Copper – Found in the Middle of the Road — His Face Covered With Mud and Grass — They Thought He Was Dead

11/1/18 – Prayers for Copper. Here is his story:
“My co-worker found Copper in the middle of a dirt road (off County Line Rd.) on her way to work two weeks ago. She thought he was dead in the road but then saw him move so she stopped and picked him up and brought him to work. When she told me about him and said he was out in her car I went out to see him. His face was covered in mud and grass, eyes almost completely closed with infection and mud. Mud was up his nostrilsand green drainage coming out as well from infection. His right eye was severely swollen open. The blades of grass were stuck to his open eyeball. Dr. K removed tons of ear mite dirt from both ears and cleaned him up as best he could. I took Copper home with daily antibiotics (liquid) and eye ointment and kitten food too. He was lethargic and just wanted to sleep. After a day of medicine and kitten formula he perked up significantly. He is now a member of our family (2 adult cats 6 and 17 yrs old and 1- 14 year old dog (blind for 2 years now). Everyone is getting along well together. I am reaching out to our organization to see if you would be able to provide any financial help with Copper’s upcoming surgery. Thank you. Linda N”

Of course, we could not turn our back after this sweet guy fought through so much. Copper’s medical is now under 4 paws 1 heart and he will be having his surgery tomorrow. Prayers for this little one. ~ diana 1 Copper 2 Copper 3 copper 4 Copper 5

Stevie Wonder (aka Oliver) – The Shelters Wouldn’t Take Him Because He Was Blind; Both Eyes Have Since Been Removed

10/31/18 – It was a few weeks ago when I was contacted by our friend, Shelley Emerson. She had been contacted about a small kitty hanging outside of a local animal shelter. Unfortunately, as a municipal shelter, this little one wasn’t taken in because he appeared to be blind. Shelley contacted me to see if we would back medically, then she called our other friend to see if she would take him in if she was able to capture him. Well, all of that was done and Stevie (aka Oliver) was taken to the vet where he was examined, vaccinated, tested, and neutered. It could not be determined if Stevie was totally blind and we decided to have our Stevie seen by one of our favorite doctors, Dr. Natalie Zalac. who now has her own practice, Orion Animal Hospital. Dr. Z found that Stevie is totally blind which was probably the result of an earlier disease never treated. Because his eyes were partially open, they would be susceptible to infection and would need to be cleaned and treated with ointment three times a day. Dr. Z. believed that Stevie would be much more comfortable without his eyes, which were gradually shrinking. Also, we all felt it might be easier to find him a forever home if the adopter didn’t have to worry about cleaning his eyes multiple times a day. And, we thought it would be easier for Stevie if he didn’t have to poked and prodded three times a day and take a chance on further issues.
Stevie had both eyes removed yesterday and was picked up this morning. He is doing great. He is very lovable and knows how to use his litter box. We would love to see him get a nice, quiet, loving home. Anyone interested in Stevie should contact his foster mom, Debra at: [email protected] – diana
stevie aka oliver w:debbie and debra 102518 stevie 10:31:18

Lennon – Found on the Street Requiring Emergency Eye Surgery

10/29/18 – Meet Lennon. He was found on the street and required emergency enucleation. During surgery he arrested four times then stayed hospitalized and later had surgery with another form of anesthesia. 4 Paws 1 Heart helped Paws For Life Rescue with his medical bill. We are grateful for all of the great rescues who take on these tragic situations daily. ~ diana 10:29:18 Lennon 10:19:18++

Fatty – She Lived Her Life

10/27/18 – The other night I was contacted by our friend, Megan, asking if we could assist in having Fatty humanely euthanized as his body functions were breaking down and she didn’t want him to suffer.. Here is his story. RIP Sweet Boy ~ diana

“This is Fatty. He was already neutered and not really feral. He had been in a cat community and when it was discovered that he was domesticated, he was taken in by an awesome family who knew that they would have to foster him until his last day because of his age. It appeared he had been abandoned by his family. Fatty claimed his new rescue family as his own. Over the last few years he has started to slow down and show his age. The vet estimated him to be around 20-22 years of age. Today Fatty told us that it was time to cross the bridge. With the help of 4 Paws 1 Heart, he peacefully crossed the bridge being held with love and care.
Rest in heaven sweet boy.- Megan”
fatty 10:27:18

