Michigan Dogfighting Laws

A reason to celebrate the new year. ~ diana

Thanks to your calls, emails and letters to your elected officials, Michigan now has the toughest dogfighting laws in the country. Under the new bills that were just signed into law by Gov. Snyder, dogfighters can be put behind bars for up to 20 years and be forced to pay a $100,000 fine. Before, dogfighters could get a maximum of 4 years and often received much less.

Thank you so much for all you do – this would not have been possible without you. Learn more:http://www.freep.com/article/20121231/NEWS06/312310070/Michigan-cracks-down-on-animal-fighting-with-tough-laws-new-penalties-20-years-in-prison-and-100-000-fine

Yankee – Another Life Saved

While Portia from Heroes for Homeless Animals was at the shelter rescuing ‘pregnant’ mama, she saw this very emaciated, neutered, 1-2 yr. old male needing immediate rescue — which she did. Yankee has kennel cough and whipworm; he is very sweet, loves to fetch and knows some commands. Again, 4P1H will help with medical dollars and once again, we thank our rescue friends for making such a difference in the lives of these abused and abandoned dogs. ~ diana

Ruby (Almost Recovered)

RUBY UPDATE: Ruby and Ashley…. Ruby is almost fully recovered. Three months ago she broke both of her front legs falling down a flight of stairs. We have been splinting her legs every week since. Now Ruby has her bandages off and we are going to schedule the pins to be removed. If all goes well Ruby has a very potential home lined up:) Keep paws crossed Ruby will make a full recovery!! ~ Gina

Treasure Found Her Place of Love

Just to save everyone time, here was our original posting about Treasure. She was moved around a couple of times but eventually found her place of love with Christine Hyde Tidwell. Here is her story and her original photo from one the owners brought her in to be euthanized. ~ diana


SHE has been abused, forced to breed numerous times and was saddled with infections. Treasure is hospitalized for badly infected bite wounds. She has a drain tube from her spine to underneath her chest. I don’t think Treasure ever experienced a bath or unconditional love in her life based on the odor and filth she was presented with. I think she was mainly used for popping out puppies! We got her owner to surrender her to us as opposed to euthanizing. ~ Gina

Wishes and Blessings for 2013

4 Paws 1 Heart wishes that all of our friends, supporters, and fellow animal advocates have a year filled with much love, laughter, good health, and success. May 2013 bring much needed legislation regarding companion animal rights, an awareness to prosecutors and judges that animal cruelty is serious and dangerous to a community, and many more loving families who are willing to foster and support the abandoned, stray, and abused. May God Bless and watch over all of our fur babies and give them all the opportunity to be safe and warm. ~ The Board Members of 4 Paws 1 Heart

Feed, Rescue, Foster, Adopt

As we begin 2013 I would like all of our friends to consider the plight of our felines. For some reason when a puppy mill is raided, everyone comes to the rescue. Every qualified dog gets a home and treatment. BUT when a cat hoarder is discovered, no one seems to care. There are no news stories and hundreds of people looking to help and donate their time and money. Why is that??? For some reason people seem to think it’s ok for cats to be on the streets but not dogs. Because they are small and of little threat to humans, people seem to ignore the problem of homeless cats. Did you know that the kill rate for cats in most shelters is around 90% while the kill rate for dogs is around 60%. Why is that?? Cats are loving and beautiful and require very little. A warm bed, a bowl of food and water, and a litter box. I ask all of you to please make a difference in the life of a cat, they also need you. ~ diana
Some would say she’s a crazy cat lady!… we’d say she is a kind soul…it’s just a matter of love ♥