Vixen, a 12 Week Old Yorkie Puppy

1/20/13  This is Vixen.  A 12-week old, yorkie puppy that needed surgery to save her life. Without major surgery to remove the intestines that were being strangulated inside of this puppy, she would have died in a matter of hours.  Tiny, and weighing in at only 1.05 pounds, this puppy survived the surgery two nights ago and she is recovering great! Thanks goes to Dr. Venet and LVT Dawn who literally saved this puppy’s life.  4 Paws 1 Heart, is paying for all medical care and hear is a photo of Vixen giving me kisses the day following surgery.  How something like this could have happened, we will never know because it was a rare case.  Part of her intestine had to be removed and for such a tiny puppy this was a miracle that wouldn’t have happened without our awesome staff!  I’m so lucky to have the opportunity to work with such amazing people! ~ Gina

1/20/13 – Vixen’s belly is stapled closed and an IV catheter is in place to keep her stable while she heals from major abdominal surgery.  She is on IV antibiotics, pain medication, and receives several blood draws to make sure she is healing properly.  Her intestines were strangulated cutting off blood supply, not allowing function, and causing severe pain, shock, infection, and necrotic tissue.

Prayers are welcome for this sweet baby who was surrendered. ~ Gina

A Message from Our Big Boy ~ Hercules


Hello from Hercules!
I have discovered lots of very cool things about Michigan in the winter. Snow is fun! It is wet and cold and disappears when I chew it. I can hide in it – that’s why I have my own jacket! I can run and play in it! I get to go for long walks in the woods when it snows and track new scents and paw prints. It is especially nice when I can go to Partridge Creek and visit friends with the colorful lights on while it is snowing. I miss the snow!
See you soon!
Hercules (& Dr. K)

Dr. Tari Kern
Certified Veterinary Medical Acupuncturist
Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner

Tari Kern, DVM, CVMA, CCRP
Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Therapy for Pets


1/13/13  NO ONE STOPS TO HELP A DOG HIT BY A CAR…..EXCEPT ONE WOMAN. Tonight this female stray was hit by a car and was laying in the road until a caring woman stopped to help. She spent an hour trying to wave down traffic but not one person stopped to help her get the dog in the car. While she watched this dog, she called the ER vet twice, We told her to bring the dog in and 4 Paws 1 Heart was able to offer the dog help because of, “our mission”.  The woman said, ” the dog kept trying to walk but immediately fell down over and over”. The dogs paw was hurting and injured. Finally, someone stopped to help. The dog was then rushed to emergency. Our assistant carried her 60-pound, limp body to the treatment area.  She was critical and on the brink of DEATH. We treated her for hypothermia and SHOCK.  It took three hours for her vitals to stabilize. If treatment had been delayed much longer, she wouldn’t be alive.  This poor girl was drenched in water from rain and puddles of melted snow with a temperature almost 10 degrees below normal. She has at least 7 fractured ribs and an injury to her front paw. We have her on I V Fluids and medications.  I will post an update this evening. ~ Gina

1/16/13  The pain for Annie has just been unbearable…  Day 3 of hospitalization..  The doctor has had to up her pain medication twice since she was brought in.  Finally, she is resting more comfortably on a constant IV drip with several additives.  Her broken ribs, injured paw, and broken canine tooth, on top of her being up there in age, has made it quite challenging for her to endure.   There is something about this girl that is so special.  Maybe it’s because she fought so hard to stay alive and she was on the brink of death when she came in.  I truly feel like she belongs to someone who is missing her terribly.  I just hope I’m right, but for now we are doing everything medically that we can.  Tonight she was eating a mixture of yummy canned food out of my hand, but she hasn’t been interested otherwise.  I’ve cooked some ground beef and diced up some chicken to bring to her for breakfast.  Hopefully, she will have a better appetite tomorrow. ~ gina

Snickers – You Have a Community Praying For You

January 11, 2013- Snicker’s Story Makes it to Click on Detroit News
Click on Link >>: Snicker’s Story on

Update January 10, 2013: Snickers is hanging in there.. He loves “love”! His left eye is in really bad shape in fact I can’t see it behind all the inflammation and swelling. He is on several medications, breathing treatments, and he is being syringe fed. We have a rescue lined up to take him when he is ready. For now he’s with me. Sadly, he might lose his left eye. ~ Gina

 1/9/13  A woman posted on Craig’s List the fact that her 9 year old son had found a kitten in the snow, wet, crying, and with eyes totally sealed shut from puss.  She was putting out a call for help.  A very good friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart who is actually the foster mom for Ruby, Joanne Hoope, saw the posting.  She left work in downtown Detroit and went to Hamtramck to rescue the kitten.  Many animal lovers saw the posting on Craig’s List and many wanted to help but the word went out that a friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart had picked up the kitten and was on her way to the Emergency in Harper Woods.

 The kitten, now known as Snickers and about 9 weeks old, is in bad shape from an upper respiratory infection that developed into a severe infection. After being cared for by the veterinarians, Gina, our Vice President of Operations and Co-Founder (as well as veterinary technician) decided to bring the kitten home tonight because he needs supportive care around the clock.

Gina and 4 Paws 1 Heart is committed to saving this little one as, Joanne, a friend and animal lover responded to the emergency tonight and risked her life to go pick up this kitten in an unsafe area because of her love for animals. She never thinks twice about saving an animal. Joanne is the Hero here because this kitten would have surely died if she didn’t bring him to us. Now we will provide the treatment needed and hopefully get this kitten through this terrible infection without losing his eye or having permanent damage to his vision.

He can’t see or smell so Gina is feeding him by syringe. The cone is on because he was pawing at his face with his claws doing more damage to his skin and eyes. He will probably lose the fur all around his mouth because it is just infected and damaged everywhere on his poor little face.

Thank God he is with Gina, the woman who has raised dogs, cats, and squirrels (just to mention a few of the species) from as early as one day old. If anyone can help Snickers, it is Gina and the staff of the veterinary. They are the best! Time and time again, there have been second opinions and they always match what our doctors say. Thank You Gina, Joanne, and the skilled doctors who will be helping Snickers!!

We will keep everyone updated. ~ diana

Mary (Lilah) Update

We want to again thank our very good friends at LOVEABULL PAWS RESCUE for the following update and photo:

Remember Mary(right)? Our pretty little girl who was rescued by 4 Paws 1 Heart last July after she was shot in the shoulder and lost all of her unborn puppies. Look at her now! She is now named Lilah and has a pretty pittie sister named Miley, they are both spoiled beautiful girls! 🙂 ~ Loveabull Paws

Nemo and Tinkerbell – MCR

4 Paws 1 Heart is happy to send medical dollars for the care of Nemo (male Maine coon) and Tinkerbell (black/white female) who were rescued by our friends at MICHIGAN CAT RESCUE.

They were found in the cold almost frozen to death. They are 8-week old kittens who have stayed together and are obviously bonded.. They are suffering from stomach infections because they went a long time without food. They are weak right now.  Our rescue friends rescue many cats during the winter months..cats that are out in the cold who are starving and without shelter.

Please consider fostering or adoption as the number of unwanted cats never seems to end. ~ diana

More Details on “Freeze Your Fanny” Event

More detailed information on the “Freeze Your Fanny” event, January 26, 2013. ~ diana

‘Freeze Your Franny’ to Benefit 3 Macomb Co. Charities, Promote Healthy Living

With warming tents, snow-free running paths and an endless supply of hot cocoa, organizers of the Freeze Your Franny 5K say there is no excuse for skipping this winter exercise and charitable fund-raiser.

Hosted by the Utica Education Association and Utica Paraprofessionals Association, the Freeze Your Franny 5K run/walk will return to Stony Creek Metropark for its third year Saturday, Jan. 26.

Proceeds from the 2013 event will benefit MCREST (Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team), the Macomb County Food Bank and 4 PAWS 1 HEART.

Registration is available online or by mail though Jan. 25 and in person on race day. The per person fee, listed below, includes a long sleeve T-shirt with the Freeze Your Franny logo, bib tag timing and warm refreshments at the end of the race. There is no added charge for strollers or dogs.

•$20 – Through Jan 19
•$25 – Jan. 20-25
•$30.00 – Race Day

Child Under 12
•$12 – Through Jan 19
•$17 – Jan. 20-25
•$22 – Race Day

The race starts at 11 a.m. Jan. 26 and participants are invited to walk or run the course, which is USA Track & Field (USAFT) certified and will be salted, or cleared as needed on race day. Runners are invited to gather in warming tents after the race to reboot with soup, coffee, hot chocolate and the music of a DJ.

Race day parking will be available at Eastwood Beach. There is a $5 per vehicle fee to enter Stony Creek.

For more information, or to register for the event, visit
Related Topics: 5k, Freeze Your Franny, Roberts Elementary, Stony Creek, and Winter Exercise

Full article at:

Pregnant Dog At the Macomb Animal Control Shelter

So, last night I was lucky enough to be home when Michelle from A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue called wondering if I knew of any rescues who could help out with a pregnant dog she had just seen at the Macomb Animal Control Shelter. A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue had just rescued Holly from the shelter and didn’t have any room. I made a few contacts, and our very good friends at Heroes for Homeless Animals agreed to meet Michelle in the morning at the shelter. Well, here is momma. She is safe in the ‘arms’ of Heroes and it looks like she may be having 8 puppies. 4 Paws 1 Heart will help with medical dollars. Another example of lives saved by groups working together. ~ diana