Apple (aka Oatie) – Found On an Overpass Near the Freeway

3/2/21 – First let me humbly thank our dear, long-time friend who celebrated her 50th Birthday by offering to match up to $1,000 in donations through the end of February. Because of her and the amazing generosity of our supporters, the challenge was met. These dollars are used to fund medical treatment for the many stray, abused, and abandoned animals found on the streets injured or sick. Apple (formerly known as Oatie) is one of those animals. Here is what was sent to me during the brutal month of December:
“I found the sweetest pit bull while out on my run on Sunday. She was on an overpass by the Lodge freeway. She came straight to me. She was hungry and cold, but very friendly. She licked my face and hopped right in my car when my husband came to get us. My friend, Ash, of My Sidekick Dog Training, is fostering her at her home and I’m helping her as much as I can, as I don’t have space and my pup doesn’t do well with other dogs in her space.
Ash and I named her Oatie. Ash noticed a cough today, so I brought her to the vet. She has heart worms and there are larvae in her blood. I’m starting her on Doxycycline and they’re doing a chest x ray and blood work. Ash suggested that I reach out to your organization to ask if you can help with the heart worm injections that will be coming. She’s such a good girl; I have to have her treated. I can’t leave her to deal with this. But today’s bill was already so expensive and it was only the first round of treatment. She’s going to make someone such a wonderful best friend. Ash and I will make sure she’s cared for and find her a good home. If there’s any way 4 Paws 1 Heart can help it would truly be a bright light in this crazy year. Thank you for your time and consideration. I truly appreciate what you and your group do. – Megan”
Fortunately, we were able to say YES and Apple started her treatment at Comfort’s Place on January 5. AND, the even better news is that she has found her forever home with a loving mom who also happens to be a nurse. Of course, we have a commitment to this very sweet girl and will complete her medical treatment until she is fully recovered and has been able to be spayed and vaccinated. – dianaApple 3:2:21 apple 3:2:21- apple 3:2:21==

Mileena – Updatae

2/28/21 – Mileena Update!! Remember Mileena. She is the Bengal cat who was very sick and diagnosed with what the doctor thought was FIP (feline infectious peritonitis).
According to the Pet Health Network, FIP is a progressive and often fatal disease that is caused by a coronavirus. In most cases, the virus causes mild, treatable symptoms in cats but in rare cases the coronavirus may mutate to a more virulent form which is able to weaken the cat’s immune system and spread throughout the body by way of the white blood cells, often resulting in death. Kittens and cats under the age of 3 are at greatest risk for FIP. Not all cats exposed to FIP will develop the disease but it can be spread through a cats feces. Once developed though it can stay active for a long period of time, until surfaces are thoroughly disinfected. There are two forms of FIP. An acute form, often referred to as ‘wet’ and a chronic form known as dry. The ‘wet’ form comes on suddenly and its most common sign is a buildup of fluid in the abdomen and chest cavity causing difficulty in breathing, and, in some cases, a swollen abdomen. With the ‘dry’ form there is no fluid buildup; instead, lesions develop on the organs, often resulting in neurological symptoms such as seizures or paralysis. Liver and kidney problems may also occur. Most often there will be weight loss and depression. A cat showing these symptoms should always be seen by a veterinarian who can examine and perform some tests. At this time there is no known cure for FIP.
Mileena was to start on a trial drug but with antibiotics and home care she started to get better. And, today, I want to report that she is doing great. She has continued to see our veterinarian for blood work and will once again be going in again to have her kidney functions checked. It is absolutely certain that she had the virus but may have been lucky enough that it didn’t mutate to the deadly level.
I received an update on Mileena yesterday who will be adopted by the wonderful family who took her in when she was so very sick. Once Mileena gets the go-ahead to get spayed and vaccinated, she will be all theirs. Here is Mileena with her new BFF, Garpy and how she looked when she first came into our lives. I hope this update makes you smile as much as it made me smile. – diana

Ivy – Rescued Near a Motel; Possibly Left Behind by a ‘Guest’

2/28/21 – Last day of the shortest month of the year and the kitties keep coming! And, now, unfortunately, it appears that “kitten season” has started early. What more can happen in this very insane year.
This beauty, Ivy, was just rescued near a motel where a friend of 4p1h has found others. There is a small wooded area behind the motel and it appears that people who may be staying at the motel are leaving their cats behind or people are dropping them off in the woods. This baby is very pregnant and will be seeing one of our partner doctors for a wellness check. Thankfully she was rescued by Christina H. who has made sure that Ivy does not have her babies in the cold snow and rain. – diana

Sadie – Rescued During a Snow Storm; Her Mom Killed by a Coyote

2/27/21 – Sadie was rescued during a snow storm. The finder says there were other siblings (although they were never found) and she thought that the mother was attacked by a dog, although now it appears a coyote may have killed her because a coyote had been hanging around the property. Our friend, Karen, and independent rescuer contacted us for help and we took care of Sadie’s spay, vaccines, and testing. – dianasadie w:karen cartier 12:26:20 sadie w:karen cartier

