Chris and Squirrel – Updates – Now 6 Months Old and Getting Ready for Eye Surgery

1/15/21 – In September, 2020 I received the following request for assistance:
“My name is Courtney and I am the director of Paws, Awes & Claws rescue. We have a situation that we would like to assist with, however this year has been a lot for us to keep up with. We have had three different cats need enucleation surgeries (two were double and one single which was unexpected) on top of more routine visits.
However, we have a foster who would like to help and take in two kittens in need. They are coming from a barn life, but their ailments make this difficult and the homeowner cannot afford their care and will not do anything further unless able to surrender them. One of the kittens has a problem with her rib cage. It feels as though it curves inward and seems to cause her pain. As she is growing it seems to get worse and she can not continue to live outdoors this way. She is called Squirrel. The other kitten appears to be very cross-eyed and is beginning to have trouble opening one of his eyes. They call him Cross-eyed Chris. We believe he may be suffering from entropion in one or both eyes causing this problem to get worse and worse as it does not appear to be a URI.
Squirrel is a tabby kitten probably around 9-10 weeks old and I believe she is over the weight to allow surgery soon if needed. However, Chris is small, maybe 6-8 weeks. I believe he appears to be smaller than 2 lbs although probably not by much. He is a little black kitten. I have attached photos of each.
We are wondering if your organization may be able to help us with the costs of taking in these two kittens. As much as it pains me to say it, we just can’t cover these costs right now while already trying to find ways to fundraise in this hard time to cover the current vet bills. Please let me know if this is something you would be able to help with.”
We said YES and had Courtney set up visits with one of the best Dr. Zalac at Orion Animal Hospital. It turns out that Chris has a congenital defect called egenesis which is being born without eyelids. Although Dr. Zalac had never performed this particular surgery in the past, she was confident that she could do it. And, we are also confident that Dr. Zalac can perform the surgery successfully. At the September visit, Chris’ eye had actually fused shut and needed to also be cut open, which was done. She wanted to see Chris when he was about 6 months old. As to Squirrel, Dr. Zalac felt that as long she was not having other issues, she should be ok. Dr. Zalac just advised that she be monitored in that her liver is outside of her rib cage due to her
So, here we are and Chris is now about 6 months old and will be scheduled for his surgery. Squirrel will be getting spayed next week and she will again have her rib cage examined. Please say a pray for these sweet babies who owe their lives to a great rescue — Paws, Awes, and Claws, and our amazing and generous donors. Here are some photos from September and now. Chris is the black baby and Squirrel is the Tabby. – diana

Noelle – Update – Surrendered by Her Owner to Giver Her a Second Chance

1/12/21 – noelle 1:12:21 noelle -- 1:12:21Noelle Update!
This little girl is doing GREAT with her medical foster. The previous owner allowed her to be surrendered so that 4 paws 1 heart could give her a chance by paying for her necessary care… She is a beautiful sweet girl who is loving her new journey and the new friends that she has made. We are fortunate to be able to work with such caring veterinary staff and it’s because of them that Noelle was given a 2nd chance to live out her geriatric years with a quality life.♡ If you would like to help with Noelle please go to thank you ♡ Gina

Ash and Sammy – Wandered from the Flint River to Their Furever Home

1/11/21 – These little sweethearts wandered up from the Flint River to the home of a kind woman who is willing to give them a furever home but is unable to to have them spayed/neutered, tested, and vaccinated. Unfortunately, like so many others at this time, the homeowner was a server in a restaurant that hasn’t been open. Of course, we are thankful to have been contacted and to have the funds to make this union happen. Ash and Sammy are scheduled to get the works at the end of the month. – diana

Pecan – Update

pecan 1:11:21Dee Brown Gudenau
32 breaths / minute this morning! Down from over 80/min on Friday! Pecan is on her way to kicking This pneumonia’s butt! Normal is 20-30 breaths/ min. Way to go Pecan! And she started to play with her toys!

Gina DeLuca Jenio
4 Paws 1 Heart (Her eye is runny because she just got her plasma drops or is she crying from happiness? No that would be her foster mommy! ) Have a great day!

Pecan – Update – Still Needs Prayers

1/10/21 – Pecan Update. Please continue praying for this very sweet baby who still has a journey ahead of her. Such sweet innocence. Many thanks to our Board member, Dee Gudenau, and great husband, Rick, for taking such good care of her- diana
Image may contain: people sleeping and cat

Dee Brown Gudenau

My husband calls me neurotic…I call it being thorough….I just recorded Pecan at 40/Breaths per minute…. get up and dance people! I know it will fluctuate be we can still do a little dance!
1/10/21 Pecan morning update.
After her nebulizer treatment, eye drops including her plasma drops, breakfast, water and a trip to the litterbox…it’s time for a nappy. Her breaths per minute was 52 compared to 54 yesterday afternoon. We will take the babystep! We are hoping to be able to get the recommended meds for her nebulizer to propel her healing. She will getting her daily dose of Enrofloxacin after her nap….pill form = fun for foster mommy.
Her weight is holding steady last couple of days at 2# 5.5 oz … she has only loss less then 3 oz since this all began! And last night she started to eat A/D wet food along with her favorite…her dry food.
Thank you all for your love and support for Pecan! Hope to post an eye update later today if she will hold still! Squiggly girl. 4 Paws 1 Heart Gina DeLuca Jenio

Sadie – Passed Around and Neglected Has Surgery for a Hematoma

1/9/21 – I was first contacted about Sadie and her buddy, Gizmo in July, 2020. Their owners moved to Florida and left them behind in their home. It was difficult to get them into a vet because of the shut downs and backlogs but a doctor who has since retired got them in and took care of their immediate needs to be tested and vaccinated before going to a foster home. The other day I received the following message from Marci who was involved in the July rescue:
“She’s almost unforgettable, she’s so fat. 😯
You helped me with her and a male named Gizmo. Their owners had gone to Florida, then decided to live in Florida for good. They didn’t want the cats. The new people moving into the house didn’t want them sadie 7:2:20sadie w:marci 1:6:21gizmo 1:9:21either, but had been leaving food & water for them. She said that’s when Sadie got so fat. Poor cat probably wasn’t sure if she’d get another meal. You covered their exams and vaccinations at Rakestraw. Both cats were already spayed/neutered. As I have a full basement, I took them in. Gizmo comes upstairs to roam around but Sadie hasn’t yet. She’ll sit on the landing thinking it over, then head back down. I haven’t done very well with getting her to lose some of that weight. She’s not a fan of laser pointers or toys. She’s my work in progress. 😕” She gave herself a hematoma. I have flushed her ears and, if it was from ear mites, I cannot tell. I am also treating with ointment. Do you ever cover the cost of surgery to fix ear hematomas? I understand that it rarely resolves on its own. – Marci”
Sadie has her surgery appointment scheduled for next Wednesday. The first photo is Sadie now. The next two are Sadie when she and Gizmo were rescued. Gizmo has been doing great in the home; as Marci said, Sadie is still reluctant. Far too many people believe that cats are not social creatures. They believe it’s ok to leave cats alone for days or forever. But just because some cats choose when to hang out with humans doesn’t mean they are not social animals. It is so very sad when an owner abandons their cats and they wind up living without any human interaction when they’ve been used to it. Praying that Sadie’s surgery goes well and that she can lose some weight. She may, in fact, be more social if her ear isn’t hurting any more. What we know for sure is that she is being loved and cared for. – diana

Pecan – Rushed to the Vet; diagnosed with Pneumonia

1/9/21 – Please send up a prayer for this very sick baby rescued just a couple of weeks ago. – diana


Please please please send prayers and positive energy to Pecan….yesterday I had to rush her to the vet and she was diagnosed with pneumonia. We are doing everything possible…meds, nebulizer, steam bathroom (thank you Denise!) , love and cuddle….but she needs more…she needs everyone’s prayers and healing energy sent to her. I will give a Pecan update later today. Thank you all! And thank you

4 Paws 1 Heart

for backing her medical…if you would like to donate to help Pecans medical expenses here is a link for more info.

Snickers – One of our Miracles from 2013

1/9/21 – Snickers! These years go by so quickly. Can’t believe it was 8 years ago that his life was saved by a young boy and his mom. Snickers’ story is just one of thousands as 4 Paws 1 Heart hits its $1 million mark in paid medical treatment for the abandoned and abused. May God continue to bless the rescuers, the veterinary staffs, and our supporters! – diana
P.S. Read about Snickers’ journey on our website.
snickerswhenfoundJanuary,2013 snickers 3:28:18--

“Dear Snickers.

Today is the day, one year ago you were found by a boy with a big heart… you were in an alley, freezing, sick and hungry. His Mom put out a plea on Craigslist for help for someone to come get you to get you to medical treatment…this is where Joey got his big heart. The plea was answered by Joanne who braved the horrible weather to get you and take you to the vet

Gina DeLuca


4 Paws 1 Heart

) was working at. Tears come to my eyes when I think about how Gina didn’t know if you would even survive, but they did everything they could and you fought so hard. Every baby step you made there was a whole Facebook community cheering you on and praying for you, including me, your Mom.

Huge thank yous go out to Joey, his Mom and Joanne for their life saving actions . Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart who paid for his medical expenses to save him and his eyesight. Thank you Gina for saving him and fostering him. Thank you

David Jenio

for giving Snickers someone to climb up and attack. Thank you

Diana Rascano

for all your time and effort for updating all of us on Snickers during his medical treatment. Thank you all for the love, prayer and support you gave Snickers.

Please consider donating to 4 Paw 1 Heart so they can continue to save lives of injured and sick helpless animals….they deserve a chance.
In honor of Snickers, his Dad & I will be making a donation in his name.
We love you so much buddy!

You can read the beginning of the story here….”
Donations easily given here:

Prince – Left to Die on a Chain

1/8/21 – Prince was left to die with a huge chain wrapped around his neck. His rescuer, Amy, had to buy him to save him. He was malnourished, infested with fleas and fly bites, and had a severe rash around his neck. Two days ago he tested positive for heart worm. His rescuer has been working with him to build his trust and his treatment will start asap. Here he is in his new sweater complements of a 4 paws1heart supporter. A little prayer for his full recovery would be appreciated. – diana