10/7/13 Sweet Keller after his surgery to remove his eyes. He is loving his new mom, brother, Taz, and his new life.~ diana
Daily Archives: October 7, 2013
Token Lounge
Action Needed

Dear Friends of Animals,
SB 354, “Grant’s Bill” to end the use of gas chambers in Michigan animal shelters, passed out of the full Senate overwhelmingly with a 37-0 vote! IMPRESSIVE! Now SB 354 goes to the House of Representatives. SB 354 was assigned to the Local Government committee. Your polite calls are now needed to Representative Amanda Price (chair of Local Gov. Committee). Ask Representative Price to please hold a hearing for SB 354 to ban gas chambers in Michigan animal shelters.
Representative Amanda Price
N-1193 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: (517) 373-0838
Fax: (517) 373-9830
Email: [email protected]
Next, will you also contact your Representative and ask them to support SB 354? You can find your Representative and contact information athttp://house.michigan.gov/
All you need to say is, “I am a constituent, and would like to ask Representative ______ to please vote yes on SB 354 to end the gassing of Michigan’s shelter pets.”
For more info and talking points please visit:http://
Thank you for your support & for helping to end the use of gas chambers in Michigan!
Michiganders for Shelter Pets

Prayers Needed for Connor

I got to speak with the doctor as well. He said that for only being there a few days, he has really improved. His kidney functions are still higher than normal, but they are steadily dropping. He has been responding to treatment for lepto since Day 1. He was quick to remind me though that things could still go either way. His kidneys may be fatally damaged; it is still too early to tell. Connor has lost a lot of weight and his steps are unsure. He sways a little when he stands. For all the progress he’s made, its clear that he still has a long road ahead of him. He didn’t end up eating the food I brought him, but the doctor said they’ll mark it and save it for him in the fridge. I also brought him a new tshirt.
We spent the rest of the time curled up on the floor together. He eventually fell asleep in my arms and drifted off into dreams (doing the “chasing rabbits” bit). I could only imagine he was dreaming of being back home with the pack playing in the yard. I
took some new photos, he’s more alert and hopeful in these pictures, but his struggle and weight loss is apparent as well. I’ll get the photos up as soon as I can, but that probably won’t be til tomorrow evening.
Thanks again for everyone’s thoughts and prayers. Connor still needs them more than ever.”