Snow and Rico – Snow Was Found Dying on the Side of the Road

1/6/2021 – Snow and Rico are so close they caught each other’s upper respiratory infections. Snow was originally found dying on the side of the road. The 19 year old son of the person who contacted us had been running and saw the cat who was obviously struggling and very sick. He brought the cat, Snow, home and the family contacted us to help. Snow was seen for a severe upper respiratory infection and was given several medications. There was a serious concern that she could lose one eye and eyesight in the other. Her ears and eyes needed treatment and she needed treatment for roundworm. And, as much as the family tried keeping Snow and Rico apart, eventually Rico (who had been born to a stray female and was rescued earlier) found his way to Snow and caught her infection. With Snow not fully recovered and Rico catching the infection, we were again contacted for help and everyone was again treated Finally with much love and care everyone is now healthy and were ready for their full vet visit in December. Everyone is now tested (negative), vaccinated, and spayed/neutered. And I just heard that Snow and Rico are doing great doing great. The rescue family is very appreciative. Because of losing their family business and their work statuses being uknown at this time, the family would not have been able to save these beauties without our help. It truly takes a village. – diana

Pecan – Gets a Blood Donor to Help With Her Eye Medicine

1/5/21 – pecan 1:5:21-- maizey blood donor pecan 1:5:21Big day today for our little Pecan!!! She has one eye left, and as you all know saving it has been our goal. Unfortunately, an appointment with the Eye Specialist is several weeks away because they are very busy. In the meantime, we have been fortunate enough to receive professional advice from our doctors at Moore Veterinary Hospital and Dr. Z of Lake Orion who handles lots of eye cases. Dr. Wright has also chimed in with her helpful experience. ♡ It takes a village!
Over the last few days the eye formed what looks like the start of an ulcer. One of the eye drops recommended in this kind of case requires a procedure of a blood draw using the serum spun down from the blood.. It can be frozen to last longer, but since Pecan is so small we needed a healthy adult kitty.
The hospital mascot “Maizey” over at Moore (beautiful long hair calico), donated the blood needed for Pecan. Our skilled tech Julie and assistant Tracey both did an awesome job getting 15mls of blood without needing full sedation!
This may significantly help to save the remaining eye, heal it faster, and reach our goal of saving any vision we can!!!! ♡
Huge thank you to foster mommy and Daddy Dee and Rick♡
I looked up the meaning of the name Maize and found it very fitting. ♡ Gina

Punky Brewster – Found Hiding Amongst Automotive Stampings

1/5/21 – Meet beautiful Punky Brewster. A supporter of 4 Paws 1 Heart, Sheila, contacted me about a 5-6 week old kitten found at the automotive stamping plant in which she works. One of the men in the plant came across this little kitten hiding in between pallets that were piled high with heavy automotive stampings. Sheila and the other employee tried several times to catch her and finally Sheila was able to catch her from behind. Sheila then contacted us to see if we could assist.
Punky was taken to a vet and was tested, dewormed, and treated for fleas and a tick that was found on the poor little baby. Sheila decided to give Punky a furever home and make her a companion for her 18 year-old kitty. Everyone is doing great and Punky will be getting her vaccines and spay complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart. – dianapunky brewster 10:2020 punky brewster w:sheila 10:22:20 punky brewster -- 10:2020 punky brewster w:sheila s 10:9:20

Pecan – Update From New Foster Mom

1/3/20 – Pecan Update. We’ll be setting up an appointment for Pecan to be seen by an eye specialist. 4 Paws 1 Heart is very lucky to have such a wonderful Board of loving caretakers even though we are officially not a Rescue. Thank you to our many supporters who make miracles like this possible. – diana
pecan 1:3:21-- pecan 1:3:21

“Wally the beaver has a buddy….her name is Pecan. Thank you Gina for entrusting this precious soul to us. She has been with us for a few days and blossoming into a crazy kitten and obviously comfy kitten….that belly exposed stretched out position is her preferred sleeping position….and she loves her belly rubbed…so rubbed it will be…with a side of raspberries.

Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart for backing he medical including removal of her ruptured eye ….and Pecan’s back story can be found on their page.

