Vinny – RIP – May Have Been Poisoned

6/24/19 – RIP Vinny. Life on the streets is not an easy one for innocent animals. Vinny was a community cat born on the porch of a independent rescuer we have helped before. He collapsed the other night on her porch, totally jaundiced. Vinny was the second community cat to show up in the past week who was severely ill. The rescuer is concerned that someone may be poisoning cats. We approved to have him seen by one of our partner vets who immediately started him on fluids and ran tests. Unfortunately, Vinny did not make it. Outside of him being found to be FeLV positive, there was no other definitive diagnosis. He is now running free and pain free. ~ diana

RIP vinny 6:18:19 vinny memorial--6:24:19 vinny memorial 6:24:19

Rick – Has Found His Forever Home

6/21/19 – As we begin the first day of summer, I am thrilled to share this happy beginning for our boy Rick. – diana

 “CHANCE: Gooood morning Team Chance!!! Dont you just love a happy ending??? Do you remember our friend Rick who was found at a repo yard during the polar vortexand saved by our friend who works there, Mike? Mike reached out to mom & 4 Paws 1 Heart for help. Mom & Uncle Tom met Mike at the vet thanks to 4p1h and his journey began. Rick had a lot going on. He was a senior….. so scared, had injuries, believed to be deaf, tested positive for felv, needed a dental and acted like he was feral, and didnt like other cats. This was going to be a tough one. Rick went through 3 foster homes, after several snap and 2 specialized IFA tests he tested negative on both!!! In his last foster home his foster mom Ellen really taught him that it’s ok to be touched, petted, loved. He had already recieved his vaccines & neuter, again courtesy of 4p1h. And they were there again for Rick to pay for his dental and the removal and biopsy of a mass in his mouth which turned out to be nothing. As much as his foster parents loved him and wanted to keep him, he fought with their other cats. His foster mom went to work to find Rick another home and found Beth and her cat Selden. Beth fell in love with Rick, and it was decided a trial visit was in order. Both Ellen & Mom were pretty sceptical due to Rick’s past behavior with other cats. But guess what??? Rick loves his new brother Selden!!!! These pics show Rick from now back to the beginning of his journey, can you believe the transformation??? The cost of all Rick’s medical was high, but thankfully 4 Paws 1 Heart remained committed to him, as was every human who he touched on his way to his Forever Home with Beth & Selden!!!
Yep, Rick has been adopted and is loved & happy thanks to a village of awesome humans & 4 Paws 1 Heart.
Happy life now Rick, we love you!!!!
Oh, one more surprise…Rick is not deaf! 😊”rick 6:21:19 rick 6:21::19- rick before 2019 rick before---2019 rick before --- 6:19

Mr. Manns – Rescued From the Streets With Infected Testicles

6/21/19 – Mr. Manns was found on the streets — no owner found. We were contacted because the rescuer noticed that his testicles seemed to be inflamed. Mr. Mans was seen by one of our partner doctors where he was treated with antibiotics, neutered, and vaccinated. According to his new mom, Mr. Mans is doing great and is a little “goofball” ~ dianaMr Manns 6:18:19 Mr. Mans w:crystal king 6:7:19

Honey – Living in a Cat Community – Needed an Eye Removed – Never to Go Back Outside

6/20/19 – Honey was discovered in a cat community that a kind woman had been TNR’ing since last October. Honey’s eye was totally red. Honey was taken to a nearby vet where it was determined that Honey’s eye would need to be removed. The rescuer contacted us and we advised that we would help as long as I could be assured that Honey would never be outdoors again. Honey was seen by one of our partner vets where her eye was removed. Unfortunately, shortly after surgery, there was an obvious issue with the surgery and she was again taken back to the vet. It was determined that an infection had set in and, once again, poor, sweet Honey had to once again go under to reopen the wound. Yesterday, she was seen briefly by the doctor and the doctor felt everything looked good. Honey seems to be fitting in wonderfully and her rescuer will be working with her so that she can be adopted in the future.
This has been quite the Spring with kittens, serious surgeries for dogs and cats, and heart worm treatment. I am forever grateful that we can help these poor abandoned animals who would otherwise die on the streets. Thank You to the rescuers, the fosters, the adopters, our vets, and our donors.
– diana
honey w:kelly livingston waters 6:1:19 honey 6:1:19 honey 6:5:19 honey 6:10:19 honey 6:11:19 honey w:kelly 6:18:19

Ginger – Seen Being Hit By a Truck; Needed Surgery for a Broken Leg

6/19/19 – Ginger was found amongst several vacant buildings. After being seen hit by a truck, she was rescued by some very kind people who asked people in the area if anyone was aware of her owner but no one knew anything. The rescuers immediately took her to a vet. The vet determined that Ginger had a break in her leg. The rescuers paid for pain medication and antibiotics and contacted us for help. Ginger had surgery where a pin was put in her leg to repair it. She is doing great and will be seeing the doctor again next week. Again, we are so thankful that we could help Ginger because the rescuers could not afford the expense but now they have a loving addition to their family. – Diana
#Gingerginger 6:19:19 ginger w:seante

Reese – Found In a Ditch, Apparently Dumped

6/18/19 – Always thankful to be an integral part of the Village who never turns their backs on animals in need. What a little cutie. – diana
#2019 kitten season

“Welcome Reese to our crazy Hyde/Sterner foster family. This little girl was found in a ditch by Sonya Allen and her wonderful family. In an effort to find her family, it soon became apparent that she was dumped and we agreed to foster her and#4Paws1Heart Diana Rascano agreed to cover her medical expenses. Thankfully this sweetie is PENDING! 😻😻 *Side note in all the years we’ve been fostering, we’ve never fostered a female ginger….super pumped!reese 6:18:19 reese w:heather 6:18:19

Rosie Roo – Remembering Her Life

6/18/19 – The sweetest dog I’ve ever met. Rosie, you will always be in our hearts. ~ diana

“CHANCE: Goood morning Team Chance, as promised we’re going to share with you pics & stories of our beloved Roo. The top left pic is the one mom saw on Facebookunder For the Love of Louie *Michigan Lost Pet Lookers* that her finder posted that she found this lost dog. That was on Oct 5th, 2016. The look on that poor babys face haunted mom all night, she kept going back to that post and looking at that little face. Mom saw later that night that animal control had picked her up. Mom started messaging animal Control about her status, and at the same time she sent the pic to Auntie Di at 4 Paws 1 Heart with a simple message “Please call me re: this dog”. Of course Auntie Di called mom 1st thing in the morning. AUNTIE DI: “What would you like to do?”
MOM: “Go get her & foster her”.
Auntie Di without hesitation said “if they will give her to you, get her.” And with that, arrangements were made with the wonderful Animal Control Officer Lisa Taylor, and Auntie Debra & Mom brought Roo home. That 1st night she slept on the floor next to moms bed..Her nails were so long and spiraled she could barely walk, her fur was sooo matted. Pew!!! Did she ever stink!!! It was terrible!!! And that was how she got her name…Rosie⚘, Mom wanted to name her as far opposite of what she smelled like then..what she would be not what she smelled like then. The next morning when mom took her to the groomers…a very sneaky & sweet Auntie Anne Sadowski had already been to the groomer & paid for Rosie Roos grooming . The bottom pic is after Roo came home smelling sweet, all soft, clean & comfy sleeping that 1st sleep of knowing life was about to change for her!!! – Mom”rosie roo 6:18:19