Ozzie – He Was Abused an Abandoned

6/29/18 – Rebel Dogs Detroit recently took in a female who shortly afterward had 13 puppies. We have helped them recently with a couple of dogs and the other day they were called about, who they think, is the ‘father’ of the 13 puppies. He was wandering the streets after the family that had been abusing him moved away and abandoned him. We were happy to pay for Ozzie to be neutered, tested, and vaccinated. No more puppies for Ozzie! Anyone interested in adopting Ozzie should contact Juniper at Rebel Dogs Detroit ~ dianaozzie 6:29:18 ozzie w:baby 6:29:18

Kittens – Rescued from Large Cat Communities

6/28/18 – Our friend, Debra B., has been working very hard to get control of two very large cat colonies in St. Clair Shores. Both are being cared for by elderly ladies who didn’t realize how quickly cat colonies can become overwhelmed. When possible the kittens are being placed in homes and the older cats are being spayed/neutered. Here are three of the most recent to get their ‘make-overs’. ~ diana

st clair shores kittens 6:28:18

Kittens in Abusive Household – The Spouse Threatened to Harm the Kittens

6/27/18 – Please continue to pray for all of those who must rely on the kindness of humans. An independent rescuer who we’ve often helped, came across an urgent ‘call-out’ for help. The person needed to find someone to take in 4 kittens who were being threatened by her abusive spouse. She would not leave the home until the kittens were safe and had been hiding them. It took a little planning, but the four kittens made it to safety and in just a couple of days their upper respiratory infections have become severe. The kittens were immediately brought to a vet and we are not only praying for their full recovery but for the safety of the person who put out that desperate call for help. Concern for a pet in the home is one of the primary reasons that a victim of abuse will not leave the household. Unfortunately, abuse is a complex issue that touches humans and animals. ~ dianakitten spousal abuse 6:29:18 kitten spousal abuse- 6:29:18 kitten spousal abuse===6:29:18 kitten spousal abused - 6:29:18 ==

Jet – Found with a Bullet in His Leg

6/26/18 – In late May, Jet was found wandering the streets with a bullet in his leg, It tool a while before he could be scheduled for surgery because he needed to gain weight and get healthy. He had surgery last Thursday with the help of 4 Paws 1 Heart and today he is doing great. AND, please consider making a donation so that we can continue to help those animals needing our assistance. Donations can be made by using the link on the left side of this page or on our website, 4paws1heart.org, or by mail at P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080. Thank YOU, diana

Jet wi:no dog left behind - bri rose 6:23:18jet 6:26:18

Montana – Used and Abused by a Backyard Breeder

6/25/18 – Montana was used by a backyard breeder, likely kept in the backyard, in horrible living conditions where her repeated ear infections were not treated. Her ears formed scar tissue that narrowed her ear canal and trapped bacteria and infection, while continuing the cycle of more ear infections. Despite the pain and discomfort involved, she is very sweet and generous with her love and affection. Montana found herself in a municipal shelter where she would have been euthanized due to her medical costs, but staff/volunteers lobbied to give this girl a chance which is how she ended up with I Heart Dogs. During her first ear surgery, her ear canal was closed and she has lost hearing in that ear. I Heart Dogs elected to save her hearing in the second ear (where there was less damage) and 4 Paws 1 Heart was happy to contribute to this surgery. Eventually, Montana will be available for adoption through I Heart Dogs, Warren, MI. ~ diana

montana w:iheart dogs

Princess – RIP – Found on the Side of a Road; Died After Surgery

6/24/18 – RIP Sweet Princess. Princess was one of 17 kittens and 3 females found on the side of a trail in Hines Park, Dearborn, MI. Many of the kittens had upper respiratory infections but one, especially, was very serious — as you can see from the ‘before’ photo. We were asked to help but because of limited funds and the number of commitments we have on tap already, we could not take on everyone but we did agree to help Princess. Princess had her eye removed on June 16 and up until last night was doing great. And then, while in the arms of her rescuer, she had a seizure and died. We are all heartbroken but will continue to do what we can to assist with the others suffering with upper respiratory infections. We are so grateful that this wonderful rescuer was able to flood Princess with kisses as she was crossing the Rainbow Bridge. ~ dianaprincess 6:16:18 princess w:shannon caudill 6:16:18

Lucie – She Struggled Through Health Issues and Now She’s Been Adopted

6/23/18 – So happy we could play a role in this. ~ diana

“Happy Dance!! Lucie had a meet and greet today and she has found her forever home. She will be joining her new family after she has her shots and surgery July 5th. She will be going home on the following Saturday.
Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart for her medical backing!
And thank you all for sharing…..sharing works! – Patricia”lucie 6:23:18

Leila – Found Strangling in a Garage

6/22/18 – Leila was found near the Indiana border, strangling in a garage. She was rescued by a good Samaritan but she couldn’t keep her. Leila had deep cuts on her neck and arm and is very small. Karen went and picked her up and took, with the help of 4Paws1Heart, to the vet. She was given an antibiotic for her cuts, dewormed, treated for ear mites, and tested negative for FIV and Feline Leukemia. Leila weighed in at 1.5 pounds.

Leila is having a fabulous time at Karen’s house. She is using the litter box and eats like a champ. She is very inquisitive and loves to snuggle and sleep on the family members. When old enough, we will also make sure Leila is spayed. Anyone interested in this cutie should contact Karen at: [email protected] ~ dianaleila---6:22:18 leila 6:22:18 leila--6:22:18