Smiley Smalls (aka Jane Doe) – We Assume She was Used as a Bait Dog and For Breeding, then Tortured

9/11/19 – Prayers and positive energy for this poor abused female. I will call her Jane Doe because she has been in the hands of far too many bad people. A couple of days ago I received a call from a long-time rescuer and friend about a dog needing medical attention. Unfortunately, at the time, our friend did not know the severity of Jane’s injuries. She was only told that Jane had been attacked by another dog and had injuries to her ear. Of course, I authorized the vet visit and yesterday, sweet Jane was operated on. I’ve only included photos that weren’t as graphic as others. They were sent to me by the vet but trust me when I say that her wounds were much greater than you can see here. She had several bite wounds to her head, one so great, the bite was into her scalp. She had three stab wounds, one slit was within an inch of her aorta. Her ear and side face was mangled and her stomach was laced with scars. Her teeth were either ground down, removed in some cases, or were damaged because, instead of having food to eat, she tried to eat rocks. While the doctor was trying to repair Jane, the staff was crying over thinking what this very sweet dog had gone through. Here is the very sad story of “Jane”.

She belonged to a woman who is now in prison for murder. Jane was kept outside the majority of the time and never had enough food. When the owner went to prison, Jane was in very bad physical health and the friend of the owner took her in and helped her get healthy again. But then the friend was told to give Jane to the ‘owner’s’ cousin. That cousin neglected/abused her and then gave her to someone else. This cycle kept up. Poor Jane went from place to place, each time with the owner’s demands and after each stay she would be returned in very poor physical condition to the friend. We suspect that Jane was used for breeding and possibly used as a bait dog. We do know that when she was eventually picked up by our rescue friends, Jane was kicked out of the way and then turned over to the rescuer in the horrible condition that was described.

Unfortunately, there are far too many ‘Janes’ in our communities being abused, used for dog fighting, or at the very least, neglected. The vet staff told me that although Jane has been to hell and back, she is one of the sweetest dogs they have met. She is happy, wagging her tail, and just wants to be petted. Without your donations, 4 Paws 1 Heart could not help all of these animals with their medical needs. We don’t know how much Jane’s surgery will cost and we will continue to work with her rescuer to make sure she gets all of the medical attention she needs. So, if you can afford a donation today, we would greatly appreciate it. A huge thank you also to the staff at Five Mile Animal Clinic, they are caring and just plain wonderful people. ~ diana

missy 9:11:19 missy9:11:19 missy 9:11:19

Everett – Update – Finds He New Forever Home After Testing Positive for FIV

9/10/19 – Update on our baby Everett. He is the sweetest, most lovable kitten I have met in forever. He did test positive for FIV but as we always say, this is NOT a death sentence. And, thankfully, his interested adopters still want to give him love and a home. We are committed to our sweetie along with who will hopefully be adopted with him, sweet Quinn. Prayers for our boys. ~ diana

“EVERETT: Hey Evweybody, it’s me Everett!!! Sooooo today I went to da vet and yous shoulda seen me…I was soooo brave when I got my shot and they took my blood..I was such a big boy! And then dat nice vet lady came back and told foster mommy that I tested positive for dat FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) whatever dat means. Foster mommy say I should not worry about it and we will retest me when I’m 16wks old and 4 Paws 1 Heart will be by my side. And guess who else will be by my side?????? MY FOREVER PARENTS!!!! Dats right, my Forever Parents came and met me last week and guess what?!?! They love me no matter what!!! Annnnd if all goes well my little foster brother Quinn will be joining me when he gets bigger!!! Can you bewieve it?
Sooo, by da end of dis week I’ll be going to my Forever Home!!! And 4 Paws 1 Heart will still have me under their loving medical wing until all my testing & vetting is complete becuse they love me soooo much, just like my foster mommy and my Forever Parents…I’m dat luckiest boy ever!!!!
Whew, otay…well I’m vewy, vewy sleepy nightynites evweybody..I love yous!
Love Everett”everett 9:9:19

Zin, Elsie, Annie, and Groucho – Found on the Streets

9/10/19 – Since we began, 4 Paws 1 Heart has paid $830,000 in medical bills for a little over 6,000 animals. And, every animal we touch is spayed/neutered. Now, every rescue and shelter I know does the same. Yet, with all of that, we are all still overwhelmed with kittens. Here are 4 more kittens referred to us by another friend of 4p1h who we have helped in her tnr/rescue efforts. These babies will be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and tested. Two of the kitties are socialized and Jennifer, the rescuer, is still working on the other two. If that proves impossible, they will go to a very safe barn environment. Anyone interested should contact Jennifer at: [email protected] – diana
zin w:deridder 8:12:19 elsie w:deridder 8:11:19 annie w:jennifer dewidder 8:12:19 groucho w:jennifer dewidderde

Midnight – RIP – She was Left Behind by Her Owners

9/8/19 – RIP Midnight. She was left behind by her owners and rescued by our friend, Amy B. 4 Paws 1 Heart paid for Midnight’s medical needs but, unfortunately, she was found to be FeLV positive. She liived for almost another two years and on Saturday morning she died in her sleep. We are so very thankful to Amy for giving her love and shelter in her final days. ~ dianamidnight 9:7:19

