Bella – Given Up By Her Family

4/19/20 – Meet Bella. Her family was giving her up because the the woman was pregnant and they didn’t want to have two cats. Also, the other cat in the house, who was NOT neutered, kept attacking her. Fortunately, a person we’ve helped in the past took her in before she was given to a shelter and contacted us. Bella is very sweet and is about one year old. 4 Paws 1 Heart took care of having her spayed, vaccinated, and tested for a urinary track infection. Thankfully, this was all before the ban on spay/neuter. – diana

bella w:tina woodin 3:16:20 bella 3:14:20

Simon – Near Death as a Result of a Backyard Breeder

4/17/20 – Simon is the other amazing rescue that Shelley contacted me about. Simon was the result of a ‘backyard breeder’ who bred Siamese cats to sell them. The breeder contacted Shelley E. for help and Shelley contacted me. Simon was already cold, nearly stiff, and curled in a fetal position inside a bowl. When Shelley picked him up, she was confident that she didn’t have enough time to even get Simon to an emergency vet. So, after consulting with one of our many experts, Simon was taken to the founder of Purrfect Paws Kittens, Tracy Stiff, and Tracy took over from there. Tracy got up every hour over the next couple days while poor little Simon went through severe diarrhea and then constipation. But with fluids and lots of care, Simon turned the corner. Yesterday, Simon, although now seeming to be out of the woods, was taken to a vet where he was put on additional fluids, treated for malnourishment, given an enema and antibiotics. The little guy is estimated to be 8 weeks old but only weighs 1 lb. I spoke with Tracy today and Simon is doing much, much better. Little Simon will possibly be a special needs kitty for the rest of his life.simon--4:12:20 w:tracy stiff simon w:tracy stiff 4:17:20 – diana

Chesterfield 7 – RIP – His Injuries Were Just Too Severe

4/17/20 – RIP Chesterfield 7. He showed up during a TNR project. His flesh was rotting and he had a large gaping wound. Our friend Shelley E. had been trying to trap him and was finally successful when she contacted me yesterday. We were able to get him into a vet where he was humanely euthanized because his condition was too severe. There are so many of these poor animals on the street needing the help of all of us. There are so many heroes in our Country and those who don’t turn their backs on animals in need should be included. I should mention that this is the second rescue of Shelley’s in just a few days. See the next post for that case. – diana 7 w:shelley emerson 4:17:20

Raven and Her Babies – Grant, Duke, Frankie — Day 10

Raven w:babies Grant, Duke, Frankie 4:15:204/16/20 – Following Raven and her babies. It’s definitely kitten season. While we pray for all of the victims of this virus, we are also praying that we can get back to neutering/spaying. Remember, a female cat can start having babies at 4 months old and she can have 3 litters a year. We can easily lose all the gains we’ve made over the past 9+ years. – diana

Alex – Found in an Area Where a Number of Kittens Have Been Shot With Pellets

4/15/20 – Last year we helped a very kind woman who kept coming across injured cats who she believes were being shot with pellets. Unfortunately, the cat we helped had a pellet in the spine and had to be euthanized. She is also the rescuer of Ziggy who we assisted with significant medical treatment. In February, she came across another cat from the same area who appeared to be shot but this time it was in the eye. We had this beauty, Alex, go to Dr. Z who reported that there was definitely trauma to the eye which caused the swelling. Alex was treated and we had our fingers crossed that surgery would not be needed. Alex is now in her furever home. – diana

alex 2:28:20 w:bonnie cushing

Bunny – Update – Before and After Photos

4/14/20 – Bunny. Look at how good she is doing? All with the love and care of our friend Jo A. When the time is right, all of these babies will be available for adoption. Although it may be a little while, if you’re interested, contact Jo at: [email protected] 4 Paws 1 Heart continue to cover their medical until they are ready to find their forever home. – diana 4:14:20 bunny 4:11:20

Jordy – RIP

4/13/20 – RIP Jordy. Jordy was one of the first of the 11 kittens who didn’t make it. These poor babies, weighing as little as 6 oz. were/are severely malnourished and have severe upper respiratory infections. Jordy was at an emergency hospital who is not a partner of 4p1h and we were not asked for assistance until our friend Jo A. got involved. The finder is a wonderful person who just moved into the area and started finding all of these cats that she has been trying to take care of out of her own pocket. We couldn’t help but pay for Jordy’s invoice even though he didn’t make it. I truly believe that having the loving and expert care of Gina and Jo A. (who works in the medical field) has made a difference in saving the lives, thus far, of 3 of the 11 kittens. We are thankful that we can support what Amanda, Gina, and Jo are doing to save all of the remaining babies. -diana

jordy rip w:amanda rumb;e 4:06:20 jordy 4:6:20

Bunny and Little One – Updates

4/13/20 – The photo on the left is the kitten, Bunny, who I posted the other day whose eyes were totally shut. Jo A. took in another of the very sick 11 kittens and named her Vivian. Jo works in the medical field not considered, for the most part, non-essential at this time so she has been home most of the time and not working. I told Jo today that sometimes there is a reason. Had it not been for her stay at home status, she would never had been able to give these kittens the care they needed. Another kitten is supposed to be going in to Jo for further care. We will continue to cover any medical costs necessary including all drugs. There are so many of these animals out there needing our help and it’s such a difficult time to do what is needed. Thank you to all for your prayers and your support. – diana

bunny 4:13:20 little one 4:13:20

Kittens – 11 of Them From What Appears to be Two Litters

4/11/20 – Update and photos of the 11 kittens from the two moms. It takes a village! – diana

amanda rumble 11 kittens including little one, bunny and vivian 4:8:20 3 of amanda rumble's kittens 4:8:20“And then there were 3…
A lot has changed in the past week here at Community Cat Care. Thursday night I had 11 snuggly kittens on my lap. Friday afternoon I found Charlie passes away and Jordy was barely hanging on. I rushed Jordy to Wilson Vet. The remaining 9 I was watching like a hawk and two of them started declining fast on Saturday. I knew I couldn’t afford multiple kittens staying at the emergency vet, as the estimate for Jordy was on track to be $1000.
I reached out to Charlotte Yakima who helped me TNR a couple weeks ago. She got me in contact with Carol Danielak Nadolski who now is fostering David, Anastasia, Jasmine & Shelby and referred me to Debra Ann Nelson (who is currently in Florida). Deb sent me with Riley & Nala to Jo Sweeney Addington. Riley declines fast on the drive there and didn’t make it. Jo & Gina DeLuca have been tag-team caring for little Nala and it is looking like she will pull through. I still have Goliath, Shelley & Pounce.
Thank you to Diana Rascano with 4 Paws 1 Heart for helping with the vet bill at Wilson’s and helping with the vetting for little Nala. Please consider donating to 4 Paws 1 Heart to help cover the cost of vetting they have helped these kittens out with.
What an absolute blessing these women I have tagged have been. You ladies have all been a tremendous help to myself and these kittens. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. ❤️ – amanda”


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