7/15/18 – There are over 5,000 stories in the 4 Paws 1 Heart Community. If you have been touched by 4 Paws 1 Heart in any way, please share your experience on our Great Non Profit page. Thanks! ~ diana
Category Archives: Abuse
Thank You to the Sponsors of the 5K Fun Run/Walk Fur Fun
Max – His Owners Thought He had “Died Already”
7/18/18 – Max continues to recover.
7/13/18 – Here is the other sweet animal needing your prayers.
“The story of Max —
I rescued your cat yesterday. The one you took the time to micro-chip and even update your information. The one you shaved huge chunks of fur off of for the hell of it. The one you discarded like yesterday’s trash when he needed you the most. He had horrible diarrhea with a belly full of worms. He had wounds and when rescued, one burst open and about 7 tablespoons of ooze came out.
Despite all pain he is in, he still purrs. He wants to be our friend, he wants to trust us. I’ve never seen a cat eat so much, he acts like we’re going to starve him too.
Never again Mr Max. You made it this far – I will fight for you.-Megan”
Max was seen yesterday and had a drainage tube inserted to get the poison out of his wounds. He was treated for the many other wounds he had on his poor emaciated body and provided with many medications. Unfortunately, we found out, after receiving extensive treatment, that Max is FIV positive. BUT, that will not be his death knell. A sanctuary has been found for Max. He does have a place where he can safely recover until moving on to the sanctuary. The rescuer plans to file charges against the owner who when called about finding his cat said, “Oh, I thought that he died by now”. The owner has verbally surrendered Max in front of two witnesses at the vet who are working with us to ensure there is a signed surrender form. I continue to wonder about the cruelty in the hearts of so many people. ~ diana
Thor – His Owners Were Evicted and He Was Left Behind With the Parvo Virus
7/18/18 Update – After two visits to the E.R. and one visit to a day practice, Thor is now eating solid food and seems to have turned the corner. Continued prayers for this boy.
7/13/18 – Prayers for two very sweet animals who needed very serious medical attention this past week which was ( and is) being funded by 4 Paws 1 Heart.
“The story of Thor–
What used to be my neighbors, were evicted from their home around 2 weeks ago. Thor was their dog from a little puppy, when they were forced to the streets they regrettably abandoned him in my yard knowing that I did fostering and rescued many strays. I’ve watched this loving dog come up from a puppy into a well trained companion. Even though I understand how they came to the decision to leave him behind, it still baffled me. I knew I had to take him in under my wing and protect him because he would not have the 1st clue about being locked in a cage/kennel nor living in the streets. After him being in my home for the last 13 days he fell ill. From a playful puppy full of energy on Friday to a dead dog walking on Saturday, I could tell just by looking at him Saturday morning that he was just not the happy puppy he was just the day before something was seriously wrong that’s when I emailed 4 paws one heart asking for help. Who in turn replied and graciously offered to help us. – Abigail”
Thor was taken to the emergency hospital where he spent 24 hours being treated for the parvo virus. He was then sent home with meds and the rescuer has been working closely with Gina to ensure he is getting the best medical care. He is scheduled to visit one of our other doctors today to be examined and for use to be assured that Thor is on his way to full recovery. ~ diana
Thelma and Louise – Abandoned in a Sweltering Garage
7/11/18 – They were abandoned in a sweltering garage and found very malnourished. Thankfully, they were rescued and we were contacted for medical help. Thelma and Louise did see our vet last Saturday and were treated, vaccinated, and tested for heart worm. In about a month they will be spayed. Anyone interested in giving these beauties a forever home, should contact their rescuer, Lori at: [email protected]
– diana
Liberty – Thrown Out of the Back of a Vehicle
Thankfully, Gina was there and because of the amazing support of our donors and Gina’s strong connections to the medical world, 4 paws 1 heart was able to have this dog taken to and treated by emergency doctors — but, unfortunately the owners cannot reimburse. We never know the situation with a stray animal. We are thankful an owner was found. We just pray that the owner will be more watchful. There is still a dog missing. – diana
“Female, adult, mixed breed, about 65 pounds, no chip, no identification, was seen tossed out of truck on 94 and 8 mile. Detroit. It happened yesterday about 4:30 PM. She was hit by 2 cars and a good samaritan brought her to the hospital. She is receiving medical treatment for her injuries. If you have any information regarding her owners or a description of the vehicle please contact me. [email protected]”
Liberty – Tossed From a Truck and Hit by Two Cars
1:30 pm. It was the owner and the dog is home now..
Possible owner is on her way to the hospital to claim this dog. Both of her dogs got out yesterday morning and the other one has not been found yet…7 Mile and Outer Drive area.
If anyone has information about the other dog or the POS that did this please post on for the love of Louie.
Yesterday this dog was tossed from a truck on 94 and 8 mile and then hit by 2 cars. Please share. We are calling her Liberty. 4 paws 1 ♡ is covering her medical. She is covered in road rash and has lots of bruising along with some deeper Cuts, but she is absolutely lucky to be alive. A Good Samaritan saw everything happen.
Ozzie – He Was Abused an Abandoned
6/29/18 – Rebel Dogs Detroit recently took in a female who shortly afterward had 13 puppies. We have helped them recently with a couple of dogs and the other day they were called about, who they think, is the ‘father’ of the 13 puppies. He was wandering the streets after the family that had been abusing him moved away and abandoned him. We were happy to pay for Ozzie to be neutered, tested, and vaccinated. No more puppies for Ozzie! Anyone interested in adopting Ozzie should contact Juniper at Rebel Dogs Detroit ~ diana
Kittens in Abusive Household – The Spouse Threatened to Harm the Kittens
6/27/18 – Please continue to pray for all of those who must rely on the kindness of humans. An independent rescuer who we’ve often helped, came across an urgent ‘call-out’ for help. The person needed to find someone to take in 4 kittens who were being threatened by her abusive spouse. She would not leave the home until the kittens were safe and had been hiding them. It took a little planning, but the four kittens made it to safety and in just a couple of days their upper respiratory infections have become severe. The kittens were immediately brought to a vet and we are not only praying for their full recovery but for the safety of the person who put out that desperate call for help. Concern for a pet in the home is one of the primary reasons that a victim of abuse will not leave the household. Unfortunately, abuse is a complex issue that touches humans and animals. ~ diana
Jet – Found with a Bullet in His Leg
6/26/18 – In late May, Jet was found wandering the streets with a bullet in his leg, It tool a while before he could be scheduled for surgery because he needed to gain weight and get healthy. He had surgery last Thursday with the help of 4 Paws 1 Heart and today he is doing great. AND, please consider making a donation so that we can continue to help those animals needing our assistance. Donations can be made by using the link on the left side of this page or on our website, 4paws1heart.org, or by mail at P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080. Thank YOU, diana