Sally, Ocso and Miura – They were Rescued After they Were Weaned From Their Mom

12/12/19 – Their mom was trapped/neutered/released and her babies were rescued. Sally, Ocso, and Miura are being spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and tested complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart. Then, they will all go to the Ferndale Cat Shelter and maybe show up at the Ferndale Cat Cafe (in case you want to meet them). I hate to think of all of the innocent animals who don’t get the chance at a second life. ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

sally w:ron cubba 12:3:19 ocso w:ron cubba 12:3:19 miura w:ron cubba 12:3:19

Java Junk – A Coffee Shop and Resale Store Who Supports 4p1h Every Day

12/12/19 – Dear Friends, I often thank our individual supporters for all they do to make our mission possible but today I would like to thank and recognize the many small businesses who are always there to help in our efforts. Java Junk Coffee Shop & Resale Store is one of them. Not only do they have a donation box at the register, their business cards and employee shirts also promote their support for 4 Paws 1 Heart. They’ve never hesitated to sponsor a fundraiser and they match every penny donated through the store. This is not your typical resale shop. They have some great items and you can get a good cup of coffee while you shop. JAVA JUNK is in Clinton Twp. on Gratiot just north of 16 Mile. Please check it out, I’m sure you will be pleased. – diana
https://www.javajunkllc.comjava junk logo

Meme – Found Dehydrated with Pale Gums, a Bloated Belly and Slightly Jaundiced

12/11/19 – Thank you to the many supporters who helped us meet the goal during our $2,500 Match campaignI. And a huge thank you to our very generous, long-time supporter who hosted the Match. Once again, our Village has given many animals a second chance at life. Meme is one of those.
I was contacted about a sick feral kitten who the rescuer said had a horrible odor, pale gums, was dehydrated, had a bloated belly, and was slightly jaundiced. The rescuer thought the cat, Meme, might have to be euthanized. Fortunately, we were able to get Meme into a vet where she was examined and treated for parasites. She eventually recovered and was spayed and vaccinated and returned to the barn community from which she was found. She is doing very well with her barn buddies. ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080
meme 12:11:19== meme 12:11:19

Nam Nam – She Tried to Save Her Babies Who Were Being Attacked by a Wild Dog

12/10/19 – I want to share the story of Nam Nam. A person who we’ve helped in the past contacted us about this horrific situation he came upon. A mama cat was trying to save her babies from two wild dogs. The rescuer said “I have never witnessed carnage like that.” None of the babies survived and mama was traumatized. He brought her home and asked us for help. The rescuer is concerned that Nam Nam may have suffered some injuries while trying to save her babies; he started seeing blood in her feces and she was acting lethargic. Of course we agreed to help.
I just can’t say enough about the amazing men and women who never turn their back on an animal in need. And, with your help, we can help them give these animals a second chance. Please consider donating as we face the severe winter weather and the continued need of those who have no one but us. – Thank You, Diana
Donate through paypal:
By Mail: P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080
nam nam 12:10:19

Gramps – 8 Years Old and Found On The Streets With a Severe Skin Allergy to Fleas

12/9/19 – gramps 12:9:19 gramps 12:9:19This guy, Gramps, (the dog in the back) is about 8 years old and was found on the streets with a severe allergic reaction to fleas. The rescuer was able to help him with that but needed help for an additional doctor visit. Gramps will have a heart worm test (pray it’s not positive) and be neutered if the doctor thinks it’s appropriate. The rescuer will be trying to find him a forever home or rescue to take him in. If you are interested in this senior, please contact Kaylie at: [email protected] – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080

Mister – Found With Two Holes on Each Side of His Anus

12/8/19 – Without our supporters and rescuers, many animals would have died on the cold streets or been born on the streets to fend for themselves — only to be hit by cars, freeze in the severe winter weather, or to be tortured by cruel humans.

Mister is an older boy who was being cared for in a cat community. His caretaker has mister 11:13:19 w:claudia hanner mister w:claudia hanner 11:13:19tnr’d some 79 cats and either found them homes or cared for them in the community. When Mister was first tnr’d (trapped, neutered, released), the rescuer was told he had no teeth so she made sure that he always had we food to eat. Last month he showed up and appeared to be in pain. the rescuer thought that he might have a blocked anal gland. She called on us for help.