Rocky – Because of the Bite Scars, It’s Suspected He Was Used as a Bait Dog

2/25/21 – This is Rocky. It is suspected he was being used as a bait dog by a dog fighting ring. Rocky is estimated to be about 5 months old. He had bite scars all over his body. A brave and caring person got him out of the situation yesterday and he was able to get into one of our vets immediately for a heart worm test, vaccines, a general check up and eventual neuter. Rocky also had a growth on his jaw which may have been caused by another earlier injury and may require an x ray. A rescue organization will be searched to take him in and ensure he is able to decompress. The rescuer advised that even with all of this abuse, Rocky is very sweet. – diana

ALERT – Cats in Danger; Being Used in Dog Fighting

2/24/21 – ALERT – This information came from a friend who cares for cat communities and rescues both dogs and cats in Detroit.
“Some dog fighting rings are now putting purple, yellow, and green bright colors on white areas of cats that they’re using as bait for fighting dogs. They now are betting on which cat will last the longest by three marked colors that are on them. So tell people to watch their cat communities. The only.reason this is out is that a lucky grey kitty escaped with purple paws and then later other cats were found dead, with color-coded parts. Plus, I had someone warn me to watch out for this.”
If anyone can add to this information it would be appreciated by all cat rescuers and caretakers. And this is one of many reasons for NEVER giving out cats for free and without appropriate vetting of the humans. – diana
3/11/21 – This

TeeTee (aka Kiki) – Update

2/24/21 – After a very sad beginning of the week, I received this very happy update. You might remember Miss TeeTee (now Miss Kiki) she’s the kitty who jumped in the rescuer’s car and refused to leave. When the rescuer gave up trying and started to drive, Kiki jumped in the rescuer’s lap and the rest is history. Here is Elisavet’s update:
“We cannot even believe how sweet, easygoing she is. I was afraid she might be a little feral after she chewed her way out of the kittypen the night before she went to get fixed but nope! She totally loves being an indoor kitty & is pretty well behaved for a hoodrat kitty lol. She does like to chew into the trashbags & if bread or bread-like products are left out unguarded, guarantee there will be parts eaten next time we see them so now the bread & bread-like products live in the oven lol.
She’s a sweet funny baby & our youngest (a boy we found outside the laundromat two yrs ago when he was just a starving wet skinny shivering kitten) has a playmate!! He had been driving our old ladies crazy wanting to play & they wanted no part of running, chasing & jumping lol. Miss Kiki LOVES to play!!
Thank u again so so much for getting her all fixed up. We adore her more than I can say.”
God’s blessings to all who rescue and may he watch over the many animals who haven’t been lucky enough to be rescued yet. – diana
kiki 1:26:21 kiki 12:30:20----

Onyx – Update

2/23/21 – Remember Onyx. We don’t know how it happened but we thought she would lose a toe and her leg. We arranged to have her seen by Dr. Zalac of Orion Animal Hospital who prescribed antibiotics and medical soaks. Yesterday, Onyx had another follow-up visit and the doctor was very pleased with the results. Onyx has gained a little weight. Her wounds are almost totally healed. No more medicines, no more soaks, and she can use regular litter. Onyx was vaccinated but she is still having bowel issues. She may have irritable bowel syndrome. She has a recheck in 3 weeks. Because of our amazing doctors, our generous supporters, and the caring rescuers/fosters, another kitty found in the brutal cold, who would have surely lost her leg, or worse, died on the streets, is saved an loved. Onyx will eventually be needing her forever home so please keep this beauty in mind. She is very loving and loves to lay on the bed purring most of the day. – diana

Jasper – Found Dragging His Back Legs

2/22/21 – Our friend Jo A. took in a rescue 12 days ago and placed him with a great foster. The cat was eating and drinking but dragging his back legs. We were able to get him into one of our favorite doctors who found he has a crushed vertebrae, his pelvis is misaligned, and he has tail damage. Of course, we don’t know how all of this happened. The doctor gave pain meds and antibiotics and ordered crate rest. Today, the foster checked in to say that Jasper is doing much better and is, surprisingly, able to stand and walk although a little ‘crookedly’. He is now off of the antibiotics and has two more days of pain meds. He will be having a follow up visit with the doctor this Friday. – diana

Chloe – RIP – Abandoned by Her Owners When They Moved

2/22/21 – RIP Chloe. This beautiful girl was abandoned by her owners when they moved. A friend of the rescuer would feed her but noticed that other strays in the neighborhood would beat up on her. The rescuer, Candice, took Chloe in and noticed that she was breathing heavily and after one night in her home, was no longer walking. We were able to get Chloe in to one of our partner vets today and the doctor discovered that Chloe had a huge tumor on her lung. Her prognosis was very dim and it was decided to humanely euthanize her. The rescuer will be with her this afternoon when she crosses the Rainbow Bridge and we will provide for a private cremation so that she can be buried with love when the ground is no longer frozen. May God bless the rescuer and our many veterinarians who generously work with us. – diana