler in the group and cuddles with any human or animal available- any time of day ❤️. We love Oreo Doreo. Thank you 4 Paws.oreo 8:21:20

Moenart – Found on the Streets in July, 2020; Needs to Re-Visit the Veterinary

8/21/20 – Prayers for Moenart. This past July we were contacted about a very sweet cat who turned up in a cat community being cared for someone we have helped in the past. Moenart’s face appeared swollen, he had a few healed puncture wounds on his neck, a few teeth missing, and needed to be vaccinated and neutered. We authorized him to see one of our partner vets and, unfortunately, was found to be FIV positive. And, his ‘swollen’ cheeks, according to the vet, was actually the result of a “chubby tom cat” and not an infection. Of course his FIV prognosis should never be a death sentence as long as the rescuer was going to now keep him inside a home and away from the cat community. So, we proceeded with Moenart’s neuter and vaccinations. This past week, I was contacted because Moenart was experiencing diarrhea and appeared to have an upper respiratory. Yesterday he saw our doctor again and was treated for the URI but the doctor also wanted to do a blood draw because Moenart had lost one pound since his prior visit. That was done and we are now waiting for results. I just can’t express enough the severity of the health issues these animals have been facing these past few months. Thank God for our Village of rescuers, veterinarian staffs, and donors who make our work possible. I will update you on this very sweet boy as I hear back. – diana4paws.heart.org/donations/ moenart w:mcqueen 7:12:20 moenart 7:6:20

10th Anniversary Celebration

8/18/20 – Happy 10th Anniversary to 4 Paws 1 Heart!!! In honor of our mission which is to “Reduce the Number of Unwanted Companion Animals By Funding Medical Treatment for Abandoned, Stray, and Abused Animals” the 4p1h Board is sponsoring a $1,500 donation match. All donations made between today and August 25, 2020, up to a maximum of $1,500, will be matched. Because of our many supporters which include residents, businesses, and veterinary staffs, we have been able to pay $930,000 in medical bills for over 7,000 companion animals. This does not include the thousands of animals who will no longer be born on the streets because every animal touched by 4p1h is spayed/neutered.

This is the only ‘companion’ animal who was not a dog or cat and was helped by 4p1h. I recently checked in with the great veterinarian who took in this cutie after the surgery, and she tells me that “Pygmy” continues to be doing great on her farm and, by the way, actually isn’t a pygmy goat. Oh well, Pygmy was an animal in need in a horrendous pet shop which was eventually raided and the owner did end up doing some time after many of us showed up in Court to protest his existence as an animal abuser. Again, thank you to our Village. What we’ve been able to accomplish together is no less than life changing. – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

Pygmy Goat – 10th Anniversary Flashback

8/18/20 – Happy 10th Anniversary to 4 Paws 1 Heart!!! In honor of our mission which is to “Reduce the Number of Unwanted Companion Animals By Funding Medical Treatment for Abandoned, Stray, and Abused Animals” the 4p1h Board is sponsoring a $1,500 donation match. All donations made between today and August 25, 2020, up to a maximum of $1,500, will be matched. Because of our many supporters which include residents, businesses, and veterinary staffs, we have been able to pay $930,000 in medical bills for over 7,000 companion animals. This does not include the thousands of animals who will no longer be born on the streets because every animal touched by 4p1h is spayed/neutered.

This is the only ‘companion’ animal who was not a dog or cat and was helped by 4p1h. I recently checked in with the great veterinarian who took in this cutie after the surgery, and she tells me that “Pygmy” continues to be doing great on her farm and, by the way, actually isn’t a pygmy goat. Oh well, Pygmy was an animal in need in a horrendous pet shop which was eventually raided and the owner did end up doing some time after many of us showed up in Court to protest his existence as an animal abuser. Again, thank you to our Village. What we’ve been able to accomplish together is no less than life changing. – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

Dexter – Flashback

8/17/20 – It seems like only yesterday when Gina contacted me while I was bowling. She was so upset because she just learned that the little baby she fostered from the time he was days old, had been given away by the adopter to a person unknown and un-vetted by Gina. Fortunately, our friend, Dennis, was with us and after a little thought decided he would take Dexter into his home if Gina could save him. Ten years later and Dexter is still the ‘wild one’ and Dennis always says that “it’s the Gina factor”. Without our Village, stories like this wouldn’t be possible. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/Dexter 2010 - Before and After

Gronk and Sunny – Adopted

8/16/20 – Happy, happy news for two abused babies! And, it couldn’t happen without the Village — the rescuer, the foster who provides love and care and searches for the furever home, our donors, the adopters, and our veterinary partners. Usually the term ‘perfect storm’ is negative but in this case, the “Purrfect Storm” is what it’s all about.-diana

“Hi Facebook….Gronk here…oh wait…correction…SUNNY here. I guess that just gave it away….I have been ADOPTED! Adopted into the purrfect family – 3 crazy young boys so I fit right into the craziness and the family adopted a pretty girl kitten just my size – we are going to be BFFs! So…I must turn over my Foster throne and it goes to Stefan James who also was rescued off the streets of St Clair Shores and is in the same foster home with Momma Dee and Daddy Rick.

He is the polar opposite of me…NOT CRAZY – he was feral now lays on laps instead of hiding in the corner, he traded his hisses for purrs,…a lot of purrs…like really loud purrs… he must be happy to be off the streets too. He had it tough…something tried to bite his head off- true story. The tip of his ear is ripped off and he has 4 scraps on his head that match up to a bite. But he is a tough dude THAT PURRS SO LOUDLY…he can keep a crazy dude up at night. So this Wednesday both Stefan and I go to the vet…me for my second shot and Stefan for his 1st medical visit….all compliments of
4 Paws 1 Heart…They rock don’t they? Well I got to go join my crazy boys! And remember….don’t turn your back on an animal in need…our lives matter too. – Dee”
4 Paws 1 Heartgronk 8:16:20

Snickers – Found in an Icy Puddle in the Alley

8-16-20 – On August 18, 2020 I will be announcing the beginning of our 10th Anniversary Celebratory Donation Match. In the mean time, here is another case that, at first, broke our hearts and then. It seems like only yesterday when I came home from a visit with my parents only to find a lot of activity on fb about a little kitten needing emergency medical assistance. A mom of a caring little boy, who had no transportation, worked her fingers to the bone to find some help for this near death baby. The Village came together and today, 7 years later, Snickers is loved and the family member of our Board member, Dee, and her kitty-loving husband, Rick. The many journeys of these animals are captured on our website just in case you’d like to learn more. – diana

Peanut – Neglected and Left to Die in a Corner of the House

8/16/20 – As we move towards are 10th Anniversary on August 18, 2020 and the announcement of our Celebratory Donation Match, I want to highlight some of the many difficult cases we’ve faced over the years. This is Peanut. He went from a “rag” in the corner of his owner’s home to a very much loved pet who has since spent his life living between MI and FL and enjoying boat rides and much love. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/peanut 2010 to 2014

Peanut today:peanut 8:16:20