Terry – Reducing the Overpopulation of Cats

10/25/18 – Because of the many cats who have come to us for help, many people think we only assist abandoned/stray cats. But that is not the case–we are equal opportunity. The problem is that no matter how many cats we have helped to get spayed/neutered, the need never seems to change. And, the more stray cats, the more injuries and illnesses. We received the following from Theresa:

“I got him in June/July at 7 weeks old. My blind acquaintance/friend wanted a kitten and got him off the street on 7 mile and Woodward through a friend. She ended up realizing it was too hard for her and called me to take him back to where he came from. I told her I’m not taking him and dropping him back off outside so I brought him to my house and he is just the most loving hilarious cat with such funny quirks. I thank you so much for helping me to get him fixed. We don’t need any more kittens around the neighborhood just in case he ever got outside.”

Can you imagine this little cutie being left outside? ~ dianaTerry - 10:25:18 Terry--10:25:18

Sophie and Moana – Their Owner Became Ill and Could No Longer Care for Them

10/24/18 – Sophie and Moana are ‘senior ladies’ who were given over to a foster after their owner became ill. Unfortunately, after a short while, the family was never back in contact with the foster and now she is responsible for finding placement for them. One had a severe upper respiratory infection and both needed vaccines and spays — all covered by 4p1h. Sophie and Moana are listed on our Friends of 4 Paws fb page and our petfinder site. So many animals find themselves in these situations when owners don’t make prior plans for their pets. ~ diana and Moana 10:24:18

Pepper – Abandoned by His Owners and Then Bounced Around

10/22/18 – Bounced and Abused — Meet Pepper.

Pepper was left outside to fend for herself after her owners “packed up and left” in August. The neighbor had been feeding her and letting her into her home on cold nights. The neighbor had taken Pepper to Animal Control where it was found that she had been chipped but the owner’s information was not registered — although, quite frankly, why would anyone want to return this cat to an owner who kicked her out. She was spayed in July and turned into Animal Control in September and was now back on the streets.

She is super friendly although a little thin. There are a few people interested in adopting her (paws crossed).
And, as someone recently said, 4 Paws 1 Heart (and our supporters) were there to make sure that Pepper would be physically ready for her new home. Prayers that Pepper finds that forever, loving, and permanent home. ~ diana

pepper 10::22:18

Rooster – He Was Sitting in the Middle of the Road

10/22/18 – Meet Rooster. His rescuer sent me the following message:

Thank you again for giving a helping hand to this sweet stray that has captured everyone’s hearts. We’re calling him Rooster for now, but I expect that to change as his personality comes out. The vet techs were snuggling him and asking if I planned to keep him—which I hope to do—but if not, I have every confidence that we’ll find him a great forever home.

I’ve included a photo of Rooster. He may look like he’s mean-mugging, but he has a heart of gold. When I met him, he was sitting in the middleRooster w:jill leonard 10:16:18of the road, completely oblivious that I had just pulled up behind him and he was in my path. I got out to check on him and after a moment of standoffishness, he couldn’t get enough attention. I left the car parked at the curb, and he walked beside me all the way home like the most loyal companion. We’ll get him feeling better in no time. He has ear mites, ear infections, can’t hear, and has fleas bad enough that they resulted in anemia and may be the cause of his heart murmur. Thanks to you, I have the meds to treat him and he will be vaccinated when he is well enough. ~ Jill”

Rooster is under the rescue SouthMittens Kittens. If you are interested in adopting him, please contact [email protected]

Fundraiser – November 15, 2018

10/21/18 – ELVIS IS BACK and tables are going FAST. Get your tickets today. We have tables for 10 and 4. And, of course we can always reserve your seat with other animal lovers. Hope to see all of our friends. Tickets can be purchased through paypal:
or by mail — P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
Mark your payment as for Elvis. ~ dianaelvis