8/28/23 – Poison, was an outside stray who showed up in Martha’s backyard in January of 2022. It was bitterly cold and he was crying and crying and he looked very sick. He was foaming at the mouth. Martha was afraid to help him because, as she said “his sickness was so scary”. She named him Poison because she thought maybe he ate a poison rat in that she lived in an area with a huge rat problem. Martha put food for him and he ate a little and then got into and sat down in the dish. The other cats had an abandoned garage that she had put straw in but he didn’t have anything. So, she made a little pad with an old blanket so he could get his feet off the cold cement. Then she ordered a small tent from Amazon for him. A couple of days later she put a heating pad in there for him. The first 5 to 7 days he spent most of meal time chasing the other cats away from the food. He was afraid there wouldn’t be enough. He soon figured there is plenty for everybody. He quit foaming at the mouth but his breathing continued to be awful. Martha was able to get him in a trap and take him to a vet one time but she couldn’t afford all the treatments they wanted to give him. So, they gave him the antibiotic shot and she took him back home where he continued to live outside.

Martha, contacted us in early July. At that time, Poison also had a wound along with his continuing breathing issue. Poison was again trapped and taken to a partner veterinary clinic and was diagnosed with asthma and pneumonia. He also has something in his digestive tract that may have been from liver disease. He had maggots in a wound. The veterinary staff was able to remove all maggots and he was given antibiotics for the wound , medication for his asthma/pneumonia, and medication for flea and ticks. Martha kept Poison inside while she needed to give him medication but then he was again released outside. In mid July, Martha contacted me to report that Poison’s breathing was still bad and he seemed to be failing. After two years of struggling with infections, Martha didn’t think there was much hope. We continued to try and get him the help he needed but he was so difficult for Martha to trap and yesterday Martha messaged me that she found Poison, passed away in her yard. He had been to her porch to eat earlier in the day and seemed fine but we guess his illnesses were just too great. Martha saw Poison’s ‘girlfriend’ sitting by his side as he laid in her yard.

Poison has been buried and he is now in peace, no longer suffering. Please keep Martha in your prayers. So many people, like Martha, spend their own money and work so hard to reduce the over population of animals in our communities. And, then, when they find an ill or injured animal, once again they do everything possible to help. I wish we could have done more. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Thank you so much for the nice memorial on your Facebook page. I love caring for my colony and I feel sad each time one dies. I had 7 cats. Now I have 6. Poison was the king of my backyard and would chase off any new cat that tried to eat at the feeding station. I could not get him nutered because his poor health would not stand the surgery. There are many stray/feral cats around here. Maybe there is room for another to join the colony now. RIP Poison. – Martha


8/28/23 – Last week we were asked to help with Viva whose eye was scratched by litter mates and then suddenly ruptured. Our friend, Emily K., who has helped with special needs dogs and cats contacted us to help out. Here is Viva’s story:

“Viva is a kitten I’ve had since she was 2 weeks old. She came to me as part of a litter of five in absolutely shocking condition, paralyzed to the point she almost couldn’t breathe on her own, and same for the rest of the litter. We lost three to this paralysis when they lost the ability to breathe, but we have two survivors, Viva and Sparkle (my paper towel litter lol). It was determined the babies had botulism – extremely rare, but it does happen and it is reportable to the state of Michigan. Very interesting case! Through their recovery, we’ve struggled with weight gain and lasting neurological deficits, but they are mostly normal kittens now, just extra tiny. Unfortunately, this past week, Viva got scratched on the eye during a wrestling match with her sister. In a matter of 48 hours, the eye went from watery to ruptured and infected, bulging out of her head, despite eye drops and oral antibiotics. Her eye was removed at Orion on Wednesday with your help that we are so very grateful for. Dr Blasses dissected the eye and it appears she had a deep ulcer that must have made it especially fragile. We had no idea she had an ulcer, she had no symptoms before this scratch. She is doing well, healing and back to her normal, goofy self. She is getting warm compresses to help drain some fluid from inside, but otherwise all is looking good. Thank you so much for your help with sweet Viva. She has had such a rough life so far and I want the best for her. We couldn’t have taken care of her eye without your generosity.

I’ve attached before and after photos for you. – Emily”

Please consider donating and/or participating in our fundraisers because without our supporters, little ones like Viva and so many others would not have that second chance at life. Thank YOU – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


On August 18, 2023 4 Paws 1 Heart celebrated 13 years of making a difference in the lives of stray, abandoned, and abused animals. But without the generosity and expertise of the many veterinarians who have trusted us in our mission, thousands of animals wouldn’t be alive today. Dr. Catherine Roach has been one of those doctors and today we want to ask all of our supporters to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

On August 22 Dr. Roach’s loving husband, Dr. Mark Lamb, of 25 years unexpectedly passed away. Dr. Roach is a close friend and advisor to our co-founder, Gina DeLuca Jenio. They worked together early on when they both worked in an emergency veterinary hospital. Through the years, Dr. Roach continued to be a friend to 4 Paws 1 Heart and helped when Gina’s loving pets had to cross the Rainbow Bridge. And, even in her loss, she is again thinking about those animals who have no one else. She has asked that Dr. Lamb’s life be remembered through donations to 4 Paws 1 Heart.

Dr. Lamb’s family and friends are in our prayers and we hope that they will find some comfort in knowing that Dr. Lamb’s legacy will live on in the many animals who will be saved because of their love.

Diana and Gina

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/27/23 – This past week I received the following e mail:

“’Im looking for help in finding a vet and resources for a cat that was left outside a pet store where I volunteer to care for rescue cats waiting for adoption. This sweet little cat was left in a carrier with a note attached stating she is pregnant and was abused (see attached). I took her home to give her a safe place with all the food and water she wants. Her previous owner has been contacted and the sad fact is Ivy hasn’t had much of a stable life.

She’s just over a year old, her littermate was killed in the home by a dog, she was re-homed to another person and that was who dumped her after about 6 weeks. She is very thin, she has many shave marks from electric clippers all over her body and her whiskers were cut on one side. She appears to be pregnant.

Despite all of this, Ivy is affectionate, sweet, and loving. She just needs a little help getting through this so she can find a loving home where she can know love and security. Can you help me find a vet that can make sure she is and remains healthy? – Erin”

Fortunately, we were able to get Erin and sweet Ivy into Orion Animal Hospital where the doctor confirmed the pregnancy. In fact, Ivy is expected to have her babies any day now. With the exception of Ivy’s physical appearance and the obvious proof she had been abused, Ivy appears to be healthy. Erin is preparing herself to monitor the births and will let me know if anything is needed. This will be Erin’s first experience with a pregnant cat but I told her that the great staff at Orion Animal Hospital (which she absolutely loved) would be happy to answer any questions she might have. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Thank you to everyone for the encouragement and kind words. Ivy is safe and warm. She has as much mother/kitten food as she wants, clean blankets and a bed, a private nesting area for her to have her kittens, and most of all she has love and affection.

I am nervous but excited to help this sweet soul bring her kittens into a world where they will all know kindness. – Erin