
9/29/13 – Meet Oreo. He is about 2 – 3 years old and was seen being hit by a car two nights before. When Oreo arrived in the Emergency, he was in a fetal position, curled up because he could not stand or walk. Oreo also had maggot eggs on both sides of his face, and literally, was skin and bones. As of tonight, he is eating like a champ and is doing much better. Medical treatment continues at the Emergency; he will need a forever home, foster or rescue when he recovers. Contact Gina at [email protected]
10/2/13 – Here is Oreo slowly mending after being hit by a car several nights ago. I truly think he would have died in the street from shock if the nice caring people who saw him just left him there. A friend of 4P1H will be fostering Oreo very soon until a rescue is available or we can find him a home. We estimate Oreo to b about 4 yr old, he is fixed, and friendly with other cats. He doesn’t mind small dogs either. If anyone is interested in adopting this sweetheart or if there is a rescue who can help place him, please contact me at [email protected]