Pumpkin Spice – Found on the Street with a Severe Broken Leg

11/27/18 – Pumpkin Spice is one of the many examples of how your donations give the abandoned the second chance at life. Here is her story:

“This past Thursday a kitten was found outside near Brownstown, MI and the girl who found + brought her in couldn’t keep her so I volunteered to foster and find her a home! Pumpkin Spice is a SWEET 6ish month old Calico kitten who loves to snuggle, purrs almost constantly, and will sit in my lap for hours at a time. Tuesday I took her to Dearborn Family Pet Physicians (in Dearborn) for a check up, blood work, and age appropriate shots. I remembered that I’d noticed a small, almost undetectable limp in her left hind leg, so as an afterthought I called the vet back in to take a peek. We got X-rays and found out that Pumpkin has a fractured femur neck. The head of her femur is in place, but it’s broken and jagged along the neck. The vet said it’s an old injury, possibly from a car accident or other trauma, that is unable to heal but will most definitely require surgery sooner rather than later. We can even see in the X-ray the loss of muscle mass in her injured leg. She referred me to a surgeon for a femoral head ostectomy (although they wouldn’t have to cut the bone since it’s already completely separated – so not sure if the procedure has a different name at that point). Despite all this she’s still just as playful and sweet as can be. She tested neg for feline leukemia/aids and is otherwise healthy! Can you help? -Wynston”

Although we have had so many serious cases, how could we refuse. Pumpkin Spice has now been seen by one of our favorite veterinarians, Dr. Zalac, and she will have surgery (including spay) this Friday, November 30. Please say a little prayer for this sweetie. And, please donate whatever you can afford. We couldn’t do it without you! Pumpkin Spice will be looking for her forever home once she recovers. contact Wynston at: [email protected] — diana

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Luna – Rescued Before She Was Used for Dog Fighting

11/26/18 – I earlier told the story of Comet. He was one of a litter where the owner planned to use them in the world of dog fighting. The man’s girlfriend learned of his intentions and made some contacts. Eventually, all but two puppies (Comet and Luna) found their way into good homes with the help of the rescuer. Luna and Comet were the last of the litter and our good friend, Amy, paid for Luna to save her. Based on the comments from our previous post on Comet, I know that everyone wants to get this guy locked up because of his alleged intentions. The bottom line is that everyone does the best that they can to save these animals from cruelty and abuse. Very often, all of the issues can’t be addressed, but, please understand, that in most areas in our State, human crime is a higher priority then crimes against animals. Anyone interested in Luna should contact Amy at: [email protected] Luna will have all of her medical needs taken care of by 4 Paws 1 Heart. ~ diana

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Nova – Found Alone on the Streets

11/24/18 – Another 4 paws 1 heart MATCHING CAMPAIGN will begin on Giving Tuesday, November 27, 2018. More details will follow. In the mean time, here is another sweet kitten who was found on the streets but now will be ready for her forever home. Nova is scheduled to be spayed and vaccinated, complements of 4paws1heart. Anyone interested should contact Cortney at: [email protected] We are doing our best to stop the overpopulation of felines. ~ diana
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Billy – Update — Adopted

11/23/18 – Remember Billy (read his story on our website 4paws1heart.org). He had to have FHO surgery on his leg. Here he is in his forever home looking handsome as always. We are so thankful for the many wonderful families who open their homes. – diana

“Happy Thanksgiving from Billy! I am getting ready for my first Turkey day. My house will soon be full of family to meet. I am sure to get cuddles and pets from them all. I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving, love Billy and Lisa”billy 11:22:18

Latte, Sox, Bean and Spot – Just Babies Found in a Cat Community

11/23/18 – I cannot over emphasize the significant need for cats these past few months. These little beauties were found during a TNR effort — just babies. They have had their first round of vaccines and in the next couple of weeks will be getting their total make-over (spay/neuter, vaccines, FELV/FIV test). If you are interested in any of these cuties, please contact Rachel at: [email protected]
We continue to be thankful that there are people who will rescue then contact us for medical assistance. Here is Latte, Sox, Bean, and Spot. Without your help, though, we couldn’t say “yes”. ~ diana

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Bubba – Rescued Moments Before Being Killed by a Local Shelter – Now in His Forever Home