Thanos – RIP – He Was Rescued With Three of His Siblings and Later Contracted FIP

9/6/19 – RIP Sweet Thanos. At 11 weeks old he became very ill. We authorized him to be taken to the emergency in that his gums were white and his little belly just kept getting bigger. He was diagnosed with FIP and we all agreed that he should be allowed to cross the Rainbow Bridge. We are so very sorry but thankful to Amanda and her family for taking in this baby with his siblings and giving them love. Here is his story:

“I took in Thanos with his two brothers and sister at five days old. Their mom had been hit by a car and a neighbor of the lady, whose cat was hit, did not want responsibility of the babies. The family that took them in reached out for help and I was more than willing to take them all in. I bottle fed them from five days old. It was a hard battle with them being sick a few times and Thanos pulled through and won our hearts. We had decided to keep Thanos and grow our family a little bigger. He was a huge lover. He cuddled constantly, even nudging my blanket up to crawl under and snuggle on me or next to me. My four-year old wouldn’t go to bed without him. Tonight was very rough getting him to sleep. I told him about how wonderful you’re Diana, to help us and for us to still have his ashes to bring home. Wthanos 9: thanos 9:6:19==e’ll be putting a little shelf up to put him on and have pictures. So we’ll be turning it into our pet and rescue wall.- Amanda” ~ diana

George, Leo, Ali, and Flower – Dumped on the Porch with Ringworm and Upper Respiratory Infections

9/4/19 – This has been the worst Spring/Summer for kittens/cats that I have seen since we began 4 Paws 1 Heart. The first 3 kittens, George, Leo, and Ali
were dumped on the porch of someone who lives near the Flint, MI area. The 4th kitten, Flower, was later discovered from the same litter. The rescuers were willing to find homes but could not afford the obvious medical need. We made arrangements for their medical visit and they were all found to have upper respiratory infections and ringworm. Everyone has been treated and they are doing great. 4 Paws 1 Heart will pay for their neuter/spay and vaccines when they are old enough because we don’t want anyone to have more babies. The rescuers fell in love with the litter and between them and other family members, all of the kittens have found their forever homes. ~ diana
george 9:4:19 ali 9:4:19 flower 9:4:19 leo 9:4:19

Roxie – One of Seven Kittens Found on the Street

9/3/19 – I talked earlier about the 7 kittens rescued by our friend, Debra. Chance’s mom took in 4 and another friend, Patricia, took in 3. Well Sunday morning I received a call that Roxie, one of the kittens with Patricia, had been losing an ounce of weight a day over the last couple of days. On Sunday her feces was something like she never has seen. We had Roxie go to emergency where she was treated with antibiotics and sent home with additional medicine. These kittens are so small, they just can’t afford to lose weight. Her two siblings seem to be doing well.

While we continue to pray for and help the many animals who need us here in our own State, we must pray and do what we can for all of the animals who need us in the States being hit by the devastating Hurricane Dorian. ~ diana

roxie 9:3:19‘Update on Roxie, after struggling for a couple of days getting her to eat, thanks to Debbie Nelson who brought over a different type of milk for her, this morning before I could get the bottle to her, she dove into the wet food and topped it off with the bottle! No weight loss overnite, no gains, but we aren’t going backwards. Cautiously optimistic that we are moving forward. – Patricia”

Ember – One of 9 Kittens Needing Immediate Medial Assistance

9/2/19 – Without the support of our donors, we could not keeping saying ‘yes’ when I get a call. Prayers for Ember. ~ diana

“So as some of you may know a few weeks back Erica Diola and I trapped some mom kitties and baby kitties and another adult. This resulted in 9 kittens at my house! Woah! Good news is, three of him have been adopted and two more are ready (socially) and I will be posting soon.

However, one little kitty stuck out in the litter, Erica noticed she was very small and skinny, white gums etc. so i reached out to 4 Paws 1 Heart and I’m sure you can guess , Diana said yes to Ember being seen. We went to the vet and they were unable to do blood work, a couple weeks go by she’s still not improving and behaving much differently than the rest of her litter. Finally today, we go to another vet, they get the bloodwork, her white blood cells are elevated I indicating infection, although she has showed no visible signs of such. Also her kidney levels are elevated because she is also dehydrated. We are now being sent home with antibiotics and special diet. Thank you so much to 4 paws for always being there for us little guys! Sorry it was a quick post so I know it’s a little scattered, still at the vet with a dying phone lol. – Cortney”ember 8:29:19

Jewels, Luke, Quinn and Bambi – 4 of 7 Kittens Found on the Streets

9/3/19 – Luke is the one who had to have part of his tail amputated due to an infection. They are all doing well now.

“CHANCE: All our babies now have names! Please say hello to Jewels, Luke, Quinn & Bambi! All are doing fabulous, eating solid food, using their litter box, purring & snuggling! And all are under the loving paws of 4 Paws 1 Heart for their vetting needs. Donations at work! ❤”quinn, luke, jewels, bambi 9:6:19