4 Paws 1 Heart – Dee”

Pecan – Update – Transferred to a New Foster Mom

1/2/21 – pecan 1:2:21Pecan Update ♡
I’m so happy and relieved to say that this little girl is now being fostered in a home where she will no doubt thrive.
When I took Pecan it was only to get her through her most critical moments. Now she is with a good friend who is able to give her the attention, interaction, socialization, and love she so desperately deserves. She will see a specialist to determine her vision capabilities and she will still require surgery on the ruptured eye.
Pecan has a long road ahead with basic vaccines, spay surgery, and addressing her eye issues.
It’s the special little Christmas miracles like Pecan that heal us without even knowing it…
Without your support Pecan wouldn’t be here so THANK YOU, 4 paws 1 heart friends and supporters for allowing us to help make these miracles happen ♡

Tiny – Getting Better

1/1/21 – Tiny Update. Please say a prayer that he starts eating on his own. – diana
Hi Team, its me….Tiny!!!
Guess what?! I made 💩 annnnd I’m eating a little bit on my own!!! I’m still getting supplemented with syringe feeding of A.D. and still getting my meds. I even played a little bit with toys and made biscuits on my new blankets Chances mom brought me. Chances mom and Aunt Deb are taking great care of me until I’m all better and able to go home. Dont mind my eyes, that’s just the camera and my eyes are watery cus I’m super congested but I’m headed in the right direction so far so please still keep me in your prayers.

tiny 1:1:21

Pecan – Continues to Fight For Her Life

Pecan Update!!!!
This little girl is doing well ♡
Great news is that she might have some vision in her right eye!!!
Time will tell.. The ruptured eye will need to be removed eventually. These animals amaze me..♡ Thank God “4 paws 1 heart” was able to give her a chance by covering her medical care after she was found in very critical condition by a good Samaritan. ♡
Since Christmas Eve Pecan has gained almost 1 pound, her discharge has almost cleared up, her fleas are gone, and her will to live is STRONG. ♡
I’m happy to be a part of her new journey. ♡
I am looking for a home for this special needs kitty. If you are interested in more information please email me. Please share with hopes to help me find her placement.
Ginapecan 12:31:20-- pecan 12:31:20

Baby Girl – A Victim of a Hit and Run is Out of the Hospital

12/31/20 – A Happy Update! Baby Girl left emergency yesterday morning and spent the night sleeping next to her rescue mom. You might remember that Baby Girl is the victim of a hit and run. She suffered trauma to her lungs which resulted in vomiting blood, trauma to her bladder which resulted in blood in her urine, and trauma to her hips and back legs resulting in bruising and pain when walking. Baby Girl also is suffering from road rash. She is now safe in her new temporary home being treated for pain and the road rash. She is being well fed, and is now warm and loved. As so often is the case in the City, no owner could be located. She will be up for adoption when she has healed.
And, as a tumultuous 2020 ends, I would again like to express my sincere appreciation for the amazing people in our community who give up so much of their lives to save animals, our professional and caring veterinary staffs who work with us, and, without whom we could do nothing, our very generous supporters. In a year when so many were out of work, shut down, or facing illness, we were able to give help to more animals than ever before in any one year. The Board of 4 Paws 1 Heart and I wish everyone of you a 2021 filled with much love, laughter, and good health. God’s blessings to all. – diana

Kiki – She Jumped Into Her Rescuer’s Car and Wouldn’t Leave

12/30/20 -I think many of us will be very happy when this year is behind us and we can just pray that 2021 is an improvement. The good news, though, is that we’ve been able to meet the needs of every request we have received, even the most difficult. And, as I’ve said so many times, we can only do what we do because of our amazing supporters, veterinary staffs, and rescuers.
This is Kiki. A long-time friend of our co-founder, Gina, contacted us about a “skinny” black & white cat who came out of nowhere and jumped into her car and wouldn’t leave. A person in the neighborhood said that the cat had been hanging around the neighborhood bothering dogs and didn’t belong to anyone. The rescuer couldn’t get Kiki to leave the car and while the rescuer was trying to catch her, Kiki ran into the car’s hatchback which the rescuer couldn’t get into. The rescuer gave up and just drove off with Kiki still in the car. The minute she started driving, Kiki jumped into the rescuer’s arms and just sat there looking out the window and purring — calm as could be. Kiki, obviously, was not a feral cat and had either escaped from her home, or, like so many other cats we help, was abandoned by her owners. Well, Kiki was pretty smart because now she has her furever home with 4 siblings and is much loved.
We are thankful that we could help the rescuers get Kiki ready for her new home (which turned out to be theirs) and to make sure she will never have babies or be on the streets again. – diana

Baby Girl – Victim of a Hit and Run

12/29/20 – Baby Girl is the victim of a hit and run. It was mid afternoon when i received a call from an amazing rescuer who we’ve helped often. Baby Girl was limping and bleeding from the mouth. We authorized her to go to our emergency partner and that’s where she’ll be through the night. She’s had blood work and x rays. We are not sure of her injuries but the doctors want to make sure there is no internal bleeding. Prayers for these poor stray animals. Thank you for your support. Without you, these animals would have no hope. – diana
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baby girl 12:29:20