11/21/18 – Everything happens for a reason. So, one afternoon I was at work walking past a dog that I noticed was in a fetal position and shaking uncontrollably. Not knowing his temperament, I slowly opened his cage door and sat on the ground beside him. He would not make eye contact with me nor could he take a deep breath because he was shivering so rapidly. I talked to him for a while and a few days later learned that he was found running the streets and brought in by animal control with chains on his neck. No one claimed him during his stray hold and his fate was grave based on his look, his fear, and his breed. I reached out to take him into 4 paws 1 heart, but had no idea what I was going to do with him because we are not a rescue.. Fortunately, one of my co-workers was willing to foster him and give him the opportunity to receive love and confidence. He was skin and bones and covered in scabs. Fast forward 2 months. His name is Bubba and he is now in the best home I could possibly ask for. It was love at first sight when this family saw him on social media. He is happy, loved, comfortable, and words cannot describe how much I love this dog and this happy ending. Bubba has a kitty brother that grooms him and stays by his side. They perch on the couch and look out the window together, they hang out and look out the front door, the kitty groom’s him and gives him a little love bites, and the couple said that Bubba is “Everything they wanted in a dog and then some”. Here are some before pics and seriously take a good look at the before collage, and then look at the after pics. These Pics speak a million words. Bubba. Gina ♡bubba==9:16:18 bubba++ 11:21:18 bubba 11:21:18

Feebe – Positive for FIV and FeLV with Many Serious Health Issues

11/19/18 – Please say a prayer for Feebe and send her some positive energy. Three weeks ago I received the following message. Upon receiving this call for help, I immediately contacted Dr. Z of Orion Animal Hospital so that she could take on the case.
“This is Feebe and she showed up on my porch late evening on October 29th. I took her to All About Animals 1st thing the next morning on the 30th. At that time I was told she has infection all over. The main one was the pyometra and she has something going on inside of her mouth. They gave her a 10 day antibiotic shot and treated her for the fleas and ear mites. At that time she only weighed 4 pounds and they said she was between 1 and 2 years old. I don’t believe she is feral because I have had no problems handling her and I had to syringe fed her for the first 3 days and then she finally stared eating in her own. She has never tried to bite or scratch me. I think she is more of a stray cat. I did talk to a neighbor and she said she’s been sick for awhile now but they did nothing to help her. For the most part I know all my neighborhood cats because I’ve TNR’d them all and I had never seen her before she showed up that night and I believe had she not found me she wouldn’t be here today. I’m going to attach 2 pictures and the 1st one was taken the morning I took her into AAAB and the 2nd one was from 2 days ago. This morning she had puss coming out of her mouth again and that wasn’t there last night when she went into her crate. So that has me a little worried. She is still eating (hard and soft) food and she’s drinking and using the liter box – Danielle”

Feebe met with Dr. Z on two occasions and it was determined that Feebe did not have pyometra but she had many other issues. The following is the latest report until Danielle speaks with Dr. Zalac again this week.

11/13/18 “Good morning Di,
I just wanted to give you a little update on our Feebe. I was able to take her back to All About Animals yesterday and they redid the combo test for me free of charge. Their results were the same as before. Positive for FIV and negative for FelV. If I’m not mistaken she ran the test through twice and had the same results both times. My girlfriend offered to pay for another one to be done at her vet if you think we should. We do go back to Dc.Z this coming Wednesday so I will talk this over with her too and get her advice on what I should do. So right now we’ve had her combo tested 3 (possibly 4) times and the results have been the same at both places. All about animals has shown negative for the FelV but positive on the FIV and Orion animal hospital showed positive on both but negative on FIA (I believe that is what that one is called, to make sure it hasn’t moved into her bones).
She is having a harder time getting better this time around. She finally started eating on her own last night. There isn’t as much drainage coming out of her mouth and her eyes finally look better. She still has fight left in her little body and as long as she has fight left, I will fight for her. That little girl stole my heart and there was a reason she found me.
I’m not sure if I told you already but I spoke with Leona from Leuks landing and I have Feebe on the waiting list (she has to be positive for both tho). So if I’m not able to adopt her out to someone we have that as our backup plan. I will NOT put her back outside and if anything she can live in my basement for as long as she needs to. I’m still keeping her secluded down there so she can get the rest she needs. I think if I left her out of the crate she wouldn’t rest as much as she does in her crate. And I know the calici virus is very contagious so I don’t want my other kitty down there getting it. I do spend a lot of time down there with her right now so she isn’t in the crate all the time. My basement is finished so it’s not that cold down there this time of the year and when I’m down there I run my space heater for her.
I will keep you updated on what is said and done when we go back to Dc.Z on Wednesday.
Thank you, Danielle”

This is one of the many serious cases that 4 Paws 1 Heart has been asked to help with over the past couple of months. Many thanks to our supporters for helping us make a difference. ~ diana
4 paws1heart.org/donations/

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