Riot – Continues to Fight the Fight

7/22/18 – Riot Update: Riot’s feeding tube has been removed and she is feeding from a syringe. Her white blood cell count has gone up although still below normal. She is taking her oral meds and if she continues on this trend, she may be able to go home in 48 hours. She needs to eat on her own and be able to hold the food down. Thank God for the ‘Village’. ~ diana

riot 7:19:18

Rosie Roo – Found Wandering the Streets at Over 15 Years Old

7/22/18 – It was December, 2016 when Rosie Roo, at 15 (?) years old was found wandering the streets with no one claiming her. Shortly after, she had 20 teeth removed. She is a senior girl who was so lucky to find her way into the heart of the Chance Team as well as mine. She is the very sweetest and we are so very thankful that she is able to live out the rest of her life with much love and care. ~ diana

“ROSIE ROO: Hi everybody…its me…Rosie Roo⚘
Can we say YAY to finally having solid poo today!!!! YAY!!!!
But…Dr. Z says the results of my bloodwork shows a lot of my numbers being all out of whack soooo, to be safe we are going ahead with the ultrasound of my tummy on Wednesday and then see from there. I’m super lucky to have an awesome Dr. Like Dr. Z thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart! Mom says for me not to worry one bit cus 4 Paws, Dr. Z, Auntie Di & mom are working together to find out what’s going on. Sooo, I’m not going to worry! I’m going to have my nitenite treat and off to bed I go! And dont you worry either, cus Dr. Z is the best and we got this…right mom?
MOM: Right Roo!
ROO: See, there you go! Sweet dreams Team and we’ll see you all tomorrow 🌞
Love & Licks Roo, Chance & the Gang”rosie roo 7:21:18

Tommy and Tammy – Looking for Their Forever Home

7/21/18 – tammy and tommy 7:21:18These Twinsies are still looking for their forever home together. They are a brother & sister duo….Tammy & Tommy! Sweet sweet kitties they were rescued from a feral colony. They are all ready to go! Microchipped too! Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heartfor helping with some of their medical after I knew they were not going back out into their colony….they deserve a chance!! Please contact me if you are the home for them! [email protected] **oh and added bonus they are kitty and dog friendly!!***

Riot – Continues His Fight Against the Parvo Virus

7/20/18 2:10 pm UPDATE: Thank you to all who have donated to Riot’s care. I’m relieved to report that another member of our ‘Village’ has agreed to take on future medical bills for Riot which may require days of hospitalization. Unfortunately, our organization was just not capable of that kind of potential commitment. But, rest assured, that all of the dollars donated for her care will be used for what has thus far been incurred. I have been assured that everything is being done to help Riot get through this horrendous virus. -diana

7/20/18 – Continue Prayers for Riot. Just spoke with the doctor and Riot’s condition is not promising. Her diarrhea is worse and the doctors expect her to need hospitalization for days. We will continue to be in close touch with the hospital. To be very honest, I don’t know what to do because as a non-profit with limited funds, I have to consider the many other animals who continue to need our help. Although very difficult to accept, you can understand why municipal shelters like Detroit Animal Control and others have to make that very difficult decision to euthanize a parvo positive puppy. I will keep everyone updated. ~ dianariot 7:19:18==7/21/18 – Riot Update: She is holding her own and fighting hard. The good news is that her temperature is holding and her white blood cell count, although dangerously low, has held the same over 24 hours. Over the first couple days, it was dropping steadily. Please continue your prayers and positive energy for this baby. She is getting the best care possible. ~ diana

Riot – Fighting the Parvo Virus

Update: just found out Riot is a girl.
7/19/18 – Dear Friends, It’s been one stressful day for not only me, but our rescuers, and our poor little boy, Riot. We need your prayers and anything you can afford to donate. In fact, a supporter has offered to MATCH up to $1,000 in donations between now and next week, Friday, July 27, 2018 to help us with the two parvovirus dogs we took on over the past week. Please help by donating at:

RIOT Update: After 24 hours in emergency, Riot was moved to a day practice in hopes of getting him appropriate medical treatment at less of a cost. As you know, it’s imperative that we not only think about the animal but we have to watch our expenses. Unfortunately, it was not too long when I realized that I made a mistake and should have kept this sweet boy at the emergency. So, off he went again to the Emergency hospital. Riot’s white cell levels have been consistently dropping but we still have hope. Little did I know that puppies have less of a chance of beating parvo because they are already starting out with a very limited immune system. He is now having a feeding tube installed while getting fluids and other drugs. Please say a prayer, send some positive energy, and, if you can donate what you can by using the donate link on the left side of this page. Thank YOU, dianariot 7:19:18 riot 7:19:18==

Riot – While in the Municipal Shelter, She Tested Positive for Parvo and Was Going to be Euthanized

7/18/18 – We have now committed to helping a second parvo virus positive puppy in just a little over a week and any donations would be greatly appreciated.
Riot is just a puppy who was going to be euthanized at the Detroit Animal Control after being tested positive for the parvo virus. Please understand that municipal shelters just don’t have the means to provide medical in these situations. Although he was not showing symptoms at the time, the fact that he tested positive was enough for the death sentence. I was contacted last night and over night, he started to show signs of the virus. He is on his way to the emergency now. We hope we have been able to catch this deadly virus soon enough for full recovery.
If you can help, donations can be made by using the ‘donation’ link on the left side of this page. Or by mail, at P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080. Thank you and please send a prayer and some positive energy. ~ diana

P.S. Update on Thor – After 3 hospital visits, we believe he has turned the corner. He is now finally eating solid food.riot 7:18:18

Trish – Allowed to Roam Free — Dehydrated, Fleas, Mites, and Wounds

7/18/17 – The neighborhood knew her, as well as the owners’ dogs, who are also allowed to roam the neighborhood. This very sick cat, Trish, was finally taken off the streets and, with the help of 4 Paws 1 Heart, has been treated for dehydration, fleas, mites and wounds incurred by other animals. She is now in a safe home and will get the love and care she deserves. ~ dianatrish 7:18:18 trish=7:18:18

Izzy and Her Babies – Found in an Abandoned House

7/17/18 – Izzy and her babies. Izzy and her 4 kittens were found in an abandoned house by people who were there to clean the house. Izzy was very malnourished and had an upper respiratory infection. Izzy was taken to the vet and treated for her infections. When ready, Izzy will be spayed and the babies will also be spayed/neutered and vaccinated when they are old enough. Tonight, when you go to bed, please say a little prayer for these many animals who are sick and alone on the streets. ~ dianaizzy----7:17:18 izzykitten==7:17:18 izzy kitten--7:17:18 izzy kitten 7:17:18izzy 7:17:18