Mister quickly saw a vet and poor Mister had two holes on each side of his anus. The doctor drained the abscesses and provided medication. The rescuer had to drain his wounds twice a day. Mister had a follow up visit with the doctor and he is doing great and no longer needs the abscesses drained. Mister has been living comfortably in the bedroom of the rescuer and she will make sure he has a forever home ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

Jack – Found With Bite Wounds, Flea, Mite and Worm Infested

12/7/19 – jack 12:7:19 jack 12:7:19-- jack 12:7:19++ jack 12:7:19==Make a difference in the life of an animal. Jack is one of those. He was a friendly stray who was ‘tnr’d’ (trapped, neutered, released) at one time. He showed up at the home of a person who was familiar with rescue. He had a wound on his neck and was very lethargic. We were contacted for help. Jack was seen by a doctor and two, infected bite wounds were found on his neck (see photo #2). The doctor drained the wounds and provided medication. Jack also was infested with ear mites, fleas, and worms. A once feral cat in a cat community became very domesticated over the course of his recovery. His rescuer is trying to find him a forever home. Without you, abandoned/stray animals like Jack would not have a chance. Without the rescuer and our medical help, Jack would have died from the infection. Thank YOU for making a difference. ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080

Hope and Faith – One Will Need an Eye Removal; The Other Has Her Third Eyelid Exposed

12/8/19 UPDATE: Both kitties saw a doctor yesterday; both weigh only ounces. They were given medication for the infection but Hope will need her eye removed. Please help us raise money to make this happen. She will need to gain weight before surgery can be done.

12/6/19 – Would you please say a little prayer or send some pawsitive energy for these two babies, Hope and Faith. They were found under a porch during some very cold temperatures. They are about 3-4 weeks old. One has a severe eye infection with his eye appearing to protrude; the other’s third eyelid is exposed. We are hoping to get them in to one of our great vets today or tomorrow. They will both need forever homes but for now they are safe and warm with their rescuer. We will keep you updated. – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080
hope 12:6:19 faith 12:6:19

Chloe – Found Emaciated, Suffering with a Wound on Her Head, and with Severe Parasite Infestation

12/5/19 – Chloe is another innocent who was saved because of the support of our friends. Chloe showed up skinny, with a wound on her head, and having severe diarrhea. Two kind ladies took her in and were contacted for help. Chloe’s wound was treated, her mats were removed, and she was treated for giardia which is a parasite causing severe diarrhea. What would these poor animals do without the kindness of others?? – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080chloe 12:5:19- chloe 12:5:19

Bob and Simon – Two Very Special Needs Buddies

12/4/19 – bob and simon 12:4:19Bob and Simon are two very special kitties who we helped in late 2017. Simon (white kitty) was thrown out during a snow storm resulting in 8″ of snow. I received a call from the son of a woman who had rescued Simon but was renting a room from a woman who kept throwing Simon outside because he would escape the rented room and sometimes urinate/defecate outside his room. The rescuer was at work during this snowstorm when the son sent 4p1h a message. Poor Simon was out in the snowstorm and there was no where for him to go. I contacted our friend, Jo, who jumped into action and with some coordination was able to rescue Simon and bring him to her home. Little did we know that Simon could not walk. We did everything we could to provide Simon therapy but he just was not progressing so today he lives a life of love and warmth in Jo’s home. Until this day, I cannot imagine how evil you would have to be to throw out a totally paralyzed animal into the snow with no way to fend for himself.

Bob was left behind by his owners; probably because of his diarrhea. His diarrhea was so bad when he was rescued that feces would just spill out of his little body. He also has asthma. Again, our good friend, Jo, rescued him and has given him a forever home knowing he would be difficult to adopt to another family. Bob was diagnosed with IBS but he has a loving, warm home and a great buddy in Simon. They are constantly seen cuddling together. In both cases, 4 Paws 1 Heart has continued to be committed to Bob and Simon because they are not adoptable but we appreciate that they’ve been giving a loving home with our friend and independent rescuer, Jo.
We could not do it without our Village and supporters. ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080