Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers – Chevy Detroit Champions

Almost $800,000 paid in medical bills since August, 2010 for over 5,000 animals and we are still counting. Thank you Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers!

4 Paws 1 Heart helps finance the medical needs of homeless cats and dogs found by good Samaritans. By helping save local animals and encouraging other to help as well, Diana and the rest of the 4 Paws 1 Heart team have earned a spot in the#ChevyDetroitChampions ranks!

Alley – Update — Scheduled for Potential Eye Removal

11/17/18 – Alley Update
Alley has seen and been treated by a specialist on three visits and it has been determined that the only option to ensure her comfort, would be to remove both of her eyes. Keep in mind that Alley is felv postive which affects her immunity system and any surgery can be dangerous. Nonetheless, as with so many others over the past 8 years, we have committed to Alley and her foster/forever mom who has a special place in her heart for fiv/felv cats. Emily, the mom, will now be consulting with Dr. Zalac in preparation for the eye removal. Please say a prayer for Alley who is a very sweet girl just needing to be rid of pain. ~ diana w:roberta kretz 9:27:18
Please note that this photo was taken before Alley’s eyes worsened.

RIP Sweet Baby – Froze to Death

11/15/18 – RIP Sweet Baby
Last night I received an urgent call for help. A kitten had been trying to seek warmth at a business. After work, one of the employees brought in the kitten and realized that he was in desperate need of medical assistance. Although from the photo, this baby doesn’t look desperate, it turned out he was. We immediately authorized the kitten to be taken to the emergency hospital. Once there, the doctor could not detect a temperature. This poor baby had froze from the below freezing temperatures. He died shortly after arriving at the hospital. The rescuer was crushed, thinking she could have done more. But, she did everything she could. Please, please recognize that these babies cannot survive these temperatures and if you can, please build shelters. There are many instructional videos on YouTube and Vimeo. If your child needs to complete community service for school, we would be happy to provide a letter of completion if your student would like to make shelters and turn them into us for distribution. By now, all of you know that it truly takes a Village. This has been one heck of a year with so many serious cases and I’m afraid that this winter will just be a continuance. May God Bless the Rescuer and all of those who support the abandoned and abused. ~ diana
P.S. The rescuer was asked to look for more kittens in that area.

Regley – Discovered on a Porch with Severe Facial Injuries

11/13/18 – Regley was being fed by a kind family for the past couple of months. Then, halloween night, when they returned from trick or treating, Regley was found on their porch, with severe facial injuries She was either hit by a car or was in a terrible fight. The family took Regley to All About Animals who then referred them to us. Regley was taken to a vet where she was treated with antibiotics and fluids and spent a couple of nights. The doctor diagnosed a broken jaw and said it would need replacement, and could possibly result in multiple surgeries due to the extent of the injuries. With many factors in mind, we decided to transfer Regley to one of our most-trusted doctors, Dr. Zalac of Orion Animal Hospital, Regley spent a couple of nights there and Dr. Zalac put Regley”s jaw ‘back together’. Regley is doing great and her rescuer continues to be in awe at the expert work of Dr. Z. Without the support of our donors, veterinarians, and those many good Samaritans, happy beginnings like this would not exist. We wish Regley a loving, long life. ~ diana
Regley w:corissa 11:8:18-- regley w:corissa 11:8:18 regley wcorissa 11:18:18

Rosie Roo – Has More Dental Work Done

11/12/18 – how can you not love this face. We have had some serious cases this past month, many of which I have not had the opportunity to report on. A huge thanks to all of our supporters. Without you, these animals would never have had a second chance. – diana

“Helloooo everybody, it’s me Roo. Sooo, Chances appt went good, his booboos are slowly going away and now that the respiratory part is over Dr. Wilson felt comfortable giving him a low dose of liquid steroid for mom to give him 1xday for 7 days, 1xday every other day for 7 days to help make the sores go away.
Tomorrow morning is Carla’s day to show off her moves to Dr. Kern! Shes been working hard and is excited for her appointment!
The littles are ready to start the vetting process so they can go to their forever homes and mom will probably make their 1st appts this week after she speaks to Auntie Di.
Annnd that brings us to me! It has been increasingly clear this last week that I’m having..uh..old lady (leak) problems. Not only that, but sometimes I cant even hold my…uh…lady business till I get to the back door. Mom called Dr. Z today and her technician told mom not to worry, there are meds to help with that and we will address it when I have my dental which is 1wk from today!!! We are still under what we need for my dental and now my new lady meds too. All these appts for everybody I just told you about are all backed by 4 Paws 1 Heart, that includes Chances & Bridgettes last week. With soooo many just from our house alone you can see why it’s so important for us to raise as much money as possible on our page to help. Sooo please help me to raise the money for my dental by making a donation to be sure to put in the message box “Rosie’s Dental” Thankyou Team, it’s so very much needed & appreciated.
Well it’s time to get our treats, kisses & cuddles and off to bed we go.
Much love & kisses Rosie, Chance & the Gang”rosie roo 11:12:18

Snowball – RIP – Her Spine Was Broken and She Couldn’t be Saved

11/9/18 -119/18 – Her spine was broken and she couldn’t control her faculties; the ultimate difficult decision had to be made. A huge thank you for those who rescued her so she wouldn’t die alone on the street. And, as always, we are so thankful for Dr. Natalie Zalac of Orion Animal Hospital. – diana

snowball 11:7:18Matthew Ward Courtney Shepard 4P1H Village Diana Rascano Rest easy Snowball. A bitter sweet decision was made today to let this sweet girl cross the rainbow bridge. She passed peacefully and she passed with love. Thank you Courtney for finding this girl and rescuing her. Thank you Matthew for taking her in, keeping her clean and loving her. Thank you to 4 Paws 1 Heart for being there. Where would we be without this cause?!?! Our hearts are broken, but she’s peaceful now. 💜”


Dear Supporters, I was hoping that I’d be up and running but unfortunately that is not the case. I’ve been in the hospital the past couple of days for hip surgery and things have not gone as smooth as last time. We’ve had many serious cases that I still have to report along with the many ‘standard’ cases we take care of. Hopefully, we’ll be back to normal in a few days. Thank you for your understanding – Diana

Binx (aka Halloween Kitty) – Update

11/7/18 – Thank you all for voting! Halloween kitten finally has a real name!!! I took a tally from this page and my personal page and it was a hard decision, but meet BINX! Binx is the cat character from Hocus Pocus. He is doing great and he’s such a little sweetheart. If you are interested in giving him a forever home I’m accepting applications. My email is [email protected] Thank you all for the prayers because I truly believe they work!!!!!!! Ginabinx 11:7:18