7/1/16 – This has been quite the week!! We have taken on and unbelievable number of serious cases this week and although the bills haven’t all come in, we have definitely gone through all of the money raised during the Father’s Day Challenge. This is Sassy, We had originally helped Sassy with her initial vetting and medical care; she was doing great in her foster home. But then the call came in — Sassy was lethargic and hasn’t been eating. After visiting one emergency hospital where it was learned that Sassy had somehow eaten a screw, she was taken to our friends at Wilson Veterinary who performed immediate surgery. She is now doing great and went home yesterday. A huge thanks to her rescuer, Megan, and her foster mom for running all over town for hours to get her help. Anyone interested in adopting this sweetie, should contact Friends of Scooby Rescue. Without the donations, we would never have been able to provide the emergency treatment for all of these animals. Anyone in
Just a reminder that whether you have a baby, pets, or both, it is always good to ‘baby proof’ your home. And, even when you think you’ve checked everything, check again! These kids can get into anything and everything. Now we just have to get sweet Sassy her forever home.