Asher (and others) – Found Very Ill, Unable to Eat Due to an Ulcer in His Mouth, In a Hoarding Situation

1/27/21 – Asher is one of 6 cats rescued the other day. They were living in a hoarding situation where 17 cats need to be rescued. Asher was the only one visibly sick and not neutered. He hadn’t been eating and he was flea infested–his fur felt like he had mange. He was immediately taken to a vet with our authorization and the others will be spayed/neutered/vaccinated/tested — whatever is needed at All About Animals. We have committed to caring for all 17 when they are rescued.
Asher was treated for the fleas and given steroids for the severe flea allergy which also may be responsible for an ulcer found in his mouth. It’s probably why the poor guy wasn’t eating. He was also neutered but because of the steroid treatment, he won’t be vaccinated for two weeks. Asher is the first two photos, and the others are of the cats who will be taken to All About Animals. Two of the females may be pregnant. Also, there are photos of the conditions these poor animals were living in. If anyone is interested in these cats, please contact Keri at: [email protected] – diana
Your donations save lives.

Apollo – Rescued from a Hoarding Situation – 1 Sibling Died

1/25/21 – A CALL OUT for prayers! I was contacted by the owner of one of the veterinary clinics with whom we work closely. We were asked if we could help with this little guy’s medical. He will be starting treatment for FIP which can be deadly. The treatment has been successful but it is expensive and requires a serious commitment from the person caring for the cat. This is Apollo and here is his story:
Apollo was rescued from a hoarding situation where there were 30 black cats amongst a few others. Apollo’s foster family was asked to take him in along with a sister and brother. Unfortunately they only ended up with Apollo and his sister as his brother passed away from wobbly kitten syndrome, and while they were able to find an amazing home for his sister, they fell in love with Apollo and so did their other cat Orion. Apollo began to get sick in the middle of December. Because the family had been out of work due to the pandemic and were also facing human medical issues, they had to wait for their stimulus in order to get Apollo to a vet. But as soon as they received it, they rushed him to the vet. He tested negative for FIV and FeLV and no one could figure out what was wrong so the vet gave him antibiotics and pain meds. A week later he started declining faster and upon taking him back to the vet, he was diagnosed with FIP.
Here are some photos of this handsome boy, one with his buddy, Orion. As we often say, it truly takes a village to care for the abandoned and abused. I’m praying that we can give Apollo a second chance at the life he so much deserves. – diana

Pecan – Update

1/24/21 – Our smart little girl, Pecan, is healthy enough to send her own message to our friends:

“Hi facebook…Pecan here…My first ever post! Foster Mommy said I could because I’m not wheezing much when I’m playing…it’s been 16 days (that is like 62 cat days) since the vet said I had double pneumonia. I’m still doing the nebulizer jail – you guys must break me out! 10 minutes 3 times a day is torture! But I’m done with all of the other meds. And the other miracle…MY EYE! Better to see my foster mommy’s & daddy’s feet to attack them! Foster Mommy still is giving me the plasma drops for the last 20 days…which I HATE…after she gives them to me I have to go have a snack…I stress eat. Just thinking about them – I have to go have a snack. Bye my fans! – Pecan”

4pecan 1:24:21---- pecan 1:24:21


Garfield – Rescued from Under a Deck; Thin and Sick with an Upper Respiratory Infection

1/20/21 – In November, 2020,garfield w:kayla gordon 11:2020 I received this e mail from a person who moved to the Mt. Pleasant area and over the past couple of years we have helped with the many cats who have showed up on her property:
“This one I’ve been calling Garfield and I do plan on keeping him, he’s fought too hard to make it. My grandparents heard a cry from under their deck at the end of September. My grandpa tore his deck apart and this little guy was under it, starving and sickly. instantly I took him into the vet as he couldn’t stop sneezing and shaking his head. He ended up having upper respiratory problems from being thrown out to fend for himself so young and he had an ear infection. We did drops and an immune boost for him and he’s gotten somewhat better. He’s not fixed yet though. I did get his rabies shot though so he could get fixed once he turned 6 months. (The vet said they like to wait till this age and they (were/are) booked out for surgery appointments. Can you help? Kayla”
Of course we covered Garfield’s medical bills and he is doing well. – diana

Bunny, Vivian, Rascal, Skeeter, Artemis, and Penelope and 3 Unnamed Kittens – All Very Sick But Survived With the Help of the 4 Paws 1 Heart Village

It was in April, 2020, that we were contacted by our good friend Charlotte Y. (known for her amazing TNR work) and her friend who had just moved into a mobile home park in Shelby Twp., MI. Amanda, who had moved into the park, found an extreme population of stray cats. Without getting into all of the details — 33 adult cats had been trapped and spayed/neutered prior to us being contacted. At the end of this scenario, another 20 adult cats and 11 5-week old kittens has been attended to. There were emergencies where two kittens died and 4 paws 1 heart paid for that medical bill and then there were a few more sick kittens who were taken care of by our friend Jo A., Gina, and Debbie N. Back then, I reported on some of the kittens and moms and today I just wanted to show a few more of these beauties who had been either rescued and turned over to Tigerlily Cat Rescue to assist with adoptions or returned to the park. Unfortunately, I have learned over the past ten years that mobile home parks are notorious for horrendous numbers of stray cats. It is critical that when a stray cat is seen, steps be taken to get that cat neutered/spayed. It’s the only way we are going to curb the overpopulation of cats in our neighborhoods. Here are three unnamed kittens, bunny & vivian who were very sick but nursed back to life by Jo A. and Gina, Rascal, Skeeter+3, Artemis, and Penelope. 2020 was quite the year — like no other. – dianabunny and vivian 4:2020 rascal 3:21:20 skeeter+3 3:21:20 artemis 3:21:20 penelope 3:21:20 unnamed kittens 4:20:20

Kittens During the Pandemic – Born as Strays With Upper Respiratory Infections, One Died

1/20/21 – It was back in October, 2020 when we were contacted by a group who assists stray cats in Hamtramck, MI. We were asked to cover the treatment for upper respiratory infections, vaccines, testing, and spay/neuter for 4 kittens found in a person’s backyard. Our friends at Ferndale Cat Shelter would then take them in to get them adopted. Unfortunately, the rescue group was only able to capture 3 and one passed away before he could get into a veterinary hospital. Our friends at Comfort’s Place in Redford took care of the remaining two kittens and found them homes. – Diana

Cheeto – Update — Once Alone, Malnourished, Losing Fur, and Needing All Teeth Removed — Now Loved With His Own Family

1/20/21 – As I said in an earlier post, here is a little guy who came into our lives July 30, 2020. His now mom, had been taking care of a cat community and Cheeto came walking into it. He had diarrhea, scratches on his eye, fleas possibly causing the fur that was missing around his neck, and was only eating treats. The poor guy would eat fast and was somewhat skittish; he was definitely malnourished. We started off having him seen by All About Animals because he needed to be vaccinated, tested, and neutered but they didn’t want to take a chance doing anything because of his condition; they suggested he be taken to a standard veterinary hospital. We authorized Cheeto to be taken to another partner vet who found he was FIV positive, and was drooling pus — after his mouth was examined, it was determined all teeth would also need to be removed. Once I heard of everything Cheeto needed to get him healthy, I referred him to one of our favorite doctors at Patterson Veterinary in Clinton Twp. By the end of September, Cheeto had been treated, neutered, vaccinated, and had all of his teeth removed. During this two month process, the rescuer and her friend fell in love with him and decided to give him a furever home. Yesterday, his rescuer and now mom reported that Cheeto is doing great and that they LOVE him. Thank you to our many generous donors who give us the ability to help these defenseless animals who have no where else to turn. – diana

Precious and Shadow, Marshmallow, Pumpkin, Buddy Holly, Boots – All Rescued From Abusive Conditions on the Streets

1/19/21 – First let me apologize for being redundant but this past year has truly been the year of CATS/KITTENS. Not because we chose to only help felines but because that is where the majority of calls for help have been. Some of the conditions this past year that resulted in such overwhelming situations were: 1) the shut down of low-cost veterinary clinics like All About Animal, The PAWS Clinic, and the Humane Society of St. Clair for a number of months; 2) the restrictions put on standard veterinary hospitals to only perform emergency surgeries; 3) then when everything opened for all animals, the backlog for owners and rescuers were overwhelming and that backlog continues partly because of the virus procedures put in place for the protection of staff and animals; and 4) with so many people who lost their jobs or had their salaries reduced, a number of pets, unfortunately, found their way back into the wild.
So now, every so often, I will be going back in time to report on the many animals we continued to help throughout the year but whom I didn’t report on just because of the numbers.
Here are five sweet kitties who were taken off of the streets by independent rescuers, some of whom we’ve helped in the past. They all received some medical treatment, typically testing for FIV/FeLV, vaccines, flea/parasite treatment, spay/neuter, and eye meds which are very often needed. I present Precious and Shadow, Marshmallow, Pumpkin, precious and shadow 1:3:21 marshmallow 12:22:20 marshmallow 10:26:20 Pumpkin - sheila vickery 11:11:20 buddy holly boots 1:15:21Buddy Holly, and Boots